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Displaying 4001 - 4020 of 4055

NIH Cracks Down on Scientists' Conflicts of Interest

As of March 7, 2005, National Institute of Health (NIH) employees are no longer allowed to accept consulting fees and stock options from pharmaceutical companies. A group of scientists have formed an...

California Affirms Low Limit of Rocket Fuel in Water Supplies

California will keep its recommendation for the legal limit of the toxic rocket fuel chemical perchlorate in drinking water at 6 parts per billion (ppb), despite EPA levels set over four times higher...

EPA Suppresses Inconvenient Study in Critical Mercury Decision

In the wake of weak mercury pollution standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency last week, The Washington Post reported that the EPA failed to include findings from their own study...

New Study Finds Chemical Cocktail in Household Dust

Tests on household dust in seven states show that we're breathing in a hodgepodge of chemicals from consumer products, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. On the shortlist of 35 toxic industrial...

Bush administration, ACC battle EU cosmetic safety laws

Not content to pander to the cosmetics industry by requiring no safety testing on American personal care products, the Bush administration is now working to thwart Europe's attempts at improving...

Virtual Flood: Virtual Water, Real Profits

The federal government has promised Central Valley agribusinesses that it will increase the amount of taxpayer-subsidized irrigation water by 44 percent over the next 25 years, well beyond what the...

Lax Enforcement on Mercury Pollution Controls Linked to Economic Losses

The Bush Administration says it will allow coal-burning power plans and other mercury polluters to trade emissions allowances, rather than requiring each facility to meet stricter standards. The cap...

Will Congress cut food programs instead of wasteful farm subsidies?

The Associated Press reports that Congress is considering cutting food programs for the poor instead of reforming wasteful farm subsidies to huge agribusinesses. The farm programs cost taxpayers...

EWG Congratulates Sen. Grassley on Payment Limits Amendment

Congressional Quarterly reports that Senator Grassley (R-IA) won support on his amendment to reasonably limit wasteful farm payments.

California Paper Looks at One Family's Body Burden

The Oakland Tribune devoted three days and thousands of words to telling the story of one local family's exposure to toxic chemicals. The paper's superb series presents a new and updated take on the...

GAO Clears the Air on EPA Pollution Analysis

The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) took the EPA to task this week for using fuzzy math and ignoring health effects to bolster President Bush's cap-and-trade proposal for mercury...

DuPont Agrees to Settlement After Poisoning Drinking Water

DuPont Corp. has agreed to pay a settlement of over $100 million to residents of Parkersburg, WV, after knowingly contaminating their drinking water with PFOA, a toxic chemical used to make Teflon.

Australian asbestos exporter lobbies Congress for "no fault" legislation before American victims can be compensated

In the wake of the W.R. Grace indictment for asbestos poisoning in Libby, Mont., Australian building products company James Hardie Industries is working hard to make sure it escapes responsibility for...

Fire retardants found in Canadian foods

New tests by Toronto's Globe and Mail and CTV News show some of the world's highest levels of chemical fire retardants in common Canadian foods.

New Hampshire Determined to Limit Mercury Emissions, Despite Federal Stalling

With the Bush administration dragging its heels on limiting mercury emissions from power plants, concerned New Hampshire citizens are calling for legislation independent of federal regulations, the...

Taking From the Taxpayers

The Bush administration is paying some of the biggest and richest agribusinesses in America $17 million for cutbacks in their taxpayer-subsidized water supply. But an EWG investigation found that...

Farmed Fish Consumption Rising Along With PCBs

The Washington Post reports that half the fish consumed worldwide will be farm-raised instead of wild-caught by the year 2025, exposing Americans to more fish with plenty of healthy omega-3s and...

More health problems for asbestos victims?

Researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered a possible link between asbestos and autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Politicizing Safety: When Corporations Trump Children

In her new book "It's My Party Too,” former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christie Whitman's accuses the chemical industry's lobbying arm, the American Chemistry Council (ACC)...

U.S. Court Rules Citizens Can't Challenge Mining Claims

In a landmark decision, citizens of Crested Butte, Colo., were told they have no right to challenge the Interior Department's giveaway of public land in their backyards.
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