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Displaying 1801 - 1820 of 4056

What Monsanto Doesn’t Want You To See

When consumers across Europe started campaigning for GMO labeling in the early 1990s, Monsanto released a series of advertisements in support of mandatory GMO labels.

Toxic Chemicals in Oil and Gas Drilling Waste: The List Grows Longer

New tests of wastewater discharged from oil and gas drilling in Pennsylvania and West Virginia show that water tainted with high levels of toxic chemicals is ending up in rivers and streams.

Unregulated Genetic Engineering: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Some companies are so hell-bent on avoiding oversight of their genetically engineered crops that they are using new technique to avoid any government review of the safety and environmental impact of...

How To Head Off Another Elk River Crisis

The Elk River chemical disaster, which unfolded a year and four days ago, is one of those crises too terrible to waste. Here are five surprising lessons we need to learn from the spill, which...

Big Ag: Cheaper to Pollute

The American Farm Bureau Federation believes that it's simply cheaper to pollute America's rivers and streams – and pass the cost on to water utilities like the Des Moines Water Works – than it is to...

A Lost Opportunity for Americans’ Health and the Environment

Around the world, food production occupies more land than any other human activity (about 40 times the area of all cities and suburbs combined), uses more freshwater than anything else people do and...

FDA Clears BPA In Cans, Again

The federal Food and Drug Administration has quietly reaffirmed its position that Americans are not being harmed by bisphenol A, a synthetic estrogen that is an essential ingredient of the epoxy...

AgMag’s Top 10 Stories of the Year

Every year, EWG's editors ask our colleagues on the EWG staff to tell us what they consider the Top 10 environmental stories of the year in each of the two topic areas covered by the two blogs on EWG...

Enviroblog’s Top 10 Stories of 2014

From the EWG staff, our picks for the Top 10 Enviroblog stories that had the most impact on Americans' environmental health in 2014.

Top Economists Say Crop Insurance Reform is a No-Brainer

Two of the nation's leading agricultural economists say federal crop insurance is greatly over-subsidized, adding yet another authoritative voice to those calling for reform.

Corn Ethanol: A Lump of Coal in Your Christmas Stocking

In 2007, corn ethanol was offered up as an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline. But nearly seven years to the day since Congress put it in play, we're still not seeing the benefits. In...

Remembering Theo Colborn: The Rachel Carson of My Generation

Dr. Theo Colborn was the Rachel Carson of a generation of environmentalists who work on toxic chemicals, pollution and health. She inspired hard work, inventive investigation and courage across the...

What Congress Doesn’t Want You To Know About Industrial Food Production

Some members of the U.S. Congress don't want you to know how the food you eat strains natural resources. That's the meaning of a statement attached to the omnibus federal spending bill Congress sent...

Coming Soon to a Store Near You: Better Sunscreens

Partisan gridlock has been rising almost as fast as the staggering rates of skin cancer diagnoses and deaths. That's why EWG is so pleased that Congress was able to come together to pass the Sunscreen...

Feeding Holiday Revelers? Let EWG’s Food Scores Help

Between entertaining, shuttling kids and visiting elderly parents and other family members most of us don't have the time and energy to whip up from-scratch meals several times a day. Yet everybody...

Shedding Light On The DARK Act

America needs a national labeling law for genetically engineered foods. That was the consensus of a majority of the members of Congress from both sides of the aisle during a well-attended subcommittee...

Congress Plays Scrooge With Our Land and Water

In what has become an annual ritual, Congress unveiled this week a massive spending bill to keep the government going, which includes provisions that would cut hundreds of millions of dollars from...

Organic can feed the world

Organic farming isn't just a niche for a privileged elite. A new study, published today (Dec 10th) in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London shows that organic farmers can achieve yields...

Rate Your Plate Series: Fat: Do I Really Have to Watch It?

Depending on who you talk to, the seven grams of saturated fat in that tablespoon of butter may be a significant contributor to heart disease – the number one cause of death in the United States – or...

Brazil strikes back at junk food

In an unprecedented step for a developing country, the Brazilian government is officially urging its citizens to avoid ultra-processed foods in favor of raw and minimally processed foods in order to...

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