Official Correspondence

We've compiled and archived letters and other official correspondence from EWG to government agencies, elected officials, industry associations and companies.

Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 41 - 60 of 257

EWG Comments to EPA Opposing New Uses of Aldicarb

EWG submitted comments to the EPA in opposition to proposed new uses of the neurotoxic insecticide aldicarb on oranges and grapefruit in Texas and Florida.

EWG Comments to EPA in Support of Regulatory Revisions to the State 1 and Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rules

EWG submitted comments to the EPA in support of regulatory revisions to the State 1 and Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rules on the regulation of additional disinfection byproducts in drinking water.

EWG Comments to California OEHHA to Prioritize Chemicals for Proposition 65 Review

EWG submitted comments to California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee to recommend the prioritization of four...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA Supporting Their Decision on Synthetic Food Dyes

EWG submitted comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, expressing support for the OEHHA's conclusion that synthetic food dyes may cause or exacerbate...

EWG Comments to NEJAC to Consider Both Historical and Current PFAS Contamination

Environmental Working Group presented comments to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, urging the Council to consider both historical and current PFAS contamination and to ensure that...

EWG Comments on EPA’s Decision to Regulate PFOA and PFOS in Drinking Water

Attached are EWG comments on EPA’s decision to regulate PFOA and PFOS in drinking water.

EWG Comments to EPA on the “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” Proposed Rule

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) objects to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to apply polluter-friendly limitations to the types of scientific data that can be considered for...

EWG Comments to FCC on Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Rule

Environmental Working Group objects to the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to apply the outdated, insufficiently protective radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure limits to 5G technology...

EWG Comments to EPA on Neonicotinoids

EWG submits comments opposing the EPA’s decisions to allow continued use of five neonicotinoid insecticides. EWG urges the EPA to restrict the use of these pesticides to prevent harm to pollinators...

Letter to Senate and House Leadership on Addressing the COVID-19 Crisis

Click on the pdf above to see a joint letter from EWG, other environmental health organizations and public health institutions calling on Congress to pass vital legislation to ensure that healthy...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA on Proposed Public Health Goals for Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water

EWG submitted comments to the state of California in support of OEHHA’s proposed public health goals for haloacetic acid disinfection byproducts in drinking water.

Letter to ATSDR Director re: omissions from PFAS website

The Environmental Working Group is writing to urge ATSDR, an agency on the front lines of the fight to protect public health from PFAS pollution, to provide on its website the most robust, easily...

EWG Comments to EPA on Pyrethroid

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the EPA on the reevaluation of the FQPA safety factor for pyrethroid insecticides. To protect children’s health, EWG urges the EPA to use a tenfold...

EWG Comments to EPA on Tebuconazole

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the human health risk assessment for the fungicide tebuconazole, urging the EPA to use a full tenfold...

EWG Comments to EPA on Metolachlor

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the EPA on the registration review for the herbicide metolachlor. EWG urges the EPA to use a tenfold children’s health safety factor for this...

EWG Comments to NTP on PFOA Carcinogenicity Report

EWG has submitted detailed technical comments to the National Toxicology Program regarding the draft report for PFOA carcinogenicity studies. EWG recommends the NTP reevaluate the carcinogenic...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Review for Paraquat Dichloride

Environmental Working Group submits comments to the EPA on the registration review for the pesticide paraquat dichloride, commonly called paraquat. EWG urges the EPA to revise the paraquat human risk...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA on Draft Drinking Water Utility Report

EWG submitted detailed comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on the draft report “Achieving the Human Right to Water in California: An Assessment of the State’s...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Decision for Pesticide Imazalil

Environmental Working Group objects to the EPA’s proposed interim registration decision for the carcinogenic pesticide imazalil. EWG urges the EPA to protect children’s health from imazalil and to...

EWG Letter to the California Water Resources Control Board to Address PFAS Contamination

Environmental Working Group urges the California State Water Resources Control Board to address per- and polyfluorinated substances, or PFAS, in drinking water as a class.

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