EWG applauds inclusion of ‘interim actions’ provision in Senate NDAA

WASHINGTON – Today the Senate Armed Services Committee unveiled its version of the fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. The bill includes a provision to expedite the implementation of interim actions to slow the spread of plumes of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS at military bases with confirmed PFAS contamination. 

The following is a statement from Jessica Hernandez, policy director for government affairs at the Environmental Working Group:

EWG applauds the Senate Armed Services Committee for making it a priority to quickly clean up Defense Department installations contaminated with the toxic ‘forever chemicals’ known as PFAS when public health is imminently threatened. 

More than 500 Defense Department sites are contaminated with PFAS, but little progress has been made to stop the spread of contamination and protect the drinking water of defense communities. 

The Senate version of the NDAA for FY 2025 codifies an existing Defense Department directive requiring it to evaluate sites and identify ‘early actions’ to slow or stop the migration of PFAS when public health is threatened. 

The Senate bill also improves the directive by requiring the department to publish a schedule for implementation of ‘interim actions.’And the provision would require that alternative safe water be provided when an on-base release of PFAS has contaminated nearby water supplies. 

EWG applauds the leadership of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the dedication of Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.) for making this provision a priority.


The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action.

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