
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 337 - 360 of 1806


How Much is Too Much?

Can you get too much of a good thing? When it comes to vitamin A, zinc and niacin, yes you can.

Mapping PFAS Chemical Contamination at 206 U.S. Military Sites

The Environmental Working Group has identified and mapped 206 military sites in the U.S. where drinking water or groundwater is contaminated with fluorinated chemicals, known as PFAS, at levels that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's health guideline. But this is only the tip of a toxic iceberg that is largely hidden and still growing.

Bayer-Monsanto Agrees to $10B Settlement With Victims Poisoned by Roundup Weedkiller

In a settlement reached today, Bayer AG agreed to pay $10 billion over claims its signature herbicide Roundup causes cancer in people, according to a report by Reuters.

Mass Exodus of EPA Experts Tasked to Protect the Public from Toxic Chemicals, Contaminated Water

A report today by the New York Times and ProPublica describes in stark detail the impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's disregard of science and scientists, and...

EWG Calls on EPA to Set Lower Limit on Perchlorate in Water

Environmental Working Group commends the EPA for taking action to protect Americans from perchlorate, the endocrine-disrupting compound that has long been an important public health issue. EWG...

EWG Calls on EPA to Set Lower Limit on Perchlorate in Water

EWG commends EPA for taking action to protect Americans from perchlorate, an endocrine-disrupting compound and contaminant in tap water.

Agency Charged with Drinking Water Safety Already Drowning, Mr. Trump

During the campaign, President-elect Donald Trump pledged to residents of Flint, Mich., that the lead crisis that poisoned their drinking water “would have never happened if I were president.”

Poor Farming Practices Foul Drinking Water at the Source

A new Environmental Working Group report examines water pollution caused by farm runoff and details how treating the problem after the fact is increasingly expensive, difficult and, if current trends...

EWG: Trump’s EPA Budget Cuts Will Be Disaster for Clean Water, Air

WASHINGTON – The Trump administration’s massive cuts to the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency will cripple the agency’s ability to protect drinking water and air from polluters, and...

EWG's New Online Water Filter Buying Guide

The Environmental Working Group has released its new online water filter buying guide with more options and new tips for consumers who want cleaner drinking water for themselves and their families.

California Legislature passes bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water, protecting youth

Today the California Legislature passed a bill to require lead tests at all school drinking water fountains and faucets. The bill also sets a goal of reducing lead levels in school drinking water to...

On Tap: Seth Siegel’s Masterful Examination of America’s Drinking Water Crisis

Top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency had a bold idea: Require water companies to run the nation's most polluted tap water through the treatment plant equivalent of a Brita water...

‘Forever chemical’ GenX more toxic than previously acknowledged, says EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced that GenX, one of many “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, is hazardous at much lower exposures than the two notorious PFAS known as PFOA and PFOS.

Children Exposed to Lead in Drinking Water at Day Care Centers

More than 4 million American children spend at least part of the day at child care centers. How widespread is lead contamination of the tap water at these facilities?

Trump Plan to Gut Stream Protections Imperils Tap Water of 117 Million Americans

Trump signed an executive order requiring the Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA to overhaul the Waters of the United States rule – also known as the Clean Water Rule. In 2015, President Obama signed it to protect the drinking water sources of roughly 100 million Americans from industrial and agricultural pollution.

Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Contaminate Drinking Water for 15 Million Americans

New research from EWG and Northeastern University in Boston uncovered highly fluorinated toxic chemicals, known as PFCs or PFASs, in the drinking water of 15 million Americans in 27 states, and from...

High Rates of Bladder Cancer Linked to Arsenic in Drinking Water

The recent crisis in Flint, Mich., sounded the alarm on the dangers of lead contamination in drinking water. Now there's potentially more bad news for the nation's water supply.

Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water

Drinking water: New frameworks needed to account for multiple contaminants and protect public health

To make sure all communities have better and safer drinking water, EWG research strives to push federal agencies to increase public health protections and invest in drinking water infrastructure. Our recent work shows how important it is to update federal legal limits that make public health the priority. Drinking water in communities across the U.S. contains mixtures of contaminants – including

California Moving to Boost Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs for At-Risk Kids

An estimated 60 percent to three fourths of lower income children in California don't get the lead poisoning tests required by state and federal law. In response, state lawmakers are taking steps to...

On the Go for Labor Day? Keep Water Quality in Mind.

For many of us, Labor Day is one of the last hurrahs of the summer. And it's a busy travel weekend, with roughly 35 million Americans taking a getaway.

Five Reasons Your Tap Water Changed Color

Americans are watching their tap water more closely than ever these days following the lead crisis in Flint, Mich., and other incidents of water contamination around the country.

EWG Letter to the California Water Resources Control Board to Address PFAS Contamination

Environmental Working Group urges the California State Water Resources Control Board to address per- and polyfluorinated substances, or PFAS, in drinking water as a class.