
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 553 - 576 of 1806

Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group To Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics

Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company's signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.

Public Interest Groups Call for Release of Suppressed U.S. Study on PFAS Chemicals

A wide-ranging coalition of public interest groups is calling for the immediate release of a suppressed federal study that says perfluorinated chemicals in drinking water are hazardous at much lower...

Since the Lead Crisis, Reading Scores in Flint Drop Dramatically

Third-graders' reading scores in Flint, Mich., have dropped dramatically since the city's crisis of lead contamination in drinking water began, according to reports in the Detroit Free Press and The...

Government Advisory Report Gives “Shocking” Advice on Seafood Consumption

Environmental Working Group and Mercury Policy Project strongly disagree with a federal scientific panel's recommendation, made public last week, that federal agencies stop warning pregnant women to...

The Pentagon’s toxic ‘forever chemicals’ waste could be burning near your home

Industrial facilities across the country could be unwittingly burning the Pentagon’s legacy firefighting foam, according to an analysis of Pentagon records. The firefighting foam is made with the...

Environmental Racism: A Public Health Crisis

Last month, after a year-long investigation, former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and eight other officials were charged for their roles in the Flint water crisis – the environmental disaster that shocked...

An Outpouring of Thanks for Outgoing USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

More than 100 food and farm leaders, CEOs, actors, chefs, pediatricians, authors, environmentalists and public interest groups sent a heartfelt letter today to Kathleen Merrigan, who is resigning as...

Farm Nitrogen Pollution Damage Estimated at $157 Billion Yearly

Nitrogen from fertilizers and manures washed off farmland costs Americans $157 billion a year in damages to human health and the environment.

In Kids’ Cereals, Mini-Servings Hide Mountains of Sugar

Kids who eat a bowl a day of the most popular pre-sweetened cereals could consume five to nine pounds more sugar a year than parents might think from reading nutrition labels, according to a new...

Study finds new link between lead in private waters wells and juvenile delinquency

A first-time study of the link between early-life exposure to lead in private water wells and juvenile delinquency finds that children who get lead-laced drinking water from private wells have much...

2 Years After Reformed TSCA, Pruitt’s EPA Has Failed to Protect Us from Toxic Chemicals

On June 22, 2016, President Obama signed into law a significant overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA, the nation's primary chemical safety law. It was the first update to the law...

Organic: A Win for the Farmer, the Consumer and the Environment

Americans are willing to pay more to buy organic foods. That's the conclusion from a new report released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service.

Sonny Perdue’s Revolving Door Policy Already in Action

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, President Trump's nominee for secretary of agriculture, is still awaiting a Senate confirmation hearing. But just as he did in Georgia, he's already maneuvering to...

Trump Embraces the Ag-Right

When Trump appears before the Farm Bureau today, he will be not speaking to America's farmers – he'll be preaching to his base. Photo courtesy of AP Photo

Major Fracking Bill Passes Calif. Assembly

Legislation passed today by California legislators would take important steps toward improving oversight of potentially dangerous methods of drilling for oil or natural gas or stimulating production...

Iowa’s Private Wells Overrun With Agricultural Contaminants

Private wells across Iowa are contaminated with unsafe levels of two agricultural contaminants, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group and the Iowa Environmental Council.

At Conference of Top Cancer Researchers, EWG Presents New Analysis Showing Nitrate-Polluted Tap Water Could Cause 12,500 Cancer Cases a Year

Drinking water contaminated with nitrate could be responsible for more than 12,500 cases of cancer each year, according to a peer-reviewed study by Environmental Working Group presented today at a...

What they’re saying about the EPA’s regulation of ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

Here are excerpts from the statements of environmental, health and community advocacy leaders and organizations about the EPA announcement, which marks historic progress addressing PFAS.

New Study Paints Corn Ethanol As Eco-Unfriendly

In May 2009, Steve Ruh, who was then chair of the National Corn Growers Association's Ethanol Committee, called corn ethanol the “most environmentally friendly fuel available today.”

For decades, the FDA knew ‘forever chemicals’ were harmful but failed to act

The Food and Drug Administration has understood since 1966 that the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS could increase cholesterol and cause liver lesions, E&E reported today.

What they’re saying about the EPA’s proposal to regulate ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

Here’s what leaders from environmental, health and community advocacy organizations are saying about the EPA’s announcement, which marks historic progress on addressing PFAS:

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 17)

After today's vote confirming Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, a number of troubling questions remain as to his impartiality and his commitment...

Study: Switching to Organic Diet Dramatically Lowers Glyphosate Levels in Adults, Children

If people switch to an all-organic diet, the levels of the most widely used weedkiller in the world swiftly and dramatically plummet in their bodies, according to a new study reported on today by...