
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 697 - 720 of 1806

Think U.S. Agriculture Will End World Hunger? Think Again, Says New Report

U.S. agribusiness spokesmen routinely defend practices that pollute air and water, and destroy soil by claiming that American farmers are doing what it takes to “feed the world.”

Lakes With Algae Outbreaks May Also Be Tainted With E. Coli

Toxic algae outbreaks – slimy, smelly blooms of microorganisms, triggered by polluted farm runoff into lakes and rivers – can cause nausea, vomiting and more serious, longer-term health impacts, such...

Dozens of Coast Guard bases could be contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’

At least 24 Coast Guard bases across the U.S. are now suspected of contamination by the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to EWG’s updated analysis of records from the...

Chef Tom Colicchio and EWG Launch “Worth Protecting” Campaign

Environmental Working Group (EWG) today launched the Worth Protecting social media and advocacy campaign to underscore the need for federal farm bill reforms that protect public health and the...


Throwing Good Money at Bad Land

Thanks to five decades of bad policy decisions, a quirk of geology underlaying hundreds of thousands of acres of California's Central Valley has snowballed into a multi-million dollar taxpayer boondoggle that continues to pose an environmental threat to the fragile San Francisco/San Joaquin Bay-Delta estuary.

Debunking the Myth that GE Crops Reduce Soil Loss

Defenders of genetically engineered crops regularly claim that these varieties cut erosion by encouraging farmers to use tillage practices that enhance soil conservation.

EWG backs strict California chromium-6 goal

EWG urges California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to set a strict public health goal for hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, a probable carcinogen, and move rapidly to...

Brain-eating bacteria aren’t as threatening as toxic algae blooms

As summer heats up, news of fatalities from brain-eating amoeba seems to be everywhere – and people planning to spend time in and near local rivers and lakes might be concerned about contracting the...

The Most Environmentally Harmful Thing You Eat

Believe it or not, choosing between a burger and a chicken sandwich can affect more than just your waistline. A new study led by scientists at Bard College in New York shows that going for beef has 10...

EWG Study: Smarter Seafood Choices Can Lower Mercury Exposure for Parents and Their Future Children

Choosing low-mercury fish and other seafood can significantly lower the body's mercury levels in just three months, according to a new EWG study.

What Congress Doesn’t Want You To Know About Industrial Food Production

Some members of the U.S. Congress don't want you to know how the food you eat strains natural resources. That's the meaning of a statement attached to the omnibus federal spending bill Congress sent...

Toxic algae blooms: What you should know

Summer is in full swing, with families heading to lakes and other bodies of water, and that means it’s also the peak season for harmful algae blooms. Toxic algae blooms are a growing problem...

Apples Top Dirty Dozen List for Fifth Year in a Row

Apples, peaches, and nectarines topped EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in ProduceTM list of the dirtiest, or most pesticide-contaminated, fruits and vegetables, a new analysis of U.S. government...

3 Things Parents Should Know About Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Foods

Many popular baby food brands contain dangerous levels of mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, according to a new investigation by a House of Representatives oversight committee. Exposure to these...

EPA Chief Scraps Scheduled Ban of Pesticide That Harms Kids’ Brains

In one of his first major decisions as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt sided with the pesticide lobby over scientists in an eleventh-hour decision to abort the agency's...

Money Talks; Hunger Doesn’t

America is emerging from a financial calamity that claimed millions of jobs. Hundreds of thousands of families struggle every day just to feed their kids. The tenuous economy has increased pressure on...

Will Hurricane Florence Flood N.C. Factory Farms and Manure Pits?

When Hurricane Matthew hit North Carolina in 2016, it flooded more than 140 feces-strewn industrial-scale swine and poultry barns, more than a dozen open pits brimming with liquid hog waste and...

Cracking the Perfect Natural Easter Egg Dye

With April hopping along and Easter just around the corner, it's time for dyeing eggs (and inadvertently, dyeing hands.) It's easy to grab an egg-dyeing kit at the local supermarket or drug store, but...

Green Blob Threatens Cleveland

A toxic blob is lurking outside Cleveland – and it's getting closer.

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

Americans Eat Their Weight in Genetically Engineered Food

Americans are eating their weight and more in genetically engineered food every year, a new Environmental Working Group analysis shows.

‘Forever chemicals’ contamination at Gulf of Mexico Defense Department sites threatens fish, residents

Groundwater from at least 13 Defense Department sites in the Gulf of Mexico region is contaminated with high levels of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to DOD records obtained by...

Investors Call For Food Companies to Stay out of Washington State GMO Battle

Companies that donated funds to oppose ballot initiatives to require the labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are facing new pressure from shareholders to stay out of...