
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 745 - 768 of 1806

California sues manufacturers like 3M and DuPont over toxic ‘forever chemicals’

On November 10, California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit against chemical companies like 3M and DuPont for endangering public health and harming and destroying the state’s natural...

Farm subsidies, not anti-hunger programs, should be focus of budget cuts

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released “baseline” projections for mandatory Department of Agriculture farm and food programs in the 2023 Farm Bill, which members of Congress will use to...

Widely Used Hormone-Disrupting Pesticides Put Millions at Risk

The European Union just banned two agricultural weed killers linked to infertility, reproductive problems and fetal development – the first-ever EU ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides. That's good...

The Pentagon’s contamination time bomb: Cleanup backlog outpaces funding

The Department of Defense is failing to confront an almost $4 billion increase in the cost of cleaning up contaminated sites, many polluted by the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. And its cleanup...

Sneaky Sugars & Chemical Junk: Skip the Boxed Stuffing

EWG's Food Scores shows that 100 percent of stuffing mixes have added sugar in them. Not only that, but nearly half of them have ingredients I'd rather avoid because they raise potentially “higher”...

Americans Have Right to Know About GMOs

"Americans should have the right to know what's in their food and how its' produced, just like consumers on 64 other nations. If Congress acts to craft a GMO labeling system, Congress should ensure...

EWG News Roundup (Dec. 2): EPA Action, the Farm Bill, Food and Toxic Detergents

Heading into the holiday season, there was some good news out of the EPA. The agency listed the first batch of toxic chemicals it will tackle, which includes asbestos. Also this week, EWG took part in...

Getting Arsenic out of Your (and Your Kids') Diet

Although scientists and government regulators have long known about the ever-present threat of arsenic in our diet and water, it was unsettling when two major reports came out on the same day (Sept...

EPA’s plan to regulate industry ‘forever chemicals’ discharges falls short

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to regulate some industrial discharges of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS into our drinking water falls short of what’s needed to turn off...

Putting Real Food in School Lunches

More whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables will be on the menu for 31 million children who participate in the federally-supported National School Lunch Program under new nutrition standards...

PFAS Nation: Toxic Discharges Suspected From Almost 500 Industrial Facilities Across U.S.

At least 475 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an EWG analysis of government data.

Top Chefs Urge Congress to Protect 40 Million Americans From Hunger

As Congress begins debate on food and farm policy, some of the nation's top chefs gathered on Capitol Hill today to urge lawmakers to protect the nation's most effective anti-hunger program from...

Chemical Companies’ ‘Voluntary’ Clean Ups Are Little More Than Corporate Spin

Last week Chemours – a DuPont spinoff company that inherited liability for some of its parent's nastiest toxic messes – announced "voluntary actions" to clean up and eliminate pollution from a highly...

FRAC act to close oil, gas drilling safety loopholes

The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, first introduced in 2009 and dropped in the hopper Tuesday (March 15) by Reps. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Maurice...

The Nail in Corn Ethanol’s Coffin

The renewable fuel standard, the federal law that year after year requires refiners to blend more corn ethanol into gasoline, has caused millions of acres of grasslands to be plowed up and added...

New EWG Map: 305 Military Sites That Used PFAS-based Firefighting Foam

Environmental Working Group today published a map of 305 military installations that used the firefighting foams made with the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, which have likely contaminated...

What Parents Need To Know About Animal Factory Farms

You probably care a lot about how your fruits and vegetables are grown. You may not think as much about where your family's animal protein comes from, but the conditions in which most meat, poultry...

UPDATE: Across U.S., Alarming Rise in Algae Outbreaks Plagues Lakes, Rivers and Beaches

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae in U.S. lakes, rivers, streams and even the Gulf of Mexico continue to rise sharply this summer, according to EWG's ongoing tracking of algae outbreaks.

The Case For Organic Fruits and Veggies

Recently, some online musings have been bouncing around Twitter and Facebook claiming that there isn't much, if any, difference between organic and conventional foods. One article by Melinda Wenner...

Pruitt Press Aide Plays God with EPA’s State Grant Funding

A report today by Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post details the enormous power Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has handed to a former Florida political consultant, who...

In Wake of N.C. Chrom-6 Scandal, EWG, Brockovich Call for Action by EPA

As news about North Carolina's governor and his administration downplaying the risks of drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium unfolds, two leading environmental health advocates are...