
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 793 - 816 of 1806

“Last Resort” Antibiotic Threatened by Overuse in Livestock

A team of scientists at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C. has discovered the first instance of a person living in the U.S. infected...

Wave of Support for School Nutrition Standards

More than 200 national, state and local organizations and dozens of health professionals signed onto a letter declaring their support for an amendment proposed by Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) to protect...

7 Reasons Your Family May Want To Become Vegetarian

You've likely heard that eating meat and poultry isn't good for your health or the planet. Recent news from Washington may make meat even less palatable: Pork inspections may be taken over by the...

A “Dirty Dozen” Chemical To Avoid

The “Dirty Dozen” label doesn't apply only to produce.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 10)

In another tumultuous week for the Trump White House, alleged corruption, regulatory rollbacks and head-scratching statements reigned supreme.

Five fatal flaws in EPA’s justification for using toxic weedkiller paraquat

More than 60 countries have banned the weedkiller paraquat because of its links to Parkinson’s disease. But the Environmental Protection Agency continues to defend its use in the U.S., based on a...

Corn Ethanol: A Lump of Coal in Your Christmas Stocking

In 2007, corn ethanol was offered up as an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline. But nearly seven years to the day since Congress put it in play, we're still not seeing the benefits. In...


Mercury in Seafood

In 2014, federal agencies issued draft recommendations that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or might become pregnant and young children eat more fish that is lower in mercury. Their advice is based on the fact that seafood consumption is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.

What Monsanto Doesn’t Want You To See

When consumers across Europe started campaigning for GMO labeling in the early 1990s, Monsanto released a series of advertisements in support of mandatory GMO labels.

Let's Put Healthy Food on the Agenda -- and in the Curriculum

Good, healthy food was on the menu -- and on the agenda -- this month (March 3) when EWG staff and key supporters gathered in San Francisco for a sumptuous meal and lively discussion at EWG's 2010...

EWG Commends Whole Foods for Setting Deadline for Labeling GE Foods

Environmental Working Group applauds food retailer Whole Foods Market for its decision to label any foods sold in its U.S. and Canadian stores that contain genetically engineered ingredients by 2018...

Increasing Pollution, Dwindling Options

The Food and Environmental Reporting Network released a striking report this week (Sept. 18) describing how industrial agriculture and climate change are fueling massive blooms of toxic algae: Blooms...

Sen. Portman Pushes Bill to Gut Government’s Ability to Safeguard Consumers

Today, Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, introduced the Senate version of H.R. 5, the Regulatory Accountability Act, which would require endless agency studies and two layers of judicial and Congressional...

Proposed Nutritional Label Will Promote Healthier Diets

The long-overdue changes to the Nutrition Facts label announced today by First Lady Michelle Obama would improve Americans' diets and promote healthier eating, Environmental Working Group said in a...

EWG Investigates: Trump's EPA Pick Unaware Lead is Unsafe at Any Level for Kids

The man who could be in charge of ensuring the safety of the nation's drinking water doesn't know the most basic fact about a grave health threat for American children: lead contamination of tap water...

Facing Facts in the Chesapeake Bay

Without an ambitious effort to fairly but effectively regulate pollution coming from farm fields throughout the watershed, there is simply no chance that the Chesapeake Bay will recover. The time has come to solve the primary obstacle to cleaner water in the region's streams, rivers, and Bay: reliance on a failed voluntary approach to agricultural pollution and inadequate regulatory backstops.

Congressional chaos imperils critical chemical safety reviews

If anything good came of recent brinkmanship over federal spending, it might be the reminder that large parts of the economy depend on the federal government. Everything from medical research to food...

Corporate Lobbyists Finance Senate Leader of ‘License to Kill’ Bill

One out of every five political donations made to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. – chair of a Senate committee expected to vote this week to effectively block new consumer protection rules – came from...

GMO Labeling is About Consumer Choice

Will Coggin, a senior research analyst at the Center for Consumer Freedom, wrote in The Hill last week that “Vermont became the first state to mandate de facto warning labels on genetically improved...

Scott Pruitt Has Literally Made Washington – and America – More Toxic

Mired in multiple scandals of his own making, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt attempted to shift the blame to “toxic” Washington yesterday. Photo courtesy of AP Photos


2004 Industry Study Found Chrome-6 Nationwide

EWG's study of chromium-6 contamination in tap water is not the first to attempt to assess chromium-6 pollution across the country.