
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 817 - 840 of 1806

Farm Bill Reform Can Help Defeat Superbug Surge

EWG argues for reform of farm programs to reduce the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production after analysis of recent government tests reveal more and more supermarket meat harbors antibiotic...


Facing Facts in the Chesapeake Bay

Without an ambitious effort to fairly but effectively regulate pollution coming from farm fields throughout the watershed, there is simply no chance that the Chesapeake Bay will recover. The time has come to solve the primary obstacle to cleaner water in the region's streams, rivers, and Bay: reliance on a failed voluntary approach to agricultural pollution and inadequate regulatory backstops.

Congressional chaos imperils critical chemical safety reviews

If anything good came of recent brinkmanship over federal spending, it might be the reminder that large parts of the economy depend on the federal government. Everything from medical research to food...

Cancer Risks From Monsanto’s Weedkiller Deserve Further Scrutiny, Government Agency Says

A new analysis of Monsanto's signature herbicide, glyphosate, released by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, gives weight...

GMO Labeling is About Consumer Choice

Will Coggin, a senior research analyst at the Center for Consumer Freedom, wrote in The Hill last week that “Vermont became the first state to mandate de facto warning labels on genetically improved...

Best Friends Forever? Produce Growers and Pesticide Makers Deepen their Bond

In nearly two decades of research and advocacy on pesticides and human health, Environmental Working Group has never before seen the produce industry take a high-profile role in debates over pesticide...

2004 Industry Study Found Chrome-6 Nationwide

EWG's study of chromium-6 contamination in tap water is not the first to attempt to assess chromium-6 pollution across the country.

Corporate Lobbyists Finance Senate Leader of ‘License to Kill’ Bill

One out of every five political donations made to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. – chair of a Senate committee expected to vote this week to effectively block new consumer protection rules – came from...

Statement from EWG on USDA’s Proposed Rule for Nationwide GMO Disclosures

Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture released a proposed rule to implement the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed in 2016. Below is a statement from EWG Senior Vice President for Government...

The Speech the Industrial Ag Lobby Doesn’t Want You to Hear

Consumers are asking important and legitimate questions about what they are eating and feeding to their children.

EPA will ban all food uses of pesticide chlorpyrifos

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced it will ban all uses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food, a move to protect public health that also highlights the risks of unsafe but widely used...

After Axing Key Science Office, Trump Puts Ex-Koch Exec in Charge of Research at EPA

The Trump administration has tapped a longtime chemical and fossil fuel industry executive, who most recently worked for the ultraconservative Koch brothers, to head the scientific research arm of the...

"We've Made the Unhealthy Choice the Rational Choice"

A big reason that food products derived from corn are so pervasive in America's diet today is that for decades taxpayers have given corn growers incentives to grow as much as possible through the...

National Study: Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Still Found in Many Fast Food Wrappers

New research based on nationwide tests shows that many fast food chains still use food wrappers, bags and boxes coated with highly fluorinated chemicals. EWG's report supplements a new peer-reviewed...

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

10 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is all about fun in the sun. Whether you're heading to the beach, a lake or a backyard picnic, be sure to cover up to protect your skin against sunburn and pesky bug bites.

Putting Our Money Where the Mouths Are

The Great Recession is being felt in America's stomachs, the government reports. Nearly one in seven American households had trouble putting enough food on the table at some point in 2008, according...

Swimming Upstream Against Infertility: What You Can Do to Protect Your Sperm

In his most recent op-ed in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof examined an alarming rise in sperm or semen abnormalities – including misshapen sperm, lower sperm counts and poor swimming capacity.

USDA Chief Rolls Back Progress in Nutrition Standards for School Lunches

Only one week after his confirmation as secretary of agriculture, Sonny Perdue announced Monday that the Trump administration will roll back the health-protective nutrition standards for school meals...

Money Where Our Mouths Are

Food and agriculture policy always comes down to money: how federal dollars will be prioritized and spent.

Subway Will Remove Artificial Ingredients

Subway's decision to remove artificial ingredients from its menu by 2017 is an important step toward a cleaner and healthier food system and a big win for Americans who don't want potentially harmful...

Feeding the world or failing to yield?

Advocates of genetically engineered crops claim they will help us “feed the world” by improving crop yields. But is there any actual evidence that GE crops have actually delivered better yields than...

Monsanto’s and Dow’s Herbicides = More Toxic Exposures for Farmworkers

More than 90 percent of Americans want GMOs to be labeled because they want the right to know what's in their food. One important reason to be informed is that growing GMOs has led to a massive...