
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 865 - 888 of 1806

Don’t Let The DARK Act Sneak Through Congress

Some lawmakers are trying to slip the darkest part of the DARK Act onto the must-pass spending bill Congress will consider.

Michael Pollan Names the World's 7 Most Powerful Foodies

Famed food writer/philosopher Michael Pollan has picked the seven individuals he considers to be the most powerful voices in the good food movement from around the world and published his list on...

How To Avoid Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos in Milk and Produce

You may know that many conventional oat cereals contain troubling amounts of the carcinogenic pesticide glyphosate. But another toxic pesticide may be contaminating your kids' breakfast.

Farm Bill Proposal Increases Subsidies for Big Farmers

The farm bill draft released today by the Senate Agriculture Committee contains the same flawed provisions as the 2012 Senate-passed bill that increase unlimited crop insurance subsidies to the...

A Loophole for Pesticides Puts Public’s Health at Risk

Shot through a legal loophole with the speed of a Major League fastball, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved roughly 11,000 pesticides intended for use in agriculture, inside homes...

Trump’s War on Children’s Health Escalates at Wheeler’s EPA

Under President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly betrayed its responsibility to safeguard the health of children. But in recent weeks, the hostile actions of the president and...

Organic Produce Reduces Exposure to Pesticides, Research Confirms

Consumers can markedly reduce their intake of pesticide residues and their exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria by choosing organic produce and meat, according to researchers at Stanford...

Ben & Jerry’s, GE-Labeling Advocates Protest Anti-GE Labeling Bill

Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield joined members of Congress and pro-GE labeling advocacy groups on Capitol Hill today to protest a House bill that would deny Americans the right to know about...

California To List Notorious ‘Forever Chemical’ as a Cause of Cancer in People

The top state scientific agency charged with protecting Californians from toxic chemicals has proposed adding the “forever chemical” PFOA to the list of substances known to the state to cause cancer...

In parts of the U.S., it’s raining PFAS

Preliminary data from a joint Environmental Protection Agency and Canada monitoring network show rainwater in the Great Lakes region contains alarming levels of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as...

What is GRAS?

Food and chemical companies are permitted to approve the use of new potentially harmful additives and other substances in snacks, drinks and more without the Food and Drug Administration’s review and...

DARK Act Blocks States From Mandating GMO Labeling

A bill expected to be introduced today by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) would block states from requiring labeling on genetically modified food, and also hamper any U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

Thousands of children’s sweets STILL contain additive unsafe for human consumption

Skittles, Starburst and thousands of other sweet treats marketed to children contain titanium dioxide – an additive European food safety regulators say is no longer safe for human consumption. Yet the...

Rice and Beans: $1.20 in New York, $73 in Haiti

People in developing nations don't go hungry because there's not enough food to go around. It's because they're poor.

What Do These Regulatory Rollback Champions Have in Common? Anti-Consumer Donors.

Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., and Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., have two things in common.

Stop Unrestrained Antibiotic Use Before It’s Too Late

It's just common sense: If you're not sick, your doctor doesn't prescribe you medicine. Why should the animals we eat be treated any differently?

Biden EPA moves closer to final ban of brain-damaging pesticide

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced it is taking several final steps required to officially ban any further agricultural uses of the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, rejecting all...

Salmonella Outbreak Raises Concern About Thanksgiving Turkey

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, news of a salmonella outbreak in turkey is a serious concern.

EPA Chief Living Large on Taxpayer’s Dime

In his first year as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has spent almost a quarter of a million dollars on first-class seats, military and charter jets, a private phone...

Florida’s Beaches and Waterways Devastated by Unprecedented Algae Outbreaks

An unprecedented environmental catastrophe is striking Florida's storied beaches, lakes and rivers this summer. Outbreaks of three separate strains of harmful algae are killing fish and other marine...

FDA Plan For Livestock Antibiotics Phase-Out Is Too Little, Too Late

The federal Food and Drug Administration's call for the livestock industry to voluntarily stop dosing healthy animals with antibiotics is “is long overdue and inadequate”, Heather White, executive...