
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 937 - 960 of 1806

Junk food is “safe” too – but that’s not the whole story

The Environmental Working Group has always urged people to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, organic or conventional – and we always will. A diet heavy in produce and light in processed foods, red...

Groups Sue FDA to Protect Food Safety

Today, consumer, health, and food safety groups challenged a Food and Drug Administration rule that undermines the integrity of our food safety system.

Their Spray Rigs in a Twist

When industry lobbyists want the government to do something the public won't like, they usually go about it quietly. Not so for the produce and pesticide lobby.

Let’s Drink to the Farm Bill!

Farm pollution poses a serious threat to drinking water supplies, and too much federal conservation spending has been squandered. Fortunately, the 2018 Farm Bill includes important reforms that will...

Dead zone linked to farm subsidies

New Orleans Times-Picayune, Matthew Brown Published April 16, 2006 Louisiana's fishing industry faces an uncertain future after the pounding it took last hurricane season, but fishers know one thing...

Seizing a Watershed Moment

The Mississippi River Basin supports a vast array of economic, commercial, and recreational activities. But runoff from farm fields pollutes lakes and streams in the 10 states that border the...

Pruitt’s EPA Cedes Pesticide Oversight to Agriculture Department

Internal Environmental Protection Agency documents show that Administrator Scott Pruitt has effectively relinquished the EPA's oversight of pesticide safety to the Department of Agriculture, said...

Calif. bill to sharply reduce lead leaching from faucets and fixtures passes key committee

State legislation to set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures passed out of the California Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic...

Local Food and The Farm Bill: Small Investments, Big Returns

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation has primarily benefited agri-business and large scale industrial-scale commodity farms that aren't...

Trump’s EPA Chief Says Polluters Pay To Clean Up Worst Toxic Waste Sites. Wrong: We Do.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was recently asked by Fox News how much it will cost to clean up the nation's most severely polluted toxic waste sites. His answer shows that the man...

The Real Deal Behind Kraft’s “New” Mac & Cheese

Kraft made headlines a year ago when it announced changes to its famed, kid-favorite macaroni and cheese. The company vowed to replace artificial dyes with natural ingredients and to eliminate...

Farm Subsidy Reform Now!

Tomorrow (Wed., Sept. 12), lobbyists for subsidized agriculture will hold a rally on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to pass a farm bill – any farm bill, even the terrible one produced by the House...

Lawmakers “Representing” Most of the Hungriest Counties Voted to Cut SNAP

If you live in one of America's 100 hungriest counties, there is a one-in-three chance that you rely on food stamps. There is also a pretty good chance that your member of Congress just voted to kick...

Top Ten Reasons to Reject the House Farm Bill

The budget-busting farm bill approved by the House Agriculture Committee late Wednesday night is quite simply the worst piece of farm and food legislation in decades. The bill will feed fewer people...

At the most contaminated military sites, little to no progress in cleaning up ‘forever chemicals’

The Pentagon has made almost no progress in cleaning up the military installations that are some of the most contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to an EWG review...

Protect the Public from Tainted Produce? Outrageous!

The produce industry, fresh off a failed attempt to get the federal government to fuzz up the results of its annual tests for pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, is at it again.

Lose Your Lunch: Congressional Food Fight Imperils Food Safety

The Food and Drug Administration's food inspectors have also been deemed non-essential – meaning that America's food manufacturing plants will not be inspected until Congress decides to pass...

Tests Reveal More Weed Killer Than Some Vitamins in Kids’ Cereals

Tests found more of the weed killer glyphosate than of some vitamins in samples of oat-based breakfast cereals marketed to children, an Environmental Working Group analysis shows.

California could ban a toxic preservative lurking in pastries

Many people love a tasty treat like Casey’s Cinnamon Roll or First Street Sugar Cookies – but they might not know these pastries often have a toxic preservative baked in them. Now California lawmakers...

Men's Health

Most men know by now that good lifestyle choices – such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking in moderation – make a big difference in staying healthy. Men may too often ignore these sensible recommendations, but it's not because they're not aware of them.

Direct Payments Not Dead Yet – For Cotton Farmers like Fincher

The bill Rep. Fincher voted to support as a member of the House Agriculture Committee does indeed end direct payments – except for cotton farmers like… Fincher.


Exposing Fields of Filth

When high water breaches animal barns, waste lagoons or fields with applied manure, the nearby surface water becomes toxic.

EWG Celebrates 20 Years of Game-Changing Work

This week, the Environmental Working Group celebrated 20 years of groundbreaking environmental health research and advocacy at its 4th annual Earth Dinner at the Ferry Building in San Francisco...

EWG Wants You to Eat your Fruits and Vegetables

In June 1993, the Environmental Working Group released a report titled “Pesticides in Children's Food.” In the very first line of the forward to that study, EWG President Ken Cook had this advice for...