
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1009 - 1032 of 1806

Just Label GMO Foods

Americans want to know what's in their food and how it's grown.

New FDA Seafood Guidelines Risky for Children, Pregnant Women

New seafood consumption guidelines announced today by the federal Food and Drug Administration could put at risk the health of young children and pregnant and nursing women, according to Environmental...

Are GMOs Bad for the Environment?

In a recent interview for New York magazine's Grub Street, author and food activist Michael Pollan laid out why he believes that food containing genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) should be...

House to Debate PFAS Amendments to Defense Bill

This week, the House will consider amendments to quickly end the military's use of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging, and place limits on PFAS...

Study: Eating Foods with Fewer Pesticides Boosts Women’s Chances to Conceive

Women seeking to get pregnant could significantly improve their chances by eating conventional fruits and vegetables with fewer pesticide residues, or eating organic produce, according to a new study...

Disparities in exposure to chemicals with links to weight gain

In addition to changes that make our lives more sedentary and perhaps also shifts in genetic makeup, the sharp increase in obesity and overweight we are seeing may be caused by far more exposure to...

The True Cost of Soybeans

We've long suspected that organic soybeans are better for the environment than conventional soybeans grown with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Now, we know how much better.

Congress Plays Hunger Games with Our Vets

If you fast-forward your TV during the celebrity segments on Real Time with Bill Maher, you probably missed an important conversation during the November 15th episode driven by actor Casey Affleck...

Claims of GMO Yield Increases Don’t Hold Up

At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee this week, opponents of mandatory labeling of GMO foods trotted out the now familiar argument that genetically engineered crops are the key to feeding...

I Call the Vote: A Farm Bill Litmus Test for the Food Movement

Here's a simple proposition to test whether the food movement can stand up to Big Ag. We're asking readers who care about providing healthier food to schoolchildren to take a stand by voting on our...

EWG Comments to NTP on PFOA Carcinogenicity Report

EWG has submitted detailed technical comments to the National Toxicology Program regarding the draft report for PFOA carcinogenicity studies. EWG recommends the NTP reevaluate the carcinogenic...


Poisons in the Pipeline

On March 29, 2013, a pipeline carrying tar sands oil ruptured in Arkansas, sending an inky river through a residential neighborhood in the town of Mayflower. A concerned neighbor scooped up a sample of the spilled oil, which Environmental Working Group later arranged to have tested by an independent laboratory.

A Bitter Harvest for Democrats

Many of the Democrats who lost their seats this week voted for the 2014 farm bill – only to see farm groups donate to their Republican opponents.

Key PFAS Reform Provisions in Jeopardy

Manufacturers of the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS may have scored a big win if key provisions to reduce releases and clean up these contaminants from drinking water sources were...


Mapping the PFAS contamination crisis: New data show 2,858 sites in 50 states and two territories

The number of U.S. communities confirmed to be contaminated with the highly toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS continues to grow at an alarming rate. As of June 2022, 2,858 locations in 50 states and two territories are known to be contaminated.

Why the Senate Should Reject the ‘License to Kill’ Bill

Most Americans think asbestos was banned decades ago. But asbestos-caused diseases still kill up to 15,000 Americans a year.

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA Head

This week the full Senate will likely decide whether to confirm President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. Here are the top 10...

House Passes Major PFAS Cleanup Legislation

The House passed a major defense spending bill today that includes important amendments requiring the Defense Department and the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor and clean up the toxic...

Ham and Cheese Again? Revamp your Lunch, Rethink that Sandwich

Let me guess. You, like most Americans, usually have a sandwich for lunch. Or maybe it's a panini or a wrap, if you want to get technical. Regardless, it's what you eat the majority of the time. When...

Ask EWG: What’s the Difference Between Natural and Organic Hot Dogs?

Environmental Working Group explains the difference between natural and organic hot dogs.

NGO Letter in Support of PFAS Provisions in the FY 2020 NDAA

Attached is a letter submitted by non-governmental organizations, to support House and Senate Armed Services Committee efforts to include several provisions related to per- and poly- fluoroalkyl...