
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1249 - 1272 of 1806

GAO: Pruitt Broke Law in Buying $43K Private Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's use of $43,000 in taxpayer funds for a private phone booth broke federal law, according to a report today from the federal Government...

Let's Talk Turkey: How to Decode Labels to Choose a Better Thanksgiving Bird

Confused by the labels on turkeys? EWG helps you sort out the facts with a new label decoder.

EPA’s Internal Watchdog Slams Agency for Failing To Fully Disclose Toxic Chemical Releases to Public

In an unusual move, the Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general issued an emergency alert today warning that the agency had failed to provide the public all the available data regarding...

Super snacks for the Super Bowl, Oscars and more!

EWG's research team uses Food Scores database to bring you a February Food Scores Challenge featuring tortilla chips and salsa.

In Florida, Toxic Algae Mars the ‘Treasure Coast’ and Waylays Beachgoers

What comes to mind when you think of the Florida coast? Sandy beaches, sunshine, warm water and … toxic algal blooms?

The Real Winners of the World Cup

The 32 countries competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup ™ are all required to play by the same rules on the soccer field, but off the field they subscribe to different sets of rules when it comes to...

Five Things You Don’t Know Your Kids Are Eating

As parents, we do the best we can to give our children a healthy diet. We read ingredient lists, shop conscientiously, pack healthy lunches and cook meals at home whenever possible. But big holes in...

The Pesticide Lobby's ‘Alternative Facts’ About EWG’s Shopper’s Guide

Does hearing about pesticides on produce make people less likely to eat fruits and vegetables? No – just the opposite. But that's what the pesticide lobby would like to have you believe.

Eating More Veggies: A Recipe for Sustainability

The Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a panel of respected scientific and medical experts who help craft the federal government's official position on nutrition, yesterday...

Trump To Sign Farm Bill Giving Subsidies to the Rich While Cutting Food Assistance for Hungry Americans

On the same day President Trump will sign legislation allowing the wealthiest farmers, their relatives and millionaire city slickers to receive even more taxpayer-funded subsidies, his administration...

Ag Pollution Knocks the Chesapeake Bay out of Balance

For more than thirty years, contamination from high-intensity farming has been adding to the pollution that fouls Chesapeake Bay, one of America's most storied waterways. A new report from the...

Coalition of NGOs Releases Nanotech Recommendation Reflecting Concern About Use of Nanotech In Foods

Responding to rising concern about manufacturers using unregulated nanomaterials in food, a coalition of advocacy groups in the U.S. and abroad has released a policy recommendation for companies in...

EWG: Trump’s Proposed Cuts to EPA, USDA Are ‘Nothing But Bad News’ For Farmers and Other Rural Americans

President Trump's proposed budget would slash vital programs at the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture that help farmers and rural communities reduce their exposure to farm...

EPA, You Have the Con

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is the new head of the Chesapeake Executive Council, replacing Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. The panel, which sets policy for the federal-state effort to restore the...

House passes Build Back Better bill to make historic climate-focused conservation investments

The Environmental Working Group today applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for including $28 billion in the Build Back Better bill to tackle a growing backlog of requests from farmers seeking U...

Making meals without microplastics: Tips for safer cutting boards

Depending on the type of cutting board you use, your home-cooked meals could be contaminated with an unlikely ingredient – microplastics – according to a recent study.

EWG Statement on Senate’s Bipartisan Farm Bill

Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today on the Senate version of the farm bill.

EWG: Senate Farm Bill Far Better Than House Proposal, But Fails to Rein in Farm Subsidies

Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today on the full Senate's passage of its version of the farm bill.

EWG: Pruitt’s $25,000 Sound Proof Phone Booth Raises Serious Concerns

WASHINGTON – The reports today that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has spent $25,000 in taxpayer’s money to install a soundproof, secure phone booth in his office is an...

Dr. Steingraber says: Embryos need safe food

We've talked before about the critical connection between toxics and pregnancy - it's an important topic given the potential impacts of chemicals on the developing fetus.

EWG’s Comments on EPA’s National Leadership Summit and Engagement on PFAS Chemicals

Here is EWG's comment letter in response to EPA's National Leadership Summit and Engagement on PFAS chemicals.

Senator Helps to Protect Our Food

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) helped to protect the safety of food today by stripping a controversial rider that would have given Monsanto and other agrichemical...

President Signs Health Care Law for Sick Lejeune Vets, Families

President Obama signed into law today the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act, which will provide essential health benefits to veterans and their families who were...