
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1321 - 1344 of 1806

Senate Passes Landmark Bill for Camp Lejeune Families

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill that furnishes health care benefits to veterans and their families made ill from polluted drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

Award-Winning Chefs Come to D.C., Urge Congress to Create Smarter Food Policy

Plate of the Union, a campaign to shift federal food policy to better serve all Americans, kicked off this week with more than 30 top U.S. chefs convening on Capitol Hill to promote nutrition programs...

Concern Over California Crops Irrigated with Oil and Gas Wastewater

Would you eat food grown with wastewater from oil and gas drilling? You could be already: farms in California's Central Valley, which produces 40 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, are...

A Neighbor’s Plea to Potato Giant: ‘You’re going to have casualties’

Mike Tauber, a plumber by trade, grew up and now lives on the outskirts of Hackensack, a town of 300 located within 10 miles of 127 lakes in north central Minnesota's Cass County.

EWG News Roundup (Dec. 9): Black Women’s Cosmetics and Climate Denier to Head EPA

This week was another busy one for folks at EWG. We released a report documenting some troubling facts about cosmetics products marketed to Black women. And we weighed in on President-elect Donald...

‘Homegrown Organic’ Bill Would Help Growers Transition, Boosting U.S. Production

Despite the rapid growth of the organic sector and the price premiums enjoyed by organic farmers, U.S. production of organic food has significantly lagged behind consumer demand.

Massive Study Finds Eating Organic Slashes Cancer Risks

Eating organic foods free from pesticides is strongly correlated with a dramatic reduction in the risk of cancer, according to a groundbreaking study published today in an American Medical Association...

EWG Comments on EPA's Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Atrazine and Draft Cumulative Human Health Risk Assessment for Triazine Herbicides

Attached are EWG's comments to Environmental Protection Agency on the agency's draft human health risk assessment for atrazine and draft cumulative human health risk assessment for triazine herbicides...

EWG's Responses to Proposed Rule Questions Under Consideration for USDA's GMO Disclosure Standard

As part of its process for implementing the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed by Congress last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has published 30 questions under consideration for USDA’s...

Scott Pruitt Just Hung Up a List of His Top ‘Environmental Achievements’ at EPA. EWG Suggests Alternate List.

New banners on display at the Environmental Protection Agency headquarters highlight five “environmental achievements” under Administrator Scott Pruitt's leadership. Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore...

Chemical mixtures: What they are and why you should care

People aren’t exposed to chemicals one at a time from a single place or product. They’re exposed to combinations, or mixtures, of chemicals from several sources.

‘Unbroken Ground:’ Patagonia Film Calls for Food Revolution

Most of the food Americans eat is produced in ways that harm the environment and worsen climate change. The federal government subsidizes unhealthy crops that have contributed to Americans' expanding...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should Follow Aides’ Lead and Resign

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt should join his aides Albert “Kell” Kelly and Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta, and resign immediately, said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook...

EPA’s Scott Pruitt Spent $1,560 of Taxpayer Money on 12 Pens

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt spent $1,560 in taxpayer money on 12 custom fountain pens emblazoned with his signature and the agency's seal, according to internal emails obtained...


Nearly 500 ways to make a yoga mat sandwich

If you've planked on a yoga mat, slipped on flip-flops, extracted a cell phone from protective padding or lined an attic with foam insulation, chances are you've had a brush with an industrial chemical called azodicarbonamide, nicknamed ADA. In the plastics industry, ADA is the “chemical foaming agent” of choice. It is mixed into polymer plastic gel to generate tiny gas bubbles, something like

Kraft-Heinz Rejects Effort To Get Phthalates Out of Mac and Cheese

Food corporation Kraft-Heinz just sent a clear message to parents: Your worries about phthalate contamination in our food chain isn't our problem.

EWG Urges FDA Not to Remove Labeling From Artificially Sweetened Dairy Products

The Environmental Working Group this week (May 21, 2013) submitted comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging it to deny an industry petition to change the official definition of milk...

Industry Proposal Would Bar GE Food Labels

A new legislative proposal drafted by the food industry that would make it impossible for any state to require labeling of genetically engineered food reveals how far some big companies will go to...

Hungry to Finish Food Policy Leftovers

When the election is (finally) over, the next Administration will have a grocery list of food and farm policy priorities to address, ranging from unregulated farm pollution to overuse of antibiotics...

Beyond Ag Policy: Farm Bureau Favors Confederate Statues, Opposes Gun-Free Zones and Gay Marriage

Surrounded by lobbyists for corporate agribusiness, Trump will find kindred spirits on a wide-range of policy positions.

Statement of EWG’s Scott Faber on Passage of DARK Act by Senate Agriculture Committee

The Environmental Working Group issued the following statement today after the Senate Agriculture Committee narrowly passed a version of the House-adopted Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK Act...

North Carolina Senators Won’t Vote to Confirm Trump’s Nominee for EPA’s Top Chemical Safety Post

North Carolina's two Republican senators, Richard Burr and Thom Tillis, will not support President Trump's nomination of Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection...

Nation’s Top Chefs, Food and Nutrition Experts Denounce Flawed House Farm Bill

More than 60 leading chefs, authors, food and agriculture policy and nutrition experts, business leaders and environment and health organizations have sent an open letter to Capitol Hill objecting...

With New Laws, California Leads the Nation in Protecting Kids from Lead Exposure

Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law three landmark proposals to protect California's children from exposure to lead.