
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1441 - 1464 of 1806

In the Bay, It’s Millions for Subsidies, Pennies for Conservation

Everyone agrees: Chesapeake Bay is heavily polluted. Thirty years of promises, compromises, plans, schemes and a whole lot of taxpayer dollars have done little to clean up one of America's most...

Pruitt’s Legacy: Worst EPA Chief in Agency’s History

After 18 months of ethical scandals, profligate spending of taxpayer dollars and rollbacks of public health protections, Scott Pruitt has resigned as administrator of the Environmental Protection...

EWG Statement on the EPA Nomination of Alexandra Dapolito Dunn

Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today on the nomination of Alexandra Dapolito Dunn as the Assistant Administrator...

Bill Would Ban Late-Harvest Spraying of Roundup Weedkiller on Oats

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced legislation today to dramatically limit American children's exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller, in food.

Sen. Merkley Introduces GMO Labeling Bill that Consumers and Food Industry Can Support

EWG applauds Sen. Jeff Merkley (D- Ore.) for introducing a common-sense approach to GMO labeling that both the food industry and consumer groups can support.

Californians Urge Healthy Food and Jobs Focus in Fast Tracked Farm Bill

More than 60 public health, nutrition, food, farm and environmental groups representing hundreds of thousands of California citizens are urging Gov. Jerry Brown and the state's congressional...

8 Questions for Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s FDA Nominee

On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions will hold a confirmation hearing for Scott Gottlieb, a doctor who is President Trump's nominee to run the Food and Drug...

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Senate DARK Act

This week, the Senate Committee on Agriculture will consider a new version of the DARK Act. The House of Representatives has already passed legislation blocking your right to know what's in your food...

Bill Advances to Protect California Workers From Lead Exposure on the Job

California lawmakers passed a measure Wednesday to safeguard workers and their families from the toxic effects of lead exposure, following revelations that state officials failed to investigate...

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

Clear Advice on Healthy Eating: Introducing EWG’s New Dietary Guidelines

News outlets around the country covered the Obama administration's release of new Dietary Guidelines for Americans, praising the good, scolding the bad and shining a bright light on the ugly.

Calif. Lawmakers Send Gov. Brown Sweeping Blueprint to Protect Children and Workers from Lead Exposure

With overwhelming bipartisan support, state lawmakers have sent Gov. Jerry Brown a suite of landmark proposals to safeguard Californians, from preschool to the workplace, from lead.

GE Wheat on Oregon Farm Raises New Concerns

The unapproved genetically engineered wheat that has turned up on an Oregon farm is yet another reason why consumers need clear labeling of GE foods, Scott Faber, EWG's Senior Vice President of...

Genetic Engineering Has No Place In “Natural” Foods

Supermarket shelves are loaded with products that display the label “natural.” The food industry likes to use the word to persuade consumers that what they're buying is somehow better for them, their...

Genetic Engineering Has No Place In “Natural” Foods

Supermarket shelves are loaded with products that display the label “natural.” The food industry likes to use the word to persuade consumers that what they're buying is somehow better for them, their...

No, Bacon isn’t Greener Than Lettuce

You may have seen the headlines yesterday claiming bacon is better for the environment than lettuce. Bacon cheeseburger lovers may have cheered the news, but a closer look shows the claim has more...

Lunchroom Bullies

If you wanted an object lesson in how broken food politics are in America, you couldn't do better than to read how farm lobbyists, teamed up with big food companies and malleable friends in both...

EWG’s statement on House Consideration of GMO Labeling Bill

EWG President Ken Cook issued the following statement today in response to the House's consideration of the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill the House is expected to take up this week.

Environment Committee Chair Seeks Answers from Pruitt Over Multiple Email Addresses

The chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is seeking details about Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt use of four different agency email addresses.

Attack of the Frankenfoods: Genetically Engineered Crops Use 26% More Pesticides, and Growing

The dedicated folks at The Organic Center released a hard hitting report today, Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use: The First Thirteen Years.

Five Kids’ Snacks You Should Always Buy Organic

Did you know that in order to receive organic certification, packaged foods must be free of not only toxic pesticides but also thousands of added chemicals like artificial preservatives, colors and...

Don’t Want to Eat Pruitt’s Pesticide? Here’s What to Avoid

Last week Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt stuck to his long-standing practice of ignoring science, disregarding data that shows the pesticide chlorpyrifos could harm kids'...

Reducing Fertilizers Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When people think about the causes of global warming, the food they eat typically doesn't make the short list. But agriculture is responsible for 80 percent of human-caused emissions of nitrous oxide...

More People Want GMO Labeling Than Like Apple Pie

As the fight over the DARK Act heats up in the House this week, new survey data underscore what polls by The Washington Post, The New York Times and Consumer Reports have been showing for years: nine...