
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1465 - 1488 of 1806

Perdue Chicken Out to Pluck Public Interest Lawyers

Perdue Chicken Chairman Jim Perdue is retaliating against environmentalists -- and their lawyers -- who filed filed suit against the poultry giant and one of its contract chicken farms on March 2 for...

Healthy Snacks for Hungry Kids

Your kids rush home after school, sports practice or a busy day at the park, searching for food to replenish their empty tanks. Here are our tips and suggestions for snacks to satisfy even the...

Fish vs. Fish Oil Supplements: Which is Better for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Omega-3 fatty acids boost brain development in fetuses and babies. They are widely considered healthy and safe for women who are pregnant, nursing or planning to become pregnant. But which is the...

Organic sales soar in 2020 to over $61 billion

Sales of organic food and other organic products in the U.S. surged to nearly $62 billion in 2020 – up more than 12 percent from the year before, according to a new survey by the Organic Trade...
Consumer Guides

10 Household tips for cancer prevention

Don't forget that your environment also plays an important role in cancer prevention. Here are some simple actions you can take in and around your home to help reduce your family's risk of cancer.

How To Head Off Another Elk River Crisis

The Elk River chemical disaster, which unfolded a year and four days ago, is one of those crises too terrible to waste. Here are five surprising lessons we need to learn from the spill, which...

Pompeo’s DARK Act Will Keep Consumers in the Dark

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) has introduced the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act to keep consumers, well, in the dark about whether or not their food contains GE ingredients. The bill would...

Treat Your Child to Nutritious School Lunches

As the oldest sister, I'm often tasked with making lunch and snacks for my brothers. So I get why parents dread the summertime food-prep hassle. Keeping the kitchen stocked to satisfy kids' appetites...

Chipotle, GMOs and Monsanto’s Toxic Glyphosate

Chipotle gets it. The popular quick-service restaurant understands that genetically engineered foods, called GMOs, are often grown in a way that is harmful to the environment.

Pruitt’s Legacy: Worst EPA Chief in Agency’s History

After 18 months of ethical scandals, profligate spending of taxpayer dollars and rollbacks of public health protections, Scott Pruitt has resigned as administrator of the Environmental Protection...

EWG Statement on the EPA Nomination of Alexandra Dapolito Dunn

Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today on the nomination of Alexandra Dapolito Dunn as the Assistant Administrator...

Keeping Secrets Down on the Farm

Every year, taxpayers send billions to farm businesses to cover the cost of implementing conservation practices that help keep the soil on the land and limit the runoff of dirt and agricultural...

A River of Doubt

When 300,000 West Virginians went without water for three weeks earlier this year, most Americans were shocked to learn that health officials and the government didn't know much about the licorice...

Rate Your Plate Series: Should You Worry About Arsenic in Rice?

EWG scientists have concluded that consumers should shop vigilantly, choosing foods selectively to lower their chances of consuming excessive arsenic. That's why EWG's Food Score flags arsenic as a...

Does Obama have the Right to Know?

When President Obama stepped off Air Force One in Kenya last month, he could automatically enjoy the right to know what is in his food... a right Americans don't have in the U.S.

Report: Organic Packaged Foods Only ‘Clean’ Option for Consumers

Unlike organic packaged foods, conventional packaged food contains thousands of poorly regulated food chemicals, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Are Those GMO Mushrooms onYour Plate? You May Never Know

All of us who like mushrooms let out a big gasp last week after learning that a GMO mushroom could wind up on our dinner tables without any notice or label.

DARK Act Passes but Fight for Americans’ Right to Know Far From Over

Legislation dubbed the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK, Act, passed the House of Representatives today, but the fight for a more transparent food industry is only just beginning, EWG's Scott...

Tonight: EWG’s Ken Cook to Debate GMO Labeling Initiative at Commonwealth Club

Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, will join other experts at San Francisco's Commonwealth Club at 6 p.m. tonight for a debate on California ballot initiative Proposition 37, to...

Bill Would Block States from Warning Public About Cancer, Other Risks in Consumer Products

WASHINGTON – Legislation introduced in Congress seeks to preempt state laws that require products to carry labels informing consumers of potential health risks like cancer and developmental harm to...

Lunchroom Bullies

If you wanted an object lesson in how broken food politics are in America, you couldn't do better than to read how farm lobbyists, teamed up with big food companies and malleable friends in both...

EWG’s statement on House Consideration of GMO Labeling Bill

EWG President Ken Cook issued the following statement today in response to the House's consideration of the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill the House is expected to take up this week.

Chemical Giants Spend Millions To Fight GMO Food Labeling

Americans eat their weight yearly in genetically engineered food, much of it created by large chemical and pesticide companies funding an expensive ad campaign to defeat the common-sense Proposition...

Defense Department delayed PFAS cleanup, ignored health risks, Inspector General says

The Defense Department responded too slowly to the threats posed to military service members by the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS and is failing to track the health risks facing military...