
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1561 - 1584 of 1806

Flouting Senate, EPA Chief Installs Chemical Safety Nominee as Senior Advisor

Defying the Senate's authority to confirm presidential nominees, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has installed Michael Dourson, President Trump's controversial choice to run...

White House Support For EPA Chief Crumbling

President Trump's support for his ethically-challenged EPA administrator Scott Pruitt appears to be crumbling in advance of two come-to-Jesus congressional hearings Thursday. Photo courtesy of Gage...

EWG Responds to General Mills and Quaker Oats: ‘Legal Is Not the Same as Safe’

The Environmental Working Group is disappointed that General Mills and the Quaker Oats Company have brushed aside consumer health concerns raised by new research that found the cancer-causing weed...

EWG’s Cook Applauds Wash State AG’s Lawsuit Against Food Industry’s Secretive Spending On GMO Labeling Initiative

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook today called on the Grocery Manufacturers Association to fully disclose which member companies contributed money to the secretive and potentially illegal...

Senate Sends Strong Message in Defeat of DARK Act

In a major win for consumers, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) yesterday failed to attract the votes he needed to end debate on a bill known to opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK...

Pruitt Illegally Installed $43K Phone Booth When EPA Already Had 2

Before Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt illegally installed a private phone booth in his office to the tune of $43,000 from taxpayers, there were already two soundproof booths called...

GMO Lobster? GMO Bacon?

More meat and fish from genetically engineered animals could be coming to your dinner plate.

FDA, not food companies, should decide whether green tea extract is safe

Consuming green tea is associated with several health benefits, such as reduced cancer risk, impacts on weight loss and lower LDL cholesterol. Credit for these effects often goes to a compound...

Whistling past the graveyard: EPA ignores science linking paraquat to Parkinson’s disease

The Environmental Protection Agency is dismissing a growing body of research linking the toxic weed killer paraquat to Parkinson’s disease, according to an agency analysis released today . The agency...

U.S. Seafood Advice Could Expose Women and Babies to Too Much Mercury, Not Enough Healthy Fats

Pregnant women who follow the federal government's draft dietary advice could eat too much fish high in toxic mercury, which is harmful to the developing brains of fetuses, babies and young children...

Fields of Filth: Landmark Report Maps Feces-Laden Hog and Chicken Operations in North Carolina

A first-of-its-kind interactive map revealing the locations of more than 6,500 concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, across the state of North Carolina was released today by Waterkeeper...

What I Learned by Participating in EWG’s Mercury in Seafood Study

After a year of trying to conceive a child, several months of infertility treatment and finally a miscarriage, I felt completely out of control over my own body. I learned about EWG and began...

Amendment Votes Show the Way Forward for the Farm Bill

Almost as soon as the gavel came down last week on an historic defeat for the farm bill in the House of Representatives, people started asking: What happens now?

New study finds alarming rise in persistent ‘forever chemicals’ in pesticides

A peer-reviewed study published today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has found that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” are increasingly being...

Taxpayers Fuel Rise of the Mega (Family) Farm

Discussions in Congress on reforming America's broken food and farm policy in the next farm bill have already begun. Lots of voices are chiming in from the pro-food and sustainable agriculture circles...

An Apple A Day, Too Much Pesticide Spray

For the fifth year in a row, EWG 's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in ProduceTM ranks apples at the top of the Dirty Dozen PlusTM list of non-organic fruits and veggies with high levels of pesticide...

National Academy of Sciences Urges Greater GMO Transparency

Today's National Academy of Sciences report on genetically engineered foods takes a major policy step in calling on the food and agriculture industries to increase transparency regarding GMO foods...

Maine data unveils troubling trend: 55 PFAS-related chemicals in over 1,400 pesticides

More than 1,400 pesticides contain active ingredients that meet Maine’s definition for the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to a new analysis of data from the state by Environmental...

Try EWG’s Food Scores App at the Grocery Store

This summer as an EWG research intern, I've helped develop EWG's Food Scores. The database and mobile app help consumers make healthier, cleaner grocery store purchases by rating food on a scale with...

Organic Industry Fights For Better Animal Welfare

Great news! The organic industry is fighting to strengthen its animal welfare standards to ensure the health and well-being of livestock and poultry throughout their lives.

AFFIRM Act Cuts Wasteful Insurance Subsidies, Increases Transparency

Reps. Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Tom Petri (R-Wis.) today introduced the Assisting Family Farmers through Insurance Reform Measures Act (AFFIRM), common sense legislation that will reform the heavily...

Corn and Cotton Clobber Poor Kids in Big Ag’s Secret Farm Bill

Details became public today of a farm bill proposal written in secret by the top leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees and sent this week to the Congressional “Super Committee.” As...

Are you looking for the "9" when you buy produce?

The 4 or 5-digit number that you'll find on the little sticker on your produce is a Price Look-Up, or PLU, code. They've been used by grocery stores for about 20 years to identify produce for pricing...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should be ‘Under Oath Before Breakfast’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will testify Wednesday before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, his fourth time before a congressional committee this year.