
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1585 - 1608 of 1806

Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics Linked to Preterm Births and Low Birth Weight

A study of pregnant Brooklyn women led by the SUNY Downstate Medical Center links triclosan, an antibacterial agent common in personal care products, with preterm births and smaller newborns.

Organic Diet Reduced Children’s Exposure to Pesticides

New research in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that an organic diet significantly lowered concentrations of certain pesticides in two groups of California children.

DARKer Act Blocks State and Local GMO Safety Rules

The anti-labeling DARK Act sponsored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) is now also an anti-environment, anti-farmworker and anti-public health bill. The latest version could rip more than 100 laws from...

EPA Chief to be Fêted at Chemical Industry Soirée

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will deliver remarks at the annual board meeting of the American Chemistry Council, the main chemical industry trade and lobby group...

Scott Pruitt’s Taxpayer Spending Tab Mounts: $120K For GOP Opposition Research Firm to Track News Media

The Environmental Protection Agency spent $120,000 to hire a Republican opposition research and PR firm – the latest example of Administrator Scott Pruitt's questionable spending, which has already...

GE Labeling Would Cost Peanuts, New Study Finds

A recently released study by the economic consulting firm ECONorthwest concludes that requiring genetically engineered food to be labeled would cost Americans a mere $2.30 per person per year.

Chemical Safety Nominee Weakened Standards for ‘Popcorn Lung’ Food Additive

Here's yet another dangerous chemical that Michael Dourson, President Trump's nominee to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency, helped greenwash: diacetyl, a food additive...

New Front to Open in Trump’s War on Healthy Food

President Trump is likely to launch new salvos in his full-scale war on healthy food today, when he addresses the American Farm Bureau Federation.

EWG Tackling Global Challenges, One Step at a Time

Eradicate poverty. End hunger. Reduce inequality. Stop climate change. Such huge, idealistic goals may seem impossible.

House Leadership Puts FARRM Out to Pasture?

Although the future of the farm bill remains unclear, the leadership of the House of Representatives effectively rejected a proposal by the House Agriculture Committee that would have cut nutrition...

EWG Calls on Monsanto to Retract Remarks on WHO Weed-Killer Report

In response to the World Health Organization's decision to classify the weed-killer glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” Monsanto's top executive pulled out the rhetorical machine guns...

Campbell’s Soup Will Soon Be Free of Artificial Flavors and Colors

The news last week that Campbell Soup Company will remove artificial colors and flavors from its product lineup is just the latest indication that big food companies are increasingly paying attention...

Monsanto “Science” Ignores Weed Killers Linked to Cancer

As the New York Times reveals today, the “science” being served up to legislators considering whether to block state and federal GMO labeling has been cherry-picked by GMO labeling opponents.

FDA Glyphosate Testing Conspicuously Skips Oats, Wheat Products

The Food and Drug Administration failed to include oats and wheat products in its glyphosate testing program, leaving Americans largely in the dark about their exposure through food to the active...

Organic “Hotspots” Boost Local Economies

The nutritional and environmental benefits of organic agriculture are two of the main reasons that shoppers seek out organic foods and other products. But did you know organic is also good for the...

Top Coal Lobbyist, Climate Skeptic Poised to Become No. 2 at EPA

A leading lobbyist for the coal and oil industries, who is a staunch climate change skeptic, is a step away from being second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

Does Coffee Cause Cancer? New Studies Say It Could Actually Reduce Risk

Good news, coffee drinkers: A new scientific review finds no conclusive evidence that coffee causes cancer. In fact, coffee may even help protect against certain cancers.

Legal Analysis Debunks “Patchwork Quilt” of State GMO-Labeling laws

In the debate over labeling foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, one of the most frequently repeated arguments against state GMO-labeling laws is this: that state laws will create a...

More Scientific Evidence That Organic Food Is More Nutritious

A new study led by a team of scientists at Newcastle University in England provides the most compelling and comprehensive evidence that organic crops are more nutritious than their conventional...

Pruitt’s $25,000 Phone Booth Under Investigation by EPA Inspector General

The Inspector General for the Environmental Protection Agency announced an investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's use of nearly $25,000 in taxpayer dollars to purchase a customized secure...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Study: Eating Highly Processed Foods Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

The more highly processed foods you eat, the higher your risk of cancer.

Eating lower - and better - on the food chain

Cutting back on the amount of meat in the American diet is one of the best ways people can shrink their carbon footprint – and at the same time slim their waistlines and improve overall health.