
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1681 - 1704 of 1806

EPA’s Pruitt Says “Hard to Predict” How Much Time He Spends in Secure Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt couldn't say how much of his work to safeguard public health and natural resources he conducts from his new $25,000 secure phone booth.

Top Pruitt Aide Has Side Hustle as Media Consultant – EPA Won’t Reveal Clients

John Konkus, a top public affairs officer at the Environmental Protection Agency, is working on the side as a media consultant. The EPA not only doesn't have a problem with that, but won't even say...

Good Food Lunch Boxes

Are you looking for ideas for healthy, affordable and brown-bag-ready lunches? As kids head back to school, the Environmental Working Group wants to help you get the year started right.

Toyota Tells EWG ‘No Plans’ to Help Scott Pruitt Gut EPA

Contrary to Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's testimony before a House committee, Toyota has no plans to partner with the agency, the company said in a letter to the Environmental...

New EWG Guide Aims to Help Shoppers Avoid GE Food

A new shopping guide released by the Environmental Working Group today will help consumers find supermarket foods made without ingredients likely to be genetically engineered.

Surprise! Some of your favorite foods may contain artificial sweetener

You’ve probably heard some of the concerns being raised lately about artificial sweeteners. Maybe you’ve even sworn off diet products as a result.

What are the biggest food policy debates?

This week, Grist offered its opinion about the biggest debates in food policy. But many of the biggest kitchen-table issues weren't on the list, including climate change, farm pollution, food safety...

What is food dye?

From popsicles to pistachios and from meat to mac and cheese, synthetic food dyes are everywhere. Their vibrant colors make food appealing and increase our appetite.

New Map Reveals Hot Spots in Emerging Global Food Crisis

Volatile food markets and food insecurity contributed to the civic unrest that recently brought down Egypt's president. To better understand the unfolding reality of global food price volatility...

Staunch Advocate For Genetic Engineering Urges GMO Labeling for Food

Mark Lynas, maybe the most famous apologist for GMO foods ever, this week urged a gathering of food and biotech industry employees to stop battling the growing movement to label foods made with...

Consumers Want Simple Labels, Not Codes

Busy consumers want ingredients disclosed on food labels – not embedded in electronic codes that must be scanned with a smart phone.

Study Links BPA to Attention Disorder in Kids

Children with high levels of the chemical bisphenol A in their bodies were more likely to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than those with lower levels of the chemical, according to a...

Senate Farm Bill Amendment Would Rein in Crop Insurance Subsidies for the Rich

A new amendment to the Senate farm bill that limits crop insurance subsidies for the wealthiest farmers would save taxpayers more than $490 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Are Possible Violations of Federal Law Enough to Finally Send Scott Pruitt Packing?

The federal government's top ethics official is raising serious questions about Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's potential violations of law. His string of scandals could topple...

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

This Back-to-School Season, Protect the Lunchbox

Back to school means books, studying and recess – to kids. For many parents, this time of year means packing lunches.

The Real Voice Behind the “Lunch Ladies”

In the ongoing campaign to get Congress to weaken federal requirements for healthier school lunches and snacks, the School Nutrition Association is trying to create the impression that it speaks for...

Nothing Smart About “Smart Label”

Big Food's new “Smart Labels” proposal is no substitute for a simple GMO disclosure on food packaging.

EWG Urges EPA to Finalize Dioxin Toxicity Assessment

EWG research found that the amount of dioxin a nursing infant ingests daily is up to 77 times higher than the level EPA has proposed to protect the endocrine and immune systems. The fact that both...

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe for Your Child?

It's no secret that children love sweets – and that parents often try to limit the sugary treats their kids consume, because of the range of health concerns, not to mention dental bills, associated...

Chef Ann Cooper's Toolbox for the School Lunchbox

After 30 years as a top chef in some of this country's best restaurants, Chef Ann Cooper has turned to fighting the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America's children. First she claimed the title...

Top 5 Reasons to Reform Crop Insurance

Few federal programs are more badly in need of reform than the federal crop insurance program. The Senate will debate some long overdue reforms this week.

Chemical Agriculture Group Says, Shut Up and Eat Your Pesticides

WASHINGTON, DC - Rachel Carson ignited the debate over pesticide safety a generation ago. Its latest phase began today (July 15).

Scott Pruitt’s ‘Unethical and Potentially Illegal’ Acts, 4 EPA Email Accounts

There was stunning news today on the seemingly endless scandals engulfing Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.