
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1705 - 1728 of 1806

Study: Lead Exposure Can Be Deadly For Adults

The danger of children's exposure to even the lowest level of lead is well known. Now, a new study finds that adults who are exposed to lead face major risks of death from heart attacks and other...

Trump’s Budget Unites Farmers and Foodies

President Trump's budget request managed to do something few could have imagined: unite farmers and foodies.

Bacon, Red Meat and Cancer: What the World Health Organization Said – and Didn’t Say

The finding of the International Agency for Research on Cancer , or IARC, that processed meats like bacon, ham and sausage definitely cause colon cancer, and that red meat probably does, provoked...

How To Shop Safely and Eat Well During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although our daily routines have drastically shifted in the past few weeks, one thing hasn't changed: the need to eat healthfully. Healthy eating is always important, but now there's an even more...

Letter to Society of Toxicology

EWG is a non-profit public health watchdog organization. We are writing to alert you that a current Society of Toxicology (SOT) member, Dr. Dennis Paustenbach, has committed a serious violation of the...

Brazilians Don’t Turn Up Their Noses at GE Food

So far, less than 1 percent of Brazilian food sales are “organic” (though sales are growing). And, when experts looked more closely, they found that many Brazilian consumers are more likely to buy...

What’s in My Peanut Butter?

Creamy or crunchy? In a sandwich with grape jelly or strawberry jam? On crackers or celery sticks? No matter how you spread it, peanut butter is a staple of the American diet. But what's in it?

Staying healthy this Fourth of July

Independence Day is almost here, with the potential for fun, sun and fireworks. While preparing for barbecues, beach days and get-togethers with family and friends, keep in mind a few health and...

Study: Preservative Used in Pop-Tarts and Hundreds of Popular Foods May Harm the Immune System

A food preservative used to prolong the shelf life of Pop-Tarts, Rice Krispies Treats, Cheez-Its and almost 1,250 other popular processed foods may harm the immune system, according to a new peer...

Leading Scientists Rely on and Back EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides

Chensheng (Alex) Lu, Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology at Harvard School of Public Health has advised parents and caregivers to use the Shopper's Guide to "keep nutritional foods...

Amended DARK Act Would Still Block State and Local GMO Crop Rules

As EWG pointed out last week, the version of the DARK Act passed by the House Committee on Agriculture could block or “preempt” many state and local regulations related to GMOs.

No Rules? No Food Safety

Everyone likes safe food. Polls show consumers want food safety to be a top priority for food companies and policymakers.

EWG Establishes Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Technology and Digital Mobilization

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Environmental Working Group, the nation's leading environmental health research and advocacy organization, has established its own “genius” award to honor...

Rate Your Plate: Three Things for Your Memorial Day Picnics and Barbeques

Memorial Day is right around the corner, and picnic season is in full bloom. That means lots of people are fixing fruit salads, readying the spinach dip and putting together sandwiches full of cold...

Americans' Views of Industrial Agriculture By the Numbers

The popularity of Oscar-nominated “Food, Inc.” and writers Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman make it clear that consumer interest in food and farming issues is now deeply embedded in the cultural...

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Our report struck at nerve at FDA. The agency issued a statement calling it “misleading” and “alarmist.” You can read our full response here. Essentially, the FDA argued that antibiotic-resistance to...

Top Labor Day Tips to End Summer on a High Note

Whether you're planning a beach outing, pool party or cookout to mark the last days of summer, here are some tips for a safe and healthy Labor Day weekend.

Your Game Plan for a Healthier Super Bowl Sunday

When it comes to eating holidays, Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only to Thanksgiving, with some reports suggesting that the average football fan consumes more than 2,400 calories during the game...

Hey Parents: Read This Book, Then Save the Planet, Would Ya?

We parents give a lot of orders. "Put your pajamas away. Clear the table, please. Don't pull the cat's tail!" But in her new book, Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental...

Can’t Handle the Food Truth?

Food industry lobbyists are none too pleased with EWG's new scoring system for foods

Federal Seafood Guidelines May Put Moms and Babies at Risk

Federal agencies advise women who are pregnant, nursing or planning to become pregnant to eat 8-to-12 ounces a week of low-mercury seafood.

Prominent Chefs Serve Up a Message to Congress: Label GMOs

More than 700 chefs – including Tom Colicchio, José Andrés, Art Smith and Sam Talbot – are urging members of Congress to support legislation to mandate labeling of genetically modified foods and to...

Income Support Proposal in House Farm Bill is Far More Generous Than Current Law

A new price guarantee program in the House farm bill could cost nearly $20 billion more than the discredited programs it is designed to replace, a new analysis shows.

Super Committee Me

If the next farm bill gets written without input from healthy food reformers, maybe it's time to occupy the agriculture committees?