
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1753 - 1776 of 1806

Federal facilities should offer more plant-based or vegetarian options

Fewer than half of federal facilities surveyed routinely offer a plant-based or vegetarian entree option, and many of those options provide limited nutritional benefits, EWG has found.

First shot in the 2007 farm bill debate?

Delta Farm Press, David Bennett Published May 4, 2006 In what could be the first significant shot fired in the 2007 farm bill debate, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a report on how...

Update: Federal facilities struggle to routinely offer plant-based or vegetarian options

Many federal facilities still don’t follow voluntary federal guidelines on providing adequate plant-based or vegetarian meal options a year after EWG last highlighted the problem.

Type 3 Diabetes?

I try to maintain my health with the long game in mind, in the hope that one day I'll be able to enjoy my golden years - physically and mentally. Of course, there are a lot of miles to travel between...

How Cutting Sugar Can Improve Children’s Health

Now parents have yet another reason to wean their kids off the sweet stuff.

Monsanto GMO Guru Attacks EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

We'd like to thank Rob Fraley, chief technology official at Monsanto, who's largely responsible for introducing genetically modified foods to the U.S. and Big Ag's surge in pesticide use that ensued.

Re-doubling my commitment to organic food

There's nothing to make you feel like a dope like a bunch of experts telling you you're wasting your money by buying organic food. And after the recent review of the issue by Stanford University...

Good Food on a Tight Budget: EWG’s New Easy-to-Use Guide

In an era of rising food prices and economic strains that have put one in four people on federal nutrition assistance, nearly all Americans must search for foods that are nutritious and affordable. To...

Infants Ingest Dioxin at 77 Times EPA’s Safe Threshold

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A review of research conducted by independent laboratories and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that one of the most widespread and hazardous contaminants...

Chef Colicchio, Activists, Lawmakers Demand Action on GMO Labeling

Chef Tom Colicchio joined Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) today as they reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would give Americans...


Pesticides still found in baby food, but biggest toxic threats eliminated

Your baby’s food may contain potentially harmful pesticides – but the Environmental Working Group’s decades of fighting to protect children’s health have helped eliminate the most toxic threats from these products.

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Last week, the Environmental Working Group released a report analyzing antibiotic resistance of bacteria detected in supermarket meat. We unearthed data buried deep in the annual report of theNational...

Too Much of a Good Thing

You want your kids to get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and happy. The best way is to feed them plenty of fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole foods. But what about all the...

Congress Should Not Pass a Lame Duck Farm Bill

With the elections finally behind us, Congress has returned to Washington to try to wrap up a slew of unfinished business. Among other things, lawmakers are grappling with how to revive the expired...

Cooking Through Winter's Bitter Bounty

When the weather turns, the days get shorter and it's time to get out the winter clothes, it's also high season for the Brassicaceae, or mustard family, on your family's dinner table.

EWG for the Win: Tips for Your Healthiest Super Bowl Yet

The big game is right around the corner and millions of Americans are making winning game plans for a Super Bowl party packed with quintessential football fare. Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only...

When Feds Put Food Safety On Back Burner

When the federal government skimps on food safety, especially inspections, people can get seriously ill and in some cases, die. That's why Congress can't afford to underfund the landmark bipartisan...

EWG’s Food Scores Helps People Find Out What’s Really In Their Food

Today, Environmental Working Group released Food Scores: Rate Your Plate, an easy-to-use food database and mobile app that will house ratings and a vast array of other information for more than 80,000...

OUT NOW: EWG’s 2020 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Nearly 70 percent of the fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group's 2020 Dirty Dozen™. Yet the dirtiest...


Taking from the Taxpayers

For decades taxpayers have provided subsidized water to California farmers at rates far below fair market value. When the amount of cheap water delivered to farmers was reduced during the severe drought of the early '90s to protect two species of endangered fish, a group of San Joaquin Valley water districts representing some of the nation's biggest farming operations sued the government for

EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™: Blueberries, green beans join the Dirty Dozen™

Thirty years after a landmark National Academies of Sciences study warning of the dangers posed to children by pesticides, 75 percent of non-organic fruits and vegetables sold in the U.S. are still...

Five Kid-Approved Tips for Healthier Valentine’s Day Parties

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and let's face it: your kids will eat a lot of sugary treats come February 14. Thanks to school, team and neighborhood parties, many kids spend Valentine's...