
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 241 - 264 of 7442

Should Billionaires Get Unlimited Crop Insurance Subsidies?

Do you support the federal government handing out unlimited crop insurance subsidies to millionaires and billionaires without disclosing who gets them?

Time for Cleaning Products to Come Clean on Ingredients

Are there cancer-causing chemicals in your cleaning products? You wouldn't know, because the majority of cleaners don't fully disclose their ingredients on the label or online.

“Climate Smart” Carrots Won’t Cut Farm Pollution Without Sticks

The Obama administration is right to regulate methane from oil and gas wells. But there's no good reason to exempt methane from agriculture – which is the second largest source of methane in the U.S...

Study: Farm Fertilizers, Manure Are Leading Source of Air Pollution

Large-scale industrial agriculture in the United States and much of the world releases more air pollution than all other emissions sources combined, much of it forming fine particles that are “a huge...

How Crop Subsidies May Make You Fat

A new study shows that bloated crop subsidies may be contributing to Americans' expanding waistlines and poor health.

Eat More Color

There are lots of reasons to load up on deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables, but for me, the best reason is that it makes me happy! We feel invigorated and energized just looking at brightly...

Will GMO Labeling 'Win' Be Undermined by Loopholes?

For a variety of reasons, EWG does not support the Roberts-Stabenow legislation to establish mandatory, federal labeling of genetically engineered food. That said, we are grateful to many members of...

FDA Investigating Hair Care Products Linked to Balding But Can't Stop Sales

EWG first reported last December that more than 17,000 users of WEN cleansing conditioners had complained to the manufacturer about losing some or all of their hair after using the products.

The Pollution in People: Flame Retardants in Gymnasts

A new study bolstered evidence that gymnasts are highly exposed to fire retardant chemicals in landing mats and foam cubes in landing pits used to practice tumbling and vaults.

Thousands Of Schools Would be Close To Toxic Spray Zones

There are 5,532 American schools within 200 feet of farm fields that may soon be blanketed with massive amounts of a toxic defoliant linked to Parkinson's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and...

One-Third of California’s High-Risk Kids Not Tested for Lead Poisoning

Despite federal and state laws requiring blood tests for all young children most at risk for lead poisoning, year after year California falls far short of its responsibility.

EWG Updates Sunscreens Guide for July 4th

As the July 4th weekend approaches, EWG has added more than 30 new products to our 2015 Guide to Sunscreens! Twenty-one made our Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens and Best Moisturizers lists because they...

The Growing Opposition to the DARK Act

It's getting harder and harder for opponents of GMO labeling to ignore the mushrooming opposition to the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act. This anti-environment and anti-farmworker...

Back-to-School Shouldn’t Mean Back-to-Toxics

I spend lots of time thinking about toxic chemicals, so when I shop I get pretty annoyed. It's flame retardants again. They're in everything – kids' pajamas, nap mats, nursing pillows, even some of...

Give the Oceans a Break with Greener Back-to-School Supplies

We live in the age of plastic. Every year we make plastic stuff in amounts that equal the weight of the entire human population, and enough of it is thrown away to circle the Earth four times. More...

Does Obama have the Right to Know?

When President Obama stepped off Air Force One in Kenya last month, he could automatically enjoy the right to know what is in his food... a right Americans don't have in the U.S.

Congress Poised to Put 9/11 Heroes at Risk

In less than 20 minutes, the terrorist-controlled airliners hit both towers of the World Trade Center complex on the morning of September 11, 2001. As tens of thousands of workers and residents in...

Wellness Chat: The Indoor Environment

Nicole Deziel, Ph.D. in this lightly edited interview with EWG, she shares her thoughts on how household exposures can affect health.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2016 there will be an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women, and 2,600 new cases in men. The high rates of the disease emphasize the importance of prevention for those at...

Hungry to Finish Food Policy Leftovers

When the election is (finally) over, the next Administration will have a grocery list of food and farm policy priorities to address, ranging from unregulated farm pollution to overuse of antibiotics...

For Safe, Nontoxic Personal Care Products, Look Beyond the Pink Ribbon

EWG, and discuss potentially harmful ingredients in personal care products and why it's important to choose based on the contents, rather than the packaging.

‘Cupcake King’ Could Head Agriculture Department

When Sid Miller took office as Texas' Agriculture Commissioner last year, his first action was to “grant amnesty” to cupcakes and other sweets sold in his state's schools.

A Pro-Industry EPA Could Undermine New Chemical Safety Law

By releasing the first 10 chemicals to be reviewed under the new federal chemical safety law, the Environmental Protection Agency reminds us of what's at stake – and how decisions made by the incoming...

New Round of EWG Testing Finds Glyphosate in Kids’ Breakfast Foods from Quaker Oats, General Mills

Glyphosate, an herbicide that is heavily used in the U.S., was detected in all 28 oat-based cereal and breakfast products sampled in a new round of testing commissioned by EWG.