
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2545 - 2568 of 7439

EU Officials Warn of Health Risks from Pesticides Common on U.S. Fruits and Vegetables

The decision by Europe's top food safety agency to call for new restrictions on two pesticides common on conventionally-grown U.S. produce because they “may affect the developing human nervous system”...


Real MPG - Putting the Truth in Your Tank

The U.S. would have imported about 20 percent less foreign oil in 2005 if automakers met federal fuel efficiency or miles per gallon (MPG) standards based on real world driving conditions. That reduction is equivalent to more than 1.3 times the amount of oil imported from Saudi Arabia in 2005, or about two million barrels of oil per day. For consumers this translates into 33 billion gallons of

Investors Call For Food Companies to Stay out of Washington State GMO Battle

Companies that donated funds to oppose ballot initiatives to require the labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are facing new pressure from shareholders to stay out of...

Companies Working to Defeat GMO Labeling Often Employ Deceptive Labels

Some of the word's biggest food and beverage companies are spending millions of dollars to defeat California's Proposition 37, the GMO labeling initiative, claiming it would deceive consumers. Yet...

Tonight: Bay Area Public Radio to Air The Debate Over Prop 37

At 8:00pm tonight KQED-FM will re-air the only major debate to date on California's Proposition 37 to label GMO foods.

California Voters Heavily Favor GE Food Labeling Initiative, Poll Shows

In a statewide poll released today, more than 60 percent of registered California voters support a November ballot initiative called Proposition 37 to require disclosure on the label whenever fresh...

UN panel calls into question U.S. corn ethanol mandate

A new report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the risks biofuels present to food security and the environment and questions the ability of U.S. biofuels...

Consumer Pressure Leads Avon To Phase Out Antibacterial Chemical

Washington, D.C. – The decision by Avon, one of the world's largest beauty product manufacturers, to remove the antibacterial chemical triclosan from its products is “the latest example of how...

Big Food’s “DARK Act” Introduced in Congress

Legislation introduced today by Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) - christened the “Deny Americans the Right-to-Know” or DARK act by critics - would block any federal or state action to require...

EWG’s Ken Cook Recognized by Mount Sinai’s Children’s Environmental Health Center

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook will be the featured guest and honoree today (May 16) at the annual Greening Our Children event hosted by the Children's Environmental Health Center...

Supreme Court Supports Toxic Polluters, Imperils Camp Lejeune Vets’ Litigation

The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled against some Asheville, N.C. homeowners who unknowingly bought land contaminated by toxic chemicals and are now trying to sue the company that dumped them there.

Ben & Jerry’s, GE-Labeling Advocates Protest Anti-GE Labeling Bill

Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield joined members of Congress and pro-GE labeling advocacy groups on Capitol Hill today to protest a House bill that would deny Americans the right to know about...

EWG Honors Hollie Russon Gilman for Excellence in Technology and Innovation

Hollie Russon Gilman, Ph.D. has been awarded this year's Chris Campbell Award for Excellence in Information Technology and Digital Mobilization, Environmental Working Group announced today.


Stolen Inventory (National)

An Environmental Working Group investigation of government and industry data shows that EPA has failed to require public disclosure of pollution data under the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for at least 10 industrial chemicals that meet EPA's own criteria for classification as persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals, a category reserved for chemicals that present the greatest threats to

Forty Years after the Clean Water Act, The Corn Belt’s Rivers and Streams are Still Murky

Forty years after passage of the federal Clean Water Act, it is clear that farm pollution, which remains exempt from the law, is standing in the way of clean water in Iowa and across the nation, a new...

Driving Under the Influence: Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

WASHINGTON – June 15, 2010. Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil...

Whole Foods Launches Revolutionary Program To Rate Health and Environmental Impact of Produce

EWG commends Whole Foods Market for launching a new program that will raise the bar for retailing responsibly grown produce and improve the health, safety and environmental impact of the fruits and...

Sunscreen Bill Heads to President’s Desk

EWG applauds Congress for passing a bill that will give Americans better protection from the sun's harmful UV radiation and greater access to safe and effective sunscreens.

Obama Administration Fails to Protect Public from Toxic Coal Ash

The White House today caved to industry pressure and backpedaled on the Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 proposal to regulate coal ash – the toxic material that piles up in enormous quantities...

USDA Takes Important Step Towards Protecting Environment, Wildlife

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's decision to pay for more than 100 conservation projects nationwide is an important step toward restoring water quality and protecting wildlife habitat, EWG said in...

Renewable Fuels Goals In Climate Bills Threaten Millions of Acres of Forest

Washington, D.C. – At least 30 million acres of America's forests could be cut down and used for fuel at US power plants if renewable fuels and biomass provisions of current Congressional climate and...

Dirt Cheap: America's Lands in Speculators' Hands

A little-known provision in the current House budget reconciliation could precipitate one of the largest land giveaways in American history. The provision, spearheaded by Rep. Richard Pombo of California, would put up for sale millions of acres of public land where companies have staked mining claims, including land inside or adjacent to national parks, wilderness areas and other natural treasures

Congressional Subcommittee Criticizes USDA Civil Rights Settlement

At a Subcommittee hearing September 28, Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH 1st) and other members supported the main findings in Environmental Working Group's (EWG) July 2004 investigation, which reported...

High Levels of Toxic Fire Retardants Found in House Dust

The phaseout of two widely used chemicals will not protect Americans from exposure to brominated fire retardants linked to brain and nerve damage, according to nationwide tests of house dust that...