
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2569 - 2592 of 7439

Budget Proposal Would Reform Broken Crop Insurance Program

The Obama administration's fiscal year 2016 budget proposal contains two common-sense reforms to the broken federal crop insurance program that would save taxpayers billions of dollars and protect our...


Stuck in the Sand

Drivers in sprawling southern cities with few transportation options are forced to send more of their gasoline dollars abroad, including to Middle East oil producers where an unknown amount of oil money flows to anti-American extremists. Amid rising gas prices and calls for energy independence, an original Environmental Working Group analysis of oil dependence by metro area underscores the urgent

Government Advisory Report Gives “Shocking” Advice on Seafood Consumption

Environmental Working Group and Mercury Policy Project strongly disagree with a federal scientific panel's recommendation, made public last week, that federal agencies stop warning pregnant women to...

EWG Welcomes Boxer-Markey Bill To Fix Badly Broken Chemical Safety Law

Legislation introduced today by Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Edward Markey, D-Mass., to fix the nation's badly broken and outdated chemical safety law would be a major step in ensuring that...

EWG Statement on the Phase-Out of CCA

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) today applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for standing up to the chemical and wood treatment industries by forcing the phase-out of arsenic...

Consider the Source

First-ever nationwide assessment of chlorination byproducts in tapwater finds 137,000 U.S. pregnancies at higher risk of miscarriage, birth defects

Healthy Building Network, Environmental Working Group Petition Consumer Product Safety Commission to Ban Sale of Arsenic-Treated

The Healthy Building Network (HBN) and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) today petitioned the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ban arsenic-treated wood in playground equipment and to review...

California News Release

Guns can be hazardous to your health even if you don't get shot with one, according to a new study of the harm to people and the environment from lead pollution at shooting ranges in California and...

A Disaster Waiting To Happen…Forever

Plans for a permanent trust fund to compensate farmers and ranchers for weather-related losses will send even more agricultural subsidies to the very regions that already receive the lion's share. Based on their historical share of ad hoc disaster spending, of the twenty states represented on the Senate Finance Committee, just four stand to gain over half (55 percent) of the committee's allocation

EWG Press Release

The watchdog group that forced ABC News to admit it had fabricated laboratory tests for a story attacking organic food has called correspondent John's Stossel's on-air apology "an insult to the ABC...

Banned pesticide, others found on Washington State apples

Despite an August ban by the federal government on an apple pesticide, recent tests of State of Washington apples show dangerous levels of the bug killer and other agriculture chemicals on the fruit.

Do As We Say, Not As We Do: Utilities Preach Conservation, Cut Consumer Efficiency Programs

In the five years before electricity deregulation, California utilities cut funding in half for programs that save energy, save customers money, and help save the environment.


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found.

News Release

Lack of basic environmental practices at major U.S.hospitals is resulting in serious pollution problems and contamination of major foods, including baby foods, a new study has found.

House TSCA Proposal “Falls Far Short” on Public Health Protections

A draft legislative proposal to fix the failed federal chemicals law put forth by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) is a slight improvement over the Udall-Vitter plan introduced in...

House TSCA Update Fails to Protect Public Health

EWG opposes the draft legislation put forth by U.S. Reps. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) to update the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. The proposal will not keep the...

EWG Applauds Rep. DeLauro’s Bill to Protect Americans from Arsenic in Rice

EWG applauds Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro, D-Conn., for her commitment to protect public health from the worrisome amounts of inorganic arsenic in rice and popular rice-based processed foods.

EWG Releases New Consumer Tool to Help People Make Smarter Seafood Choices

The Environmental Working Group published a new shopping tool and seafood calculator today to help people buy seafood lower in mercury, higher in omega-3 fatty acids and sustainably produced.

House TSCA Bill Won’t Ensure Safety of Everyday Chemicals

The legislative proposal issued today by the House Energy and Commerce Committee falls short of what's necessary to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 to ensure that everyday chemicals...

One Year Later: Iowa’s Battered Soil and Streams Still Unprotected

A new survey of Iowa farmland finds that “ephemeral gullies” are still ravaging many crop fields despite a few welcome signs of improvement compared to a year ago. Unprotected fields were once again...

EPA Plan To Reduce Corn Ethanol Mandate Would Cut Carbon Emissions

A proposal now being considered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to cut the amount of corn ethanol required in gasoline would lower greenhouse gas emissions by 3 million metric tons...

Kids’ Cereals Pack 40 Percent More Sugar

Eating a bowl of kids' cereal every day would add up to eating 10 pounds of sugar a year, according to a new Environmental Working Group analysis of more than 1,500 cereals, including 181 marketed for...

EWG Issues Guide to Men’s Environmental Health

Toxic substances in drinking water, food, food packaging and personal care products, as well as exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays, have all been linked to serious health problems that affect many...

Federal Government’s Advice on Seafood Consumption Inconsistent and Dangerous

People who follow the Obama administration's guidelines on eating seafood could consume dangerous amounts of mercury, a potent neurotoxin, or too few essential omega-3 fatty acids, according to a new...