
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 265 - 288 of 7442

Does Monsanto’s Glyphosate Cause Cancer?

When the Environmental Protection Agency recently released and then abruptly withdrew a draft document on the cancer risks posed by the pesticide glyphosate, Monsanto jumped at the chance to say that...

Monsanto's Glyphosate GMO Weed-killer Is Pervasive, GMO Labels Nonexistent

Reuters reported today that recent tests by private labs have found residues of the weed killer glyphosate in samples of honey, soy sauce, infant formula and even breast milk.

EWG’s Guide to a Healthy Summer

For many families, summer means a whole new routine – different schedules, carpools and activities, and kids spending more time outside. These changes bring a whole new set of considerations about how...

New Doubts About Roundup

As the East Coast monsoon season slogs on, there's carnage in the garden. The dandelions and plantains are elbowing the grass aside, and the morning glory vines are garrotting the daylilies. Over at...

Monsanto’s GMO Herbicide Doubles Cancer Risk

Glyphosate – the main ingredient in Monsanto's widely used herbicide Roundup – is a colorless, odorless chemical and might seem innocuous to those who spray it on crops. But in the past few months the...

The Agrichemical Industry’s Broken Promise

In a newly published review, former Environmental Protection Agency senior scientist Dr. Ramon J. Seidler explains that the agrichemical industry's promise that genetically engineered crops would...


Hallmarks of Cancer

The Hallmarks of Cancer are the ten characteristics that differentiate a cancer cell from a normal cell. Over the course of a year, science translator Dr. Buddhini Samarasinghe tackled each of the the ten Hallmarks of Cancer in a guest blog series for Scientific American. The blogs break down the basic biology of each Hallmark and what happens when the system breaks down. It is important to

EWG’s Top Three Bug Repellent Recommendations for Kids

It's that time of year: Mosquitoes and ticks are out in full force, and so are all the latest bug repellent products claiming to keep them at bay. So what bug repellent ingredients do EWG scientists...

How To Avoid Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos in Milk and Produce

You may know that many conventional oat cereals contain troubling amounts of the carcinogenic pesticide glyphosate. But another toxic pesticide may be contaminating your kids' breakfast.


Murky Waters

Forty years after the Clean Water Act became law, the data are clear: Iowa's rivers and streams are still murky. The pollution that continues to degrade them has become a case study on the consequences of the most serious flaw in this historic and otherwise effective federal law: It does little or nothing to address agricultural pollution.

10 Ways Trump Has Undermined Chemical Safety

President Trump toured a Shell chemical plant in Pennsylvania Tuesday, supposedly to promote his economic agenda. According to reports, he went off script quite a bit – but one thing he definitely...

Independent Pet Food Task Force Includes Pet Food Co. Scientists

Reprinted from CSPI's Integrity in Science Watch: Proctor & Gamble has launched a massive advertising blitz to counter consumer fears about the rising death toll from poisoned pet food. The firm took...

Critic of "Bottom Feeders" Got $1 Million in Farm Subsidies

An Iowa state senator who called public workers requesting better retirement benefits “bottom feeders with their hand out” has been caught with his own hand in the cookie jar. Sen. Mark Zieman was...

3 Things New Parents Do Differently Today to Protect Babies’ Health

If you're a new parent, it can be confusing to keep up with the latest recommendations about how to give your baby a healthy start. As scientists learn more about the dangers of toxic chemical...

EWG News Roundup (10/11): California Bans Brain Damaging Pesticide, Algae Blooms Across U.S. Swell in 2019 and More

EWG News Roundup (10/11): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

For PFAS, Hazardous Designation Is Not a Ban

Designating the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS as “hazardous substances” is critical to cleaning up legacy contamination of a chemical linked to cancer.

10 Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Louisville, Ky., Tap Water

A sample of residential tap water in Louisville, Ky, contained 10 different compounds in the family of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the...

PFAS Exposure May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – as you may have noticed from the annual explosion of pink products claiming to fund breast cancer research.

Trump Campaign Advisors Receive Over $2 Million in Trade Bailout Payments

Fifteen members of an agribusiness council that advised Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign have received $2.2 million from the federal bailout program for farmers hurt by the president's trade...

EWG News Roundup (12/6): Key PFAS Legislation in Jeopardy, the Trump-Wheeler ‘Red Wedding’ and More

EWG News Roundup (12/6): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


Healthy Food Gets Short Shrift

Fruit and vegetable growers have historically been left out of agriculture policy, even though they provide foods that are vital for improving America's nutrition and reducing the costly toll of diet-related diseases. The 2008 farm bill began to correct this misguided policy by providing modest but important gains for programs that promote the production, research and marketing of fruits, nuts and