
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2665 - 2688 of 7439

FDA Is Challenged on Toxic Chemical in Baby Bottles

Statement of Dr. Anila Jacob, M.D., M.P.H Senior Scientist, Environmental Working Group Statements by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in response to a congressional inquiry reveal that the...

Letter to Society of Toxicology

EWG is a non-profit public health watchdog organization. We are writing to alert you that a current Society of Toxicology (SOT) member, Dr. Dennis Paustenbach, has committed a serious violation of the...

Study: Almost Half Of All ‘Natural’ Personal Care Products Contain Known Carcinogen

For Immediate Release: March 14, 2008 Contact: EWG, Jovana Ruzicic, (202) 939 9144 WASHINGTON – A new report by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) released today found a toxic chemical linked to...

Summary: EWG's Legal Challenge

EWG will use a newly enacted law (the Data Quality Act (DQA) of 2001) to mount a novel legal challenge to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) highly controversial pending "advice" to consumers...

Washington Bans Class of Toxic Flame Retardants

"Flame retardants present a growing risk to human health, particularly the health of infants and children, and levels in the environment appear to be increasing. Today's vote represents a great...

U.S. Taxpayers Spent $264 Million in 2004 On Cotton Export Subsidies Ruled Illegal By WTO

Ken Cook and Chris Campbell [1] June 9, 2005 U.S. taxpayers provided $264 million in 2004 to a handful of agribusiness firms through an obscure but controversial cotton subsidy program at the center...

EWG Comments to EPA in Support of Regulatory Revisions to the State 1 and Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rules

EWG submitted comments to the EPA in support of regulatory revisions to the State 1 and Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rules on the regulation of additional disinfection byproducts in drinking water.

Consumer Guides

Skin Deep®

Since 2004, EWG's Skin Deep® cosmetic database has helped people protect themselves from potentially toxic chemicals in personal care and beauty products.
Consumer Guides


Shopping for personal care products? The EWG VERIFIED® mark signals the product in your hands meets our strictest criteria for transparency and health.

Something's in the Air

Testing in suburban California neighborhoods revealed methyl bromide in the air well beyond state mandated “buffer” zones at 12 out of 16 locations tested. The levels detected ranged from less than 1 part per billion to 294 parts per billion (ppb) on average over 12 to 24 hours. Single point measurements were as high as 1,900 ppb. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has estab-

Consumer Guides

Food Scores

When you think about healthy food, you have to think beyond the Nutrition Facts panel.

Get Glyphosate Out of Our Food!

By mecker | March 22, 2021

EWG tests have found shockingly high levels of cancer-linked glyphosate in popular PepsiCo products like Quaker Oats and Sabra Hummus.

But PepsiCo continues to allow this dangerous chemical in their food. This is unacceptable. Consumers and parents shouldn't have to worry about cancer-linked pesticides in food.

Join EWG and tell PepsiCo to get this cancer-linked weedkiller out of their

New State Data: More Than 100 Ohio Water Systems Contaminated With Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

Newly released test data from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency show that more than 100 public water systems in the state are contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.


Dishonorable Discharge

Under existing federal pollution control laws, the American people are kept in the dark about the vast majority of toxic pollution spewed into the environment by U.S. industry. Even the most comprehensive toxic pollution reporting system in the nation, the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), accounts for only about 5 percent of all toxic pollution of the environment each year (GAO 1991, EPA 1996c).

Biden’s Pick To Head USDA Recognizes New Food and Farm Challenges

Today President Biden's nominee for secretary of agriculture, Tom Vilsack, who held the same post in the Obama administration, testified in his confirmation hearing before the Senate Agriculture...

EWG Testimony on H.R. 2827, the Keep Food Containers Safe From PFAS Act of 2019

Attached is EWG’s testimony to the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on H.R. 2827, the Keep Food Containers Safe From PFAS Act of 2019.

White House Cancels Climate Change Meetings, Sparks Speculation On Upcoming Paris Agreement Decision

A high-stakes series of meetings, including one between Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and Ivanka Trump, senior White House adviser and daughter of President Trump, on...

EWG: Trump’s Pullout from Climate Pact ‘Calamitous’ for U.S. and Planet

WASHINGTON – President Trump officially pulled the United States out of the Paris agreement on climate change today – a calamitous decision that will have severe implications for the future of the...

‘Right To Farm’ Laws - or ‘Right To Pollute’ Passes?

In recent months, all 50 states have enacted so-called right-to-farm laws that seek to block citizens from holding industrial animal factory farms and other large-scale agriculture operations...

EWG Comments to NEJAC to Consider Both Historical and Current PFAS Contamination

Environmental Working Group presented comments to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, urging the Council to consider both historical and current PFAS contamination and to ensure that...

Congress to Chemical Industry: You’re Under Investigation

WASHINGTON – The powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee today launched a landmark investigation in the chemical industry lobby group, The American Chemistry Council (ACC). In a letter addressed...

Data Quality Act Challenge

Dr. David Acheson Chief Medical Officer Office of Science Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration Harvey W. Wiley Federal Building 5100 Paint Branch Parkway Mail...

EPA Stops Controversial Study

Today Steve Johnson, nominee for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, announced that the Agency is calling off a study that would have paid families $970 to videotape their children...

EWG Calls on EPA to Set Lower Limit on Perchlorate in Water

EWG commends EPA for taking action to protect Americans from perchlorate, an endocrine-disrupting compound and contaminant in tap water.