
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2713 - 2736 of 7439

EWG Comments on ATSDR Draft Toxicological Profile for PFAS

Attached are EWG’s comments to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or ATSDR, on its draft toxicological profile on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, often referred to as PFAS. EWG...

EWG Comments on EPA's Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Atrazine and Draft Cumulative Human Health Risk Assessment for Triazine Herbicides

Attached are EWG's comments to Environmental Protection Agency on the agency's draft human health risk assessment for atrazine and draft cumulative human health risk assessment for triazine herbicides...

EWG Comments to EPA on Draft Toxicological Assessments of GenX

Attached are EWG’s comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on its draft toxicological assessments of GenX, the PFOA replacement chemicals, and PFBS. EWG commends the agency and the IRIS...

EWG Letter to General Mills on Glyphosate in Oat-Based Foods Marketed to Children

Attached is a letter sent by EWG to the CEO of General Mills detailing recent testing that found the herbicide glyphosate in oat-based their foods marketed to children.


Tough To Swallow

As the result of a law passed by Congress last year, millions of Americans and hundreds of water suppliers across the Midwest- ern United States have a new, first line of defense against the agricultural weed killers that have contaminated their tap water for decades.

Tests Find Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water at Rhode Island Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at two Army installations in Rhode Island are contaminated with elevated levels of toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to newly released Department of Defense...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Decision for Pesticide Imazalil

Environmental Working Group objects to the EPA’s proposed interim registration decision for the carcinogenic pesticide imazalil. EWG urges the EPA to protect children’s health from imazalil and to...

Defense Bill Fails To Address PFAS Pollution in Kentucky

A defense spending bill passed by the Senate today excludes key provisions designed to reduce ongoing releases of the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, remove PFAS from tap water and clean up...

EWG testimony to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on examining PFAS as hazardous substances

Attached is testimony of EWG’s Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Scott Faber to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on examining PFAS as hazardous substances.

Biden EPA rescinds Trump-era rollback of California’s fuel efficiency standards

The Biden Environmental Protection Agency today restored California’s right to set tighter auto tailpipe standards, reversing the Trump administration’s long battle with the state over its efforts to...

EWG news roundup (3/11): Decades of FDA failure to act on ‘forever chemicals,’ how cancer-causing benzene ends up in cosmetics and more

EWG news roundup (3/11): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG analysis: In the Western Lake Erie Basin, newly identified animal feeding operation hot spots produce excess manure, threatening waterways and human health

A new EWG analysis has identified and mapped more than 2,500 animal feeding operations in the Western Lake Erie Basin, a watershed encompassing nearly 6 million acres in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio that drains into Lake Erie, which has a well-known toxic algae bloom every summer. These facilities house about 400,000 cows, 1.8 million hogs and nearly 24 million chickens and turkeys.

Study area

The study area for this analysis contains the Western Lake Erie Basin, or WLEB, plus a 5-mile buffer extent outward from the basin boundary. Inclusion of the buffer area allowed for modeling of manure phosphorus that may be produced outside the basin and applied within, and vice versa. The WLEB represents 11,870 square miles and the buffer area adds an additional 2,473 square miles

California announces maximum contaminant level for ‘Brockovich’ carcinogen in drinking water

On Monday, the California Water Resources Control Board’s Drinking Water Program, or DWP, announced a maximum contaminant level of 10 parts per billion for hexavalent chromium in water.

Why is EWG talking about cryptocurrency and climate change?

Climate change affects almost every aspect of our life. EWG is talking about cryptocurrency because how the industry generates new cryptocurrency and validates those transactions can significantly...

Should Secretary Vilsack speak to the Farm Bureau?

You might be surprised to find out a member of President Biden’s cabinet was addressing an organization that opposes gay marriage, supports making English our official language, opposes the removal of...


Explosion of Unregulated Factory Farms in Maumee Watershed Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Blooms

The Maumee River, overloaded with fertilizer and manure, is the single largest source of the phosphorus that triggers blooms of toxic algae in Lake Erie. Over half of the manure in the Maumee River watershed comes from an exploding number of unregulated factory farms, a new EWG and Environmental Law & Policy Center investigation reveals.

Double trouble: Wisconsin's land and water are inundated with pollution from animal manure and excess farm fertilizer

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group and Midwest Environmental Advocates finds that in nine Wisconsin counties, farmers are overapplying both commercial fertilizer and animal manure to their cropland, causing a crisis of land and water pollution from the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus.

Is your CBD latte safe? Don’t ask the FDA

The use of cannabidiol, or CBD, in food and drink has exploded since Congress legalized hemp production and delisted CBD as a controlled substance, in 2018. Today it’s added to lattes, tea, kombucha...

CDC finds high levels of ‘forever chemical' PFHxS in blood

High levels of a “toxic forever” chemical used in firefighting foam have been found in the blood of residents of a West Virginia community near an Air National Guard base.

EWG: At least 1,500 U.S. textile mills likely dischargers of ‘forever chemicals’

The Environmental Working Group has identified more than 1,500 textile mills that may be releasing the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS that are responsible for contaminating drinking water...

EWG news roundup (3/25): Federal crop insurance linked to climate crisis, the meaning of EU ban on controversial cosmetic ingredient and more

EWG news roundup (3/25): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG: EPA must do more to prioritize ‘forever chemicals’ spending

The Environmental Working Group today thanked President Joe Biden for making the toxic forever chemicals known as “PFAS” a priority in his fiscal year 2023 budget request for the Environmental...

The ‘forever chemicals’ in 99% of Americans

Hundreds of everyday products are made with highly toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS. They build up in our bodies and never break down in the environment. Very small doses of PFAS have been linked to cancer, reproductive and immune system harm, and other diseases.

For decades, chemical companies covered up evidence of PFAS’ health hazards