
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2737 - 2760 of 7439

PFAS contaminates public drinking water systems serving at least 19 million people in 49 states. This interactive map from EWG and the Social Science Health and Environmental Health Research Institute shows where PFAS has been detected in drinking water.

It’s time to reform the Conservation Reserve Program – but not for the reason you might think

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was right to reject efforts this week to allow farmers to plow up lands enrolled in the Agriculture Department’s Conservation Reserve Program, or CRP, to grow more...

Whether it’s paying for wildfire safety or padding the profits of PG&E’s shareholders, California ratepayers are on the hook for billions of dollars of unfair bailouts for the utility.

Biden EPA moves closer to final ban of brain-damaging pesticide

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced it is taking several final steps required to officially ban any further agricultural uses of the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, rejecting all...

EWG joins North Carolina coalition fighting monopoly utility Duke Energy’s plot to hobble rooftop solar

The Environmental Working Group is formally intervening in a North Carolina utility proceeding to oppose a Duke Energy plan that would put rooftop solar power financially out of reach for many working...

The vital nutrition facts you’re missing when buying groceries online

When you’re shopping for groceries online, you’re likely missing out on vital nutritional information. That’s because the law requiring these facts to be printed on food product labels is a few...

What is chromium-6? Here’s what you need to know

Hexavalent chromium, or chromium-6, is the cancer-causing chemical that poisoned the community of Hinkley, Calif., made notorious by the 2000 film “Erin Brockovich.”

Report: 32 million pounds of toxic pesticides sprayed on Ventura County fields from 2015 to 2020

Today, from Oxnard to Ojai, people in Ventura County live, work and go to school next to farm fields sprayed with some of the most toxic pesticides used in agriculture.

Drilling Rigs: Not So Pretty In Pink

I almost spilled my coffee the day I clicked the link in my morning email to an article in the Norman, Okla. newspaper headlined, "Drilling rig to raise awareness of breast cancer."

Greener Holiday Dishwashing with EWG

Having guests around during the holiday season? Inviting them to hang out in your kitchen? Setting out munchies? Cooking an entire humongous festive holiday meal Feeding hordes of kids on break or...

California grants ‘safety’ certificate to PG&E, allowing utility to recoup wildfire costs from ratepayers

A new state agency created by the Newsom administration and charged with developing a “long-term utility vision to reduce wildfire and underground risk” has issued a safety certificate to Pacific Gas...

Winter warning: Avoid harmful chemicals when battling dry skin

It’s getting cold in many parts of the U.S., and our skin knows it.

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contaminate more than half of wells tested in Delaware

More than half of the water wells that were tested in Delaware have detectable levels of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, and some have PFAS levels far exceeding federal health guidelines for...

Can plant-based foods end Big Meat’s monopoly and help the climate?

Meat prices are skyrocketing, in part because just four meat companies control 85 percent of U.S. beef supplies. In response, President Joe Biden this week introduced an action plan targeting...

Environmental injustice: Passing on the costs of ‘forever chemicals’ cleanup

Setting a national drinking water standard for the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS – and passing the implementation costs to ratepayers and private well owners, while letting industry to keep...

Staying safe in the sun this Memorial Day weekend

With Memorial Day weekend unofficially starting the summer, some people will be heading to the beach, others to a lake or a picnic. Whatever your plans, EWG has useful tips to help protect you from...

Court rejects California’s blanket approval of pesticide spraying

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – In a major victory for health and environmental groups, a California court has ruled that a sweeping state pesticide spraying program is unlawful. The court found the program...

Produce industry picks wrong side by fighting EPA ban of brain-damaging pesticide

The nation’s non-organic fruit and vegetable growers are throwing their weight behind efforts to undo the Environmental Protection Agency’s ban on spraying produce with a pesticide known to harm to...

Using EWG Food Scores to navigate plant-based meats and how to swap in plants

Several years ago, EWG asked me to review the beta version of an app being developed to give shoppers valuable intel about their food choices. To say I was eager for this opportunity is an...

EWG statement on EPA proposal to ban ongoing uses of asbestos

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it is proposing a rule to ban ongoing uses of chrysotile asbestos. This is also the first rule the agency has proposed under the revised Toxic...

Gallup: Contaminated drinking water tops list of public's environmental concerns

Polluted drinking water is the leading cause of U.S. adults’ concerns about the environment, according to a new nationwide survey by Gallup of more than 1,000 people from every state and the District...

EWG speech at AEI on climate and agriculture

EWG Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Scott Faber delivered the following remarks before the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

Addressing misinformation on the internet about EWG’s ratings systems

A recent viral social media post about a Bath & Body Works air freshener makes inaccurate and misleading allegations about EWG’s product ratings systems.