
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2761 - 2784 of 7439


Climate crisis-linked extreme weather in the Midwest shows why the Crop Insurance Program urgently needs reform

Farmers both contribute to the climate crisis – they’re responsible for producing at least 10 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions – and they can also be devastated by its harmful effects, with extreme weather commonly destroying crop yields.

Duke Energy reports just over 5 percent electricity from wind and solar in 2021, despite clean energy claims

Duke Energy claims its growth of renewable energy sources “soared” in 2021, but the company generated just 5.4 percent of its electricity from wind and solar last year, according to a report the...

Toxic algae blooms: What you should know

Summer is in full swing, with families heading to lakes and other bodies of water, and that means it’s also the peak season for harmful algae blooms. Toxic algae blooms are a growing problem...

EWG applauds bill to create new food safety agency

Today Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced the Food Safety Administration Act of 2022, which would create a new independent federal agency focused on food safety...

In bid to protect state’s power grid from collapse, energy-sapping Texas bitcoin miners paid to shut down

Some of the country’s largest and most energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining sites based in Texas are effectively getting paid by ratepayers to pause operations, as record temperatures put the state...

EWG survey: At least 50 percent of people surveyed think tap water is unsafe

In a recent survey of visitors to the Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database, at least half the participants said they think their tap water is unsafe.

Hill politics churns small streams

Are smaller, upstream water bodies such as intermittent streams covered by the federal Clean Water Act? This is not an insignificant question: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined...

Pick the best sunscreen for kids

I have happy memories of long summer days spent outdoors, largely unencumbered by sun hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. Now we know that one blistering burn during childhood can increase a child's risk...

EWG report card tracks federal agencies’ looming deadlines for ‘forever chemicals’ actions

The Environmental Working Group today released a comprehensive report card tracking whether federal agencies are meeting deadlines for addressing the health and environmental threats of the toxic...

EWG news roundup (6/17): EPA proposes much lower lifetime health advisories for PFAS, EWG probes California energy giant, and more

EWG news roundup (6/17): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG analysis: From 2018 to 2020, farmers reaped $91.6B in taxpayer-funded USDA subsidies

Between 2018 and 2020, Agriculture Department programs paid commodity farmers $91.6 billion for crop price decreases and other challenges, with similar program qualifications allowing some farmers to...

EWG, others urge New York Senate to pass two-year pause on fossil-fuel intensive bitcoin mining

The New York State Assembly passed legislation on Tuesday that would impose a two-year pause on new “proof of work” cryptocurrency mining operations in the state that rely on electricity from fossil...

EPA to suspend all uses of widely used weedkiller over risks to fetus, thyroid function

The Environmental Protection Agency intends to suspend all future uses of a toxic weedkiller that scientific research has shown to cause harm to the developing fetus and problems associated with...

Type 3 Diabetes?

I try to maintain my health with the long game in mind, in the hope that one day I'll be able to enjoy my golden years - physically and mentally. Of course, there are a lot of miles to travel between...

Peanut Butter, Pajamas and Power

My kids eat more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than I'd like to admit. And in my line of work I hear about toxic chemicals daily so it takes a lot to shock me. But, flame retardants in peanut...

Harmful exposure: The risks and dangers of toxic algae blooms

As summer comes to a close​​​​​​​, EWG continues to track toxic algae outbreaks across the U.S.

Fighting the climate crisis: It’s the cow and the how

Changing how we produce beef can reduce greenhouse gas emissions – but not enough to offset the growing demand for beef and its contribution to the climate crisis.

DOE throws PG&E lifeline to keep aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant operating

The U.S. Department of Energy is extending the deadline for Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to submit required documents for getting part of a $6 billion federal fund, in order to keep the aging...

The lentil, an annual plant known for its lens-shaped seeds, comes in hundreds of varieties, with about 50 being cultivated for food. Most are grown in Canada and India. The green variety, used in this dish – along with black, if you can find them – is available in bags and bulk in most grocery stores.

Cook: Cooking time depends on the type of lentil. Green and black cook in about the same

Tempeh is made from whole fermented soy beans. Although native to east Asia, soybeans also grow in the U.S. About 94 percent of the U.S. soy crop is genetically modified, so choose organic, if possible. To make tempeh, soybeans are soaked, hulled and cooked, and once drained, mixed with a fungus to start the fermentation process. 

Cook: Tempeh can marinate and be seasoned like any animal

Tofu is made not from soybeans but from their milk. Although native to east Asia, soybeans grow well in the U.S. About 94 percent of the U.S. soy crop is genetically modified, so it’s best to choose organic soy, if possible. Tofu is made by curdling soy milk with heat and a coagulant like nigiri. The curds are then pressed into a sliceable cake. Tofu is available in varying degrees of softness.

California Senate Health Committee advances revolutionary food chemical bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On June 28, the California Senate Committee on Health approved a first-in-the-nation bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food. Assembly Bill...

EWG applauds Biden EPA’s historic $7B investment in low-income residential solar

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a $7 billion Solar for All competitive grant program to help low-income communities across the U.S. install residential solar panels.

EWG: USDA should prohibit ‘climate-friendly’ claims on beef products

Today the Environmental Working Group petitioned the Department of Agriculture to prohibit beef producers like Tyson Foods’ Brazen Beef from claiming their products are “climate-friendly” and to...