
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2833 - 2856 of 7439

9 Surprising Truths about Sunscreen

Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays. FDA's failure to finalize its 1978 sunscreen...

Cancer: Putting Prevention First

Medical experts will never cease searching for cures for the gravest illnesses that afflict people. But a growing consensus is forming in the medical and public health communities that preventing...

Water utilities, meet water drinkers.

The Water Research Foundation, an offshoot of the American Water Works Association of water utilities, has accused Environmental Working Group of informing utility customers about the presence of...

Hold the Applause

Two weeks ago (Feb. 17), fellow activists proclaimed the upbeat news that the European Union had banned xylene and five other toxic chemicals that pose risks to human health and the environment.

On Bed Bugs: Prevent,

Last summer I slept in New York City. To anyone familiar with sleeping in New York City (not me), bedbugs is just part of the deal. When my cousin, in whose groovy, old loft I was crashing, suggested...

New York State: Avoid these 85 chemicals if you can

When someone with $8 billion a year in purchasing power tells the world what they don't want, marketers and manufacturers are likely to pay attention.

Wal-Mart Launches Healthy Food Initiative

With First Lady Michelle Obama in attendance, Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, announced (Jan. 20) that it is launching a five-year plan to provide its customers with healthier and more...

Plastic Pollution Is Everywhere. Including You.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're aware that plastic creates pollution. And if you've been paying any attention at all to the state of our planet, you've heard of the Great Pacific...

California Green Chemistry rules should be withdrawn

California is supposed to be a leader on all things green. That was certainly Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's message back in September 2008, when he signed two bills (AB 1879 and SB 509) that he said...

Food Safety Bill will Save the Lives of Thousands

At least 5,000 Americans - most of them young children, the elderly and the sick - die every year from eating contaminated food, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

Join EWG's live chat with Chef Ann Cooper

Today (Thursday, November 4) we chat about healthy school lunches - how to pack 'em and how to fix our broken school lunch programs - with Chef Ann Cooper, The Renegade Lunch Lady. Join us by clicking...

Dr. Oz investigates early puberty in girls

Dr. Mehmet Oz begins a recent segment of The Dr. Oz Show by telling us in no uncertain terms that he's not happy about early puberty in girls - as a dad and a doctor.

Cash register jobs join list of hazardous professions

Firefighters and beat cops. Soldiers, farm workers, war correspondents and hard hats who dangle from high iron as they build skyscrapers. Those are a few professions most folks consider risky. And if...

Nanosilver in your underwear? We hope not.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing its proposal to approve a Swiss nanosilver textile coating for sale in the U.S. EPA...

CA Lawmakers Fail to Ban BPA From Kids' Food, Drink

In a victory for the chemical industry and a great loss for the health of California's children, the California State Legislature on Tuesday narrowly failed to pass a bill that would have eliminated...

Being Clean and Pretty Has Toxic Costs

This morning I relied on a dozen grooming and beauty products to help me face the day. I used soap, shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and gel and mousse when I dried my hair. I slathered on...

Find your sunscreen with EWG's new iPhone App

All you iPhone users can now find the best sunscreen with EWG's free application (App) linked to Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2010 Sunscreen Guide.

Cereal boxes are for reading, not eating

Did you hear about Kellogg's voluntary recall of its super sugary cereals? Picture this: 28 million boxes of Froot Loops, Honey (used to be "Sugar") Smacks, Apple Jacks, (used to be "Sugar") Corn Pops...

EWG's Sunscreen Quick Tips

Some sunscreens prevent sunburn but not other types of skin damage. Make sure yours provides broad-spectrum protection and follow these other tips for better protection.

1 Step Forward: EPA expands Envirofacts database

Last month the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that they have added more than 6,300 chemicals and 3,800 chemical facilities to their searchable database Envirofacts.

On Pesticides: Canadian Bylaws and American Lawn Flags

The smell of lawn chemicals is as dependable a harbinger of spring as robins and lilacs. Not in big parts of Canada, where many municipalities and provinces have opted to abolish the cosmetic use of...

More organophosphates please, Mom!

People may know that organic produce is a better bet - for our heath and the environment, yet only about 2% of U.S. food sales are organic. Yes, a paltry 2 percent.

Should state employees be drinking bottled water? On your dime?

You may have kicked the bottled water habit, but has your state government?

Awakening to Cancer's Environmental Roots

When I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1979, at the age 20, I drafted a list of goals. The first thing I would do, once I was sprung from the hospital, would be to pay a visit to Claire's...