
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2929 - 2952 of 7439

Toxic Cleaner Fumes Could Contaminate California Classrooms

Air pollution testing conducted for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that cleaning supplies used in 13 key California school districts can cloud classroom air with more than 450 distinct...

Why does EWG release its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ each year?

With its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, released almost every year since 2004, EWG’s goal is to educate the public about pesticides on popular fruits and vegetables, so consumers can make...

Consumer Guides

Guide to Solar Energy

Our reliance on fossil fuels has had devastating consequences on our environment and human health. The coal, gas and oil we burn to generate electricity emits hundreds of toxic pollutants into the air, causing increased instances of lung and cardiovascular health issues.

Stop the Big Utility Tax Coalition statement on California PUC’s monthly fee proposal

The California Public Utilities Commission, CPUC, issued a proposed decision yesterday outlining a new structure for utility bills, which would include a $24 monthly fee for most PG&E, SCE, SDG&E...
Consumer Guides

EWG's Guide to Sunscreens

Sunscreen safety ratings that help you make the right purchase.

State ‘forever chemicals’ spotlight: North Carolina’s drinking water contamination

Drinking water for at least 2.5 million North Carolinians is contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS at levels exceeding new federal standards, according to an EWG analysis.

Triple dipping: House farm bill increases likelihood of wealthy farmers raking in billions each year

Between 2021 and 2023, farmers across the country may have dipped into three types of taxpayer-funded federal farm support programs to collect more than $55.2 billion, according to EWG’s newly updated Farm Subsidy Database.

New EPA data confirm widespread ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

On May 16, the Environmental Protection Agency posted new data confirming 89.3 million people in communities throughout the U.S. have drinking water that has tested positive for the toxic “forever...

EPA hazardous substance designation holds polluters accountable for ‘forever chemicals’

Today the Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule to hold polluters responsible for contamination they caused with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

Path to 100 Percent Renewable Energy Is Here

The path toward a U.S. electricity grid powered entirely by renewable energy is right in front of us and can be achieved if Congress commits to investing in clean energy production and storage, said...

USDA: Conservation backlogs grow despite new climate-smart funding

New data from the Department of Agriculture show that farmer demand for USDA farm stewardship support continues to outstrip available funds, despite $19.5 billion of additional funding for climate...

EWG statement on PFAS-free foam grant program in just-passed FAA reauthorization bill

WASHINGTON – Today Congress approved the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill that includes a new grant program to help airports kick-start the transition to firefighting foams without...

The House farm bill's disastrous dozen: 12 reasons to vote against GOP proposal

There’s plenty to dislike about the farm bill proposal the House Agriculture Committee will consider this week, including its Department of Agriculture funding cuts and problematic provisions that...

Chemical mixtures: What they are and why you should care

People aren’t exposed to chemicals one at a time from a single place or product. They’re exposed to combinations, or mixtures, of chemicals from several sources.

EPA emergency order immediately suspends all uses of highly toxic weedkiller DCPA, sold under brand name Dacthal

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced an emergency order immediately suspending all uses of the highly toxic weedkiller sold under the brand name Dacthal due to its significant health...

‘City slicker’ farm payments hit $2.3B, with House GOP looking to increase payouts

Almost 80,000 “city slickers” living in some of the biggest urban areas in the U.S. took in a combined $2.3 billion in farm subsidies between 2019 and 2023 – many of them using loopholes that allow...

PFAS news roundup

The groundwater of at least nine military installations close to the Chesapeake Bay is contaminated with high levels of the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to Department...

Explainer: Are ‘forever chemicals’ in my drinking water?

With the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS regularly grabbing headlines these days, you may be wondering what these chemicals mean for you. After all, these chemicals, found in a vast array of...

‘Forever chemicals’ found in water at 10 Maryland schools, sparking health concerns

When Harford County Public Schools in Maryland reopen on September 3, a health threat will overshadow the usual excitement of the first day back.

California Senate advances bill to shield schoolchildren from harmful food dyes

Today the Senate Health Committee voted to advance a bipartisan bill to ban six harmful dyes from food provided in the state’s public schools during regular school hours.

California legislature moves to fast-track safety review of toxic weedkiller

The California Legislature has passed a bill requiring the Department of Pesticide Regulation, or DPR, to prioritize the reevaluation of the toxic pesticide paraquat. Assembly Bill 1963, by...

Just science?

Greetings from California detours north of the border this week to answer criticisms of EWG by a Canadian newspaper columnist. His newspaper has (so far) refused to print the response below, so we're...

Taking advantage of the disadvantaged

The relationship between Europe and Africa has always been an interesting one -- for centuries, the European colonial powers destroyed their African colonies by enslaving their people, crippling their...

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a granite countertop

So I was reading this New York Times article on radon off-gassing from granite countertops, and I was intrigued by this passage: The E.P.A. recommends taking action if radon gas levels in the home...