
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3001 - 3024 of 7439

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 4: What phones emit, bodies absorb

Research is not yet settled on exactly how dangerous cell phone radiation is to your health. But we at Environmental Working Group have seen enough studies with enough troubling results that we think...

Why, oh why is there plastic in my aluminum water bottle?

Not so long ago, many of us were happily - and possibly a little smugly - sipping water from our reusable aluminum water bottles. Until, that is, we learned that Sigg and Gaiam bottles weren't exactly...

Corn. Corn. And yes, more corn.

In case you missed the movie King Corn (if you did you should see it, and not just because EWG's Founding President Ken Cook is in it), take 2 minutes and 17 seconds to get the gist of our country's...

NPR Uncovers Natural Gas's Dirty Secrets

Drilling for natural gas is a dirty business, as Enviroblog readers know. Dusty Horwitt, Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel, has worked tirelessly to document the environmental depredations...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 3: Who's protecting you?

The science may not yet be decided on the effects of cell phone radiation on human health, but recent research is unsettling enough that Environmental Working Group (and government safety agencies...

A closer look at cosmetics safety

Last month, you saw the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' first video about cosmetics safety, What's going on with toxic chemicals in cosmetics?

Not my flip-flops, bro....

What's the world coming to when your freakin' flip-flops are laced with toxic chemicals dangerous to human health and the environment?

Water pollution free-for-all

Like most kids, mine love bathtime. And while I take care to avoid the toxic chemicals in some bath products by making careful choices, at least I don't have to worry about the safety of the water...

What's going on with toxic chemicals in cosmetics?

It's a question most people are surprised by, in a "Huh, that's something I need to think about?" way. Check out this new video from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of nonprofits, co...

Healthy Home Tip 3: Avoid fire retardants

Are you trying to reduce your family's exposure to flame retardants? It's a good idea since they're associated with long-term health effects - especially in children whose developing bodies are more...

EWG heads to L.A. this week to ban BPA: Can you be there?

We're working hard in California to ban BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and other food containers meant for kids.

Does your sunscreen provide good UVA protection? The answer's not on the label.

Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. There are two simple ways to check: Check the label - only four sunscreen filters approved by FDA can provide broad-spectrum UVA protection; avobenzone, Mexoryl...

Yes, mining can be even more polluting!

Recently, Newmont Mining was cleared of a pollution and environmental damage lawsuit in Buyat Bay in Indonesia. The judge found that there was not enough evidence to prove that Newmont polluted the...

If you can stomach it

Editorial pages across the country are ripping apart the Senate's recently passed version of the farm bill, much as they excoriated the House version of last summer. Under either bill, billions of...

More to flame retardants than PBDEs

If you follow these things, you've probably heard of the flame retardant chemicals PBDEs. They're in many electronics (possibly even that computer screen you're reading right now), and in the foam in...

Copperhill renewed

Stories of renewal come from the strangest places -- like, for example, The New York Times' travel section. This is a good one, and well timed. I, for one, could use a little hope today. Fifty years...

The once and future king?

It’s no secret California Attorney General Jerry Brown wants to return to the governor’s office he held from 1975 to 1983. But for a guy whose family name is synonymous with “Democrat” and is...

Making use of urban bounty

A friend visited from California a few weeks ago. Sitting on the couch in my apartment, he noticed the pomegranate sitting in my fruit bowl and smiled. "We've got more of those that we know what to do...

Google: Making green by being green

The thing about business is this: the goal is to make money. In fact, if a corporation does not act in its own best financial interest, it's legally liable to shareholders. That's a fact that often...

White House has a plan for consumer safety

The Bush administration will unveil a plan today to give the FDA and CPSC more authority over imports. Congress, you may know, is already considering what action to take on consumer safety; their plan...

SMM: The other part of the fish story

A few weeks ago, during the discussions around the industry-funded recommendations advising women to eat more fish, an important point was frequently raised (on this website and others): While we're...

Drop in aggressive crime parallels ban on leaded gasoline

It can be hard to prove the correlation between environmental exposures and health implications. Public health advocates who focus on environmental exposures, often speak about general health trends...

SMM: Well-oiled machine

I do not speak for the rest of the Enviroblog team when I say, I love bluegrass. I love the classic stuff and the new stuff, the ballads, the lightening-fast pickin'. . . Who knows, maybe I was from...

Envirohealth News: Home on the trash heap, and recycle your CFLs!

As the Santa Ana winds begin to die down and Southern Californians take stock of the damages, some in the media are noting the impact that global warming may have on wildfires. In the UK, the BBC asks...