
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3049 - 3072 of 7439

No bottled water at this fine restaurant

You won't find San Pellegrino or any other fancy imported water at Incanto, an Italian restaurant in San Francisco. In fact, you won't find any bottled water at all. Despite significant profit loss...

Commuting takes a toll on the body -- especially over time

As reported by the Washington Post in Your Car + Your Commute = A Visit to Your Doctor, your daily drive will make you angrier, stiffer, and home sick more often. Another compelling reason to reduce...

Odds and ends: Monsanto, PFOA, the hunger crisis and more

We've got a few loose ends to tie up before the weekend. In no particular order: Angry Toxicologist posted on Monday about a report showing that PFOA PFOS (a chemical in the PFC family, related to...

Farm Bill: 411 and Counting

Today we updated our farm bill pro-reform editorial map. The tally now stands at 411 reform minded editorials published in American dailies since January 1st, 2007. After the jump I break down some of...

Mixed Greens 008: Big news for BPA

The National Toxicology Program has changed its tune on BPA, and it looks like bigger changes are in the works. Plus, meet a mutt on a mission. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Cute pets (for the environment)

That Eddie. Such a multi-talented dog. He blogs, he lobbies, he investigates complex scientific issues... and now he makes movies, too. I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned for my job. But there's...

Eddie Thank You

50 things, simple and not so simple

Twenty years ago, in a Berkeley attic, freelance journalist John Javna wrote and self-published one of the most important books of 20th Century environmentalism. 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save...

Mixed Greens 007: Congress investigates industry, plus PFOA and EPA's bad plan

It seems Congress has caught on to industry's dirty tricks -- find out what they're doing about it in this episode of Mixed Greens. Plus, EPA cozies up to the chemical industry, and PFOA persists in...

Sky-high ammonia levels in Des Moines, Iowa

When you speak, as we often do, in parts per million, it can be hard to have a sense of what that means. For example, did you know that measurements of just 0.1 ppm of ammonia in water can cause...

CDC finds toxic sunscreen chemical in 97% of Americans

My favorite time of year is coming up really soon: flip flops and outside patios in restaurants, and I will be a happy person! But it's also the time of the year when I start wearing sunscreens (and...

Mixed Greens 005: Industry goes to Washington

Take the U.S. government, add a dash of industry consultants and front groups, and the results may be hazardous to your health. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You can subscribe in...

Just say no to downer cows?

UPDATE: If you're interested in this subject, you've got to check out the Doreen the Downer cartoon. Something that's been glossed over in many of the news articles and blog posts about the recent...

Message Received: Growing organics in the Fairness Amendment

Remember the petition we asked (and asked, and asked) you to sign to tell Congress to Grow Organics?

'I don't see no p'ints about that frog that's any better'n any other frog.'

"'What might it be that you've got in the box?' "And Smiley says, sorter indifferent-like, 'It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary, maybe, but it ain't—it's only just a frog.'

GreenFest Philly: Who doesn't love a block party?

September 9th sounds like a good day for a green street festival, doesn't it?

Enviroblog delivered

No time to click over to Enviroblog during the day? Looking for an even easier way to stay up to date on environmental health news? Now you can get Enviroblog delivered to your inbox!

Arsenic and old lies in Baltimore

Today's villain is brought to you by the letter C, for Coverup: Back in early June we posted a story about a couple of Jersey City journalists who were arrested for crossing police barricades to...

Al Gore live webcast today

Have you been counting down the days to the Live Earth concerts? We've been pretty quiet on the subject here at Enviroblog, but not because we don't care -- we've just been too busy keeping you in the...

Who's in your Zipcode Village?

In a world where web-empires have been built on connecting you to people across the country and across the world, it can be easy to lose sight of what's going on in your own backyard.

Ask EWG: Do flame-retardant chemicals on furniture accumulate in breast milk?

Question: Is it true that flame-retardant chemicals in upholstered furniture accumulate in women's breast milk? If so, what kind of hazard does this pose to an infant that consumes the breast milk?

Public Data Show Chemicals in Tap Water

Associated Press, John Heilprin Published December 20, 2005 Drinking water may have a lot more in it than just H20 and fluoride, according to an environmental group's analysis of records in 42 states.

Millions tap into dirty water

USA Today, Michelle Healy Published January 9, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with chemical byproducts from chlorine that are far more than what studies suggest...
Parabens are a group of chemicals widely used as artificial preservatives in cosmetic and body care products since the 1920s. Since cosmetics contain ingredients that can biodegrade, these chemicals are added to prevent and reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, increasing the shelf life of the product.