
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3073 - 3096 of 7439

In a Glass of Water, A Mother's Worst Fear

The Washington Post, Anita Huslin Published February 10, 2002 Annette Spaven already had three children when she found out she was pregnant again four years ago.

Some Tapwater Risky in Pregnancy

MSNBC Published January 8, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with potentially harmful byproducts of chlorine - and often at levels in excess of what studies show to...
The fact is, most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good for them or the planet, but even knowing this, the chances are little that we are all going to become vegetarians, much less vegans. Asking everyone to go vegetarian or vegan is not a realistic or attainable goal, but we can focus on a more plant-based diet and support the farmers who raise their animals humanely and sustainably. This is why I am such a big believer in the Meatless Monday Movement and the Environmental Working Group's Meat Eaters Guide to Climate Change and Health.

California Farms Get Electricity Subsidy

Associated Press (+ 60 outlets), Garance Burke Published May 29, 2007 Some of the nation's largest farming operations are paying rock-bottom rates for the electricity they use to pump federally...

Water districts' bills for power criticized

The Fresno Bee, Mark Grossi Published May 29, 2007 Farmers in the Westlands Water District are underpaying to the tune of $71 million annually on cheap electricity for federal water deliveries, says...

Is the House farm bill a cushion for wealthy?

Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kevin Diaz Published July 27, 2007 Do millionaire farmers need a safety net? The question looms tall as a prairie silo over a multitude of controversies fueling congressional...

Top Subsidy Recipient Owns Nebraska Land

Omaha World Herald, Bill Hord Published June 12, 2007 Florida land tycoon Maurice Wilder, who owns 33,000 acres of farm ground in southwest Nebraska and 200,000 acres nationwide, topped the nation's...

Red State Welfare

The New York Times, Timothy Egan Published June 27, 2007 Drive across the empty reaches of the Great Plains, from the lost promise of Valentine, Neb., to the shadowless side roads into Sunray, Tex...
What They Say About EWG's Work

Sowing Seeds of Victory

Roll Call, Anna Palmer Published July 7, 2008 Dressed in a dark pinstripe suit with a blue striped shirt and tie, John Boyd Jr. looks the part of Washington insider.

Small percentage of rural counties contribute to fertilizer pollution

Chicago Tribune, Andrew Martin Published April 9, 2006 A new study on Monday found that a relatively small percentage of rural counties – many of them in Illinois – are contributing most of the...

New EWG Analysis Says Nitrogen Pollution a Fixable Problem

Farm Futures, Jacqui Fatka Published April 9, 2006 Nitrate pollution in the Mississippi River Basin is a growing problem, creating a Dead Zone downstream for marine wildlife. A new analysis from the...

More than half of US streams polluted: EPA

Reuters Published May 4, 2006 More than half of US streams are polluted, with the worst conditions found in the eastern third of the country, according to a study by the Environmental Protection...

U.S. Farmers Should Curb Fertilizer Runoff: Study

Reuters Published September 10, 2007 U.S. farmers should be required to control soil erosion and fertilizer runoff from all land eligible for crop subsidies -- which would be a major expansion of...

Lobbyists Lining Up For Shot at Climate Bill

The Hill, Jim Snyder Excerpt: Meanwhile, environmental groups are focusing on another delicate issue: carbon offsets.

EWG Comments on the California Air Resources Board Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan

With these comments, EWG directs the California Air Resources Board's attention to deficiencies in the Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan with respect to agriculture. At present, the Plan...

Congress Poised To Cut Conservation Funds That Aided Farm Bill’s Passage

Behind the thin green gloss Congressional leaders spread across the subsidy-laden 2008 farm bill, key Democratic lawmakers are hacking away at promises to expand conservation and other environmental...

Needlessly Pitting Kids Against Conservation

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) today (March 17) unveiled legislation to reauthorize child nutrition programs and increase nutrition funding by $4.5 billion over 10...

After Hong Kong, Redraw America's Farm Subsidy Map

Trade ministers from over 100 nations along with thousands of negotiators gather in Hong Kong this week under the auspices of the World Trade Organization for a round of talks that was intended to...

Power Drain

Every year, the Central Valley Project moves more than 2 trillion gallons of water - about 18 percent of California's fresh water supply - to thousands of farms in the state's arid heartland. Massive...

Into the Mouths of Babes

Atrazine, the most heavily used herbicide in the United States, is a cancer-causing weed killer applied to 50 million acres of corn each year. After it is applied each spring, it runs off cornfields...

BPA: What FDA doesn't know could hurt you

One of the unwritten rules of public relations is, if they're running you out of town, get out front and say you're leading the parade. That's one way to read the American Chemistry Council's...

Cut Spending – But Not My Farm Subsidies!

That some members of Congress are farmers is hardly new. Many of the Founding Fathers worked the land. But as the industrial age transformed America's agrarian society and technology made it possible...

Yes We Can - And Should - Make Our Food Safer

We're all used to hearing Big Food and Big Ag brag about America having "the safest food supply in the world," usually as a warm-up for complaining that EWG and other critics of our food system are...