
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3145 - 3168 of 7439

Minnesota Ethanol Plant Fined $425K for Environmental Violations

Corn ethanol is far from an environmentally friendly fuel. While petroleum's pollution contributions are obvious and well reported, ethanol's are less clear. However, from chemical fertilizers and...

California EPA Calls Foul Over Chemical Safety “Improvement” Act

Having lived and worked in California most of my life (and spent the last 12 years at EWG), I could not be more proud of my state’s long-time leadership in protecting public health and the environment...

When it Comes to Chemicals, How Safe is “Safe”?

Industrial chemicals are everywhere in daily life — in personal care products, furniture, household cleaners, toys, and even peanut butter. Because some chemicals once thought harmless have been...

Three Ways the Industry-Backed Chemical Bill Fails

The Chemical Safety Improvement Act introduced in May lacks key reforms considered critical during earlier Congressional efforts to protect people from dangerous industrial chemicals. The gold...

5 Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic BPA

No one disputes that bisphenol A, a toxic compound widely used to line food cans and other food packaging, is polluting people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found BPA in the urine of...

To Protect Young Farmworkers, Calif. Rejects EPA Rollback of Pesticide Policy

Last week, the federal Environmental Protection Agency took steps that could lead to the repeal of health-protective safeguards designed to prevent teenage farmworkers from handling toxic pesticides...


Does Your Cell Phone Case Raise Your Radiation Exposure?

Some 9 percent of Americans use smartphones. Many of them buy cases for their phones, hoping to protect their expensive devices from harm. But it's the users who need better protection.

I Call the Vote: A Farm Bill Litmus Test for the Food Movement

Here's a simple proposition to test whether the food movement can stand up to Big Ag. We're asking readers who care about providing healthier food to schoolchildren to take a stand by voting on our...

Nonstick Chemicals in Your Drinking Water

How many times a day do you drink water? Cook with it? Brush your teeth with it? Offer some to your children?

How to Avoid Pesticides While Pregnant

Are you pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant? Now's the time to start limiting your exposure to pesticides.

Eating Organic on a Budget

Choosing organic food doesn't have to mean a hefty grocery bill

The 23andMe Farm Bill?

Under current law, numerous loopholes in federal farm subsidy programs distribute the lion's share of farm subsidies to the largest and richest farms

How to Mix Your Baby’s Formula with Safe Water

One in every four American newborns consumes formula from birth. Around two-thirds of these babies drink some formula by the time they are three months old.

Male Exposure to Chemicals Linked to Longer Time to Conceive

It's well known that what a woman eats, drinks, breathes and puts on her body while she's pregnant or nursing can all affect her reproductive system and the health of her baby. But new research...

Why Children, Pregnant Women Should Eat Food with Fewer Pesticides

“For many children, diet may be the most influential source” of pesticides, said the Academy of Pediatrics in a landmark report published in November 2012.

How to Improve Air Quality at Your Child’s School

A healthy, resting adult takes 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Children, from school-age to preschoolers and younger, take many more. It's normal for a toddler to take twice as many breaths as an adult...

Nearly 28,000 Farmers Got USDA Payments for 32 Straight Years, Worth $19 Billion Total

Almost 28,000 U.S. farmers received taxpayer-funded federal farm subsidies or disaster relief payments for 32 straight years, according to a new EWG analysis of data from the Department of Agriculture...

What All Parents Should Know About Pesticides in Produce

Every spring EWG releases our Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™. The guide can be used by anyone trying to avoid pesticides, but it's especially important for parents to limit their children's...

How to Avoid Added Nitrates and Nitrites in Your Food

Do you pack sandwiches for lunch or grab a hot dog at a BBQ? These foods may contain added chemicals you should know about: nitrates and nitrites.

The Anti-Label Lobby

Companies and organizations opposed to labeling foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients disclosed $15.2 million in lobbying expenditures that made reference to GE labeling in the second quarter of 2014, according to analysis updating a July EWG report. When combined with lobbying expenditures from the first quarter of 2014, these companies have disclosed $27.5 million in the first

EWG News Roundup (6/29): Superbugs in Supermarket Meat, Senate Farm Bill Passes and More

EWG News Roundup (6/29): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.