
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3169 - 3192 of 7439

Despite Health Concerns, FCC and States Clear the Way for Next-Generation Wireless Networks

The wireless communications industry is rushing to blanket the nation with next-generation networks whose health effects are unknown. Despite studies linking radiation from existing networks to cancer...

Advice for Parents: Find Nap Mats Without Flame Retardant Chemicals

When looking for a child care center, parents usually ask about the number of children and the number of adult caretakers in the center, what educational activities are offered, and what's for lunch.

Yet Another Reason for Your Kids to Unplug? Health Risks from Cellphone Radiation

Most Americans, including children, use electronic devices like cellphones, tablets and smartwatches, for hours every day – and many have developed symptoms that look like addictive behavior. In 2017...

Children Exposed to Lead in Drinking Water at Day Care Centers

More than 4 million American children spend at least part of the day at child care centers. How widespread is lead contamination of the tap water at these facilities?

For National Honey Bee Day, Show Some Love for Pollinators

August 18 is National Honey Bee Day, according to an official proclamation by the Department of Agriculture. It's a good day to focus on the importance of bees and what we can do to protect them.

Brett Kavanaugh: Good News for Polluters, Bad News for Public Health

One reason to think twice before confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the critical open swing seat on the Supreme Court is his long record of adopting extreme views to defend polluters

The War on Cancer: Progress, But Still a Long Way to Go

In 1971, President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act into law, beginning the U.S. "war on cancer." More than 45 years later, we've made a lot of progress, but it can be hard to feel like we...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 3)

It was quite the busy week for the Trump team – with new Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt wasting no time putting his extreme, anti-environment agenda in place.

The One Fight We Can’t Lose

Much of the damage to public health and the environment that the Trump administration is putting forward – such as cutting the Environmental Protection Agency's budget, or gutting clean air and water...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 10)

In another tumultuous week for the Trump White House, alleged corruption, regulatory rollbacks and head-scratching statements reigned supreme.

Americans Are Worried About Their Drinking Water

Lead, PFCs, hexavalent chromium, fertilizer and pesticides are just a few of the dangerous contaminants found in U.S. drinking water. According to a new nationwide survey, Americans' concerns about...

Anti-Consumer Lobby Gave Big to Senator Pushing Regulatory Accountability Act

Corporate political action committees, trade associations and individuals lobbying to gut basic consumer protections gave $3.3 million to the 2016 campaign of Sen. Rob Portman, sponsor of a bill that...

Federal Rules Help Farmers, But Farm Lobbyists Want to Block Them

Farm lobbyists often complain that farmers face overregulation. In fact, farmers are largely exempt from most environmental and public health regulations, including rules designed to protect drinking...

Think U.S. Agriculture Will End World Hunger? Think Again.

Every time we at EWG talk about the damage farming can do to drinking water, air quality, public health and quality of life, we hear: “Well, you know we have to feed the world.”

Obama’s Top Food Policy Wins

It's hard to think of an administration that has done more to change what Americans eat and how we grow our food than the Obama administration.

Wisconsin Farm Group Admits to Tainting Drinking Water, Continues Failing Residents

What if your neighbor poured toxic chemicals into your drinking water but only agreed to pay for part of the cleanup? Well, that's exactly what's happening in northeastern Wisconsin.

Election Day Brought Some Good News for Food

Americans didn't only vote for president and other elected officials last week. Through state and local ballot measures, advocates scored impressive wins on nutrition, animal protection and farm...

Here's Something Americans Agree On: Safe and Healthy Food

When Americans gather to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, we may not agree on the outcome of the election. But we all agree that the food being served should be safe, healthy and clearly labeled. If...

Arsenic, Pesticides, Chemicals in Kids? Trump Adviser Ebell and Breitbart Dismiss Concerns, Target EWG

Myron Ebell, head of President-elect Donald Trump's Environmental Protection Agency transition team, is a notorious denier of global warming whose biography unashamedly notes that activists consider...

President-Elect Says ‘Crystal Clear Water’ Crucial

During a sit-down Tuesday with top brass from The New York Times, President-elect Donald Trump told the assembled journalists, columnists and editors that “clean air and ‘crystal clear water' were...

Wellness Chat: The Environment and Breast Health

We close out breast cancer awareness month with insights from one of the leading scientists in the field of breast cancer research, Ruthann Rudel.