
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3217 - 3240 of 7439

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA Head

This week the full Senate will likely decide whether to confirm President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. Here are the top 10...

‘The Next American Farm Bust’? Chicken Littles Ignore the Facts

There they go again. In the run-up to the 2018 Farm Bill, agriculture interests are squawking that America is facing a new farm crisis – one that can only be staved off by billions more taxpayer...

6 Facts You Didn’t Hear at the House Rural Economy Hearing

At today's House Agriculture Committee hearing on the state of the rural economy, Chairman K. Michael Conaway set the tone for increasing farm subsidy spending.

Appreciating Cooking and the Science Behind It

Guy Crosby, Ph.D., joined us for a conversation on how understanding the science of food can make you a better home cook. He is the science editor at America's Test Kitchen; an adjunct professor at...

Pruitt’s EPA Abandoning Duty to Protect Kids From Dangerous Pesticides

Five years is a long time in the life of a child – and for the child's parents. Five years can be a period of profound change, growth and development. But if Environmental Protection Agency chief...

Federal Study: Replacements for Hormone-Disrupting BPA May Be Just as Bad

Replacements for bisphenol A, a hormone-disrupting chemical in plastics and food containers, could be just as harmful or even worse than it, according to a new study by the National Toxicology Program...

Kids Still at Risk From Rocket Fuel Chemical in Food and Water

In 2006, I sent samples of my breast milk and my infant son's urine to researchers investigating a rocket fuel chemical that can permanently harm the developing brains of fetuses and young children.

Are Anti-Aging Products The Fountain Of Youth? Really?

EWG has long sounded the alarm that the FDA does not subject cosmetics to similar premarket reviews for efficacy and safety. After you've read a few ads for anti-aging creams, you might be asking...

USDA Confirms Subsidies Overwhelmingly Flow to Wealthiest Farmers

A new report from the Department of Agriculture confirmed what EWG has been saying for years: Farm subsidies overwhelmingly go to the largest and most successful farm businesses, instead of to...


Corporate spending to fight GMO labeling skyrockets

Food and biotechnology companies opposed to mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically modified food ingredients have disclosed expenditures of $63.6 million in 2014 to lobby for legislation that made reference to GMO labeling.

Do Cotton Farmers Need More Subsidies?

Once again, Congress is attempting to provide more subsidies to cotton farmers – this time in a bill designed to provide disaster relief to Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

New Front to Open in Trump’s War on Healthy Food

President Trump is likely to launch new salvos in his full-scale war on healthy food today, when he addresses the American Farm Bureau Federation.

5 People Who Shouldn’t Be in Charge of Protecting Us From Toxic Chemicals

Theirs aren't the only faces in Trump's gallery of regulatory rogues. One year into Trump's war on public health, here's a closer look.

Fish vs. Fish Oil Supplements: Which is Better for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Omega-3 fatty acids boost brain development in fetuses and babies. They are widely considered healthy and safe for women who are pregnant, nursing or planning to become pregnant. But which is the...

22 Best-Scoring Sunscreens for Kids

A safe, effective sunscreen is an important part of a parent's sun safety toolkit. Combined with protective clothing, hats, sunglasses and plenty of shade, sunscreen – applied liberally and frequently...

Study Links BPA to Attention Disorder in Kids

Children with high levels of the chemical bisphenol A in their bodies were more likely to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than those with lower levels of the chemical, according to a...


EWG Exposes Hidden Trans Fat

Did you know that artificial trans fat is an artery-clogging synthetic blamed for 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths yearly? Even worse, did you know that you could be eating it without even knowing it?

No More Tanning Beds for Teens

With prom and graduation season right around the corner, teens around the country are turning to indoor tanning salons for the sun-kissed tans they wish for.


Hidden In Plain Sight

A new EWG analysis estimates that at least 27 percent of more than 84,000 foods in EWG's interactive Food Scores database, contain artificial trans fat, a manmade, artery-clogging, industrially-produced fat that bears part of the blame for the American heart disease epidemic.

The Real Deal Behind Kraft’s “New” Mac & Cheese

Kraft made headlines a year ago when it announced changes to its famed, kid-favorite macaroni and cheese. The company vowed to replace artificial dyes with natural ingredients and to eliminate...

What New Food Serving Sizes Mean for Your Kids

Last month the Food and Drug Administration announced new changes to the Nutrition Facts Label we see printed on packaged foods.

The PFOA Drinking Water Contamination Crisis Just Got Much Bigger

Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency reported that 1 percent of samples from public drinking water systems nationwide were contaminated with PFOA, a nonstick chemical formerly used to make...