
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3241 - 3264 of 7439

Corporate Lobbyists Finance Senate Leader of ‘License to Kill’ Bill

One out of every five political donations made to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. – chair of a Senate committee expected to vote this week to effectively block new consumer protection rules – came from...

The 14 Worst-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

Choosing the right sunscreen from the hundreds of products lining store shelves can be daunting. EWG researchers came up with a list of 14 worst-scoring sunscreens for kids to avoid.

Trump’s Budget Unites Farmers and Foodies

President Trump's budget request managed to do something few could have imagined: unite farmers and foodies.

For Kids, Good Hygiene Can Come with a Dose of Toxic Triclosan

It goes without saying that it is important children and all people brush their teeth and wash their hands. However, depending on what type of toothpaste or soap you're using, you and your family...

Thousands of Adults and Children Lost Their Hair. Will Anything Change?

Almost two years ago, EWG first reported that more than 17,000 women and girls had lost some or all of their hair after using a shampoo advertised by celebrity hair stylist Chaz Dean and sold by one...

Chemical Industry Shill Nominated to Lead EPA Toxics Program

In May, EWG reported that former chemical industry bigwig Nancy Beck was the scariest Trump appointee you've never heard of. We may have spoken too soon.

Disinfectant Mix in Cleaning Products Linked to Birth Defects in Lab Animals

Exposure to a mixture of chemicals commonly found in household and commercial cleaning products can lead to birth defects in laboratory animals that can last for generations, according to a new study...

EWG-Commissioned Tests Finds Cancer-Causing Asbestos in Talc-based Cosmetics

Earlier this year, EWG reported results of tests that found the notorious carcinogen asbestos in samples of talc-based cosmetics. EWG-commissioned tests by Scientific Analytical Institute found...

Cosmetics Safety 'Virtually Unregulated' by Federal Law

WASHINGTON, May 14 – Cosmetics and personal care products may be the main routes of exposure for Americans to many harmful chemicals. But the U.S. cosmetics industry is almost completely unregulated...

Study Highlights Importance of Cosmetics Ingredient Safety Tests

For many cosmetics products, exposure through your mouth may seem unlikely. Still, it's important to consider oral dosing in assessing the safety of cosmetics ingredients, according to a new European...

After Covid-19 Flip-Flops, CDC Director Must Resign

Today I wrote to Dr. Robert Redfield calling on him to resign as the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was not a letter I wrote lightly. But with the events of the past few...

Bay out of Balance

Year after year, vast amounts of pollutants pour into Chesapeake Bay, fouling the largest estuary in the United States and ultimately creating large dead zones in waters that once teemed with life. For decades, many have lamented the decline in the bay's health, but efforts to stop the ongoing damage and restore this once-pristine jewel have so far been largely fruitless.

Get Big or Get Out: How Trump’s Farm Bailouts Are Fueling Farm Consolidation

While visiting Wisconsin last year, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said farmers should “get big or get out.” The Trump administration's bailout program seems designed to do just that.

As Algae Season Ends, the Toll: More Than 400 Outbreaks in 2020

The end of summer marks the unofficial end of the algae outbreak season. Warmer states like California and Florida see outbreaks fouling lakes, rivers and other bodies of water year-round, but for...

Will the Real Ethanol Beneficiaries Please Stand Up?

Eight years ago, the ethanol industry was keeping up the pretence that corn ethanol was a “bridge” to advanced biofuels. But figures like these, derived from the Renewable Fuels Association's (RFA) own Annual Industry Outlook, tell a different story.

Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

Agricultural run-off is causing environmental problems in Iowa waters and as far away as the Gulf of Mexico. Craig Cox, Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group, offers some solutions.