
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3265 - 3288 of 7439

Timeline: The FDA’s failure to regulate ‘Brazilian blowout’ hair treatments

For more than a decade, the Food and Drug Administration and the cosmetics industry have known that keratin hair-smoothing treatments – commonly called “Brazilian blowout” treatments – release unsafe...

UPDATE: Little Progress from Trump’s EPA on Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

It's been 18 months since the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled its plan to address the crisis of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, which a new peer-reviewed study by EWG...

Trump’s Ag Secretary Wants EU To Have Polluted Water, Too

President Donald Trump and his secretary of agriculture have a message for Europeans: We want you to drink polluted water too.

EWG News Roundup (10/30): EPA Extends the Use of Harmful Pesticide, DuPont Still Discharges PFOA and More

EWG News Roundup (10/30): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

The Farm Bill Should Better Protect America’s Drinking Water

America's drinking water is under threat from a formidable foe: polluted farm runoff, which contaminates the tap water supplies for millions of people, especially in rural areas.


Chemical Makers Inform Investors, Not The Public

The chemical industry has no trouble compiling production and sales information to give to investors on a quarterly basis. When human health or the environment are on the line, however, providing similar information to the Environmental Protection Agency is apparently too much of a burden.

EWG’s ‘Just Add Lemons’ Presents Mother’s Day Brunch

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, EWG has curated a brunch menu from “Just Add Lemons: 100+ Recipes for Family and Home from EWG and Friends.” Celebrate your mother, grandmother or another...

EWG News Roundup (5/8): MultiState Duke Energy Watchdog Formed, Protecting Farm and Food Workers During Pandemic and More

EWG News Roundup (5/8): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


Cracks in the Facade

An Environmental Working Group investigation by Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt has uncovered evidence in a long-forgotten federal report and other documents that chemicals from hydraulic fracturing of natural gas wells contaminated drinking water used by two West Virginia families. These graphics illustrate how the "fracking" chemicals might have reached the Parsons and Hagy families' water wells.

EWG News Roundup (5/15): Farm and Food Workers at COVID-19 Risk, EPA Balks at Regulating Rocket Fuel Chemical and More

This week, EWG broke down how America's farmworkers are imperiled when it comes to contracting COVID-19.

Hair Color With Less Harm: New In-Home Hair Dyes in Skin Deep®

As many hair salons remain closed months into the national shutdown triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, at-home hair dyes are flying off store shelves. But many of these products may contain...

It’s Time To End the Use of Talc in Loose Powders

The news, announced Tuesday, that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of baby powder with talc is long overdue. Because talc and asbestos can form in the same parent rock, cosmetics made with...

Choosing the Best Sunscreen for Your Kids

After a long spring of being cooped up indoors, everyone is itching to get outside and spend as much time there as possible.

Federal Lawsuit Could Limit Fluoride in Drinking Water

A landmark federal lawsuit that went to trial this week in California could change the longstanding practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water supplies for 200 million Americans.


What Scientists Say About Vitamin A in Sunscreen

New sunscreen rules will do away with the worst hype in sunscreen marketing. But they don't address concerns about ingredient safety, particularly a form of vitamin A which has become common in sunscreen and other skin products.

5 Tips for Safer Cell Phone Use During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 has made us all depend more on wireless technology. Whether you're working remotely, attending school online or just staying in touch with family and friends, you're more reliant than ever on...

Throwing Good Money at Bad Land

Thanks to five decades of bad policy decisions, a quirk of geology underlaying hundreds of thousands of acres of California's Central Valley has snowballed into a multi-million dollar taxpayer boondoggle that continues to pose an environmental threat to the fragile San Francisco/San Joaquin Bay-Delta estuary.

Great Books Make Great Gifts: What EWG Is Reading

If there's one thing we at Environmental Working Group love, it's a good book - especially about the issues we work on. Honestly, there are so many good ones.

FCC downplays cell phone radiation risks

On September 20th, 2010 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) overhauled its website ( to downplay the health risks of cell phone emissions and raise questions about the value of relative SAR ratings of different phones. The FCC's altered webpage is full of internal inconsistencies and at odds with latest research on cell phone radiation.

How green is your Halloween?

Halloween is spooky enough without having to worry about the toxins in your decorations and costumes. You and your family should have your haunted fun -- without being exposed to an abundance of toxic...

Dr. Beverly Wright wins a Heinz Award

Dr. Beverly Wright is being honored this year as one of 10 recipients of The Heinz Awards.

How industry shanghaied science

Recent EWG research highlighted how conflicts of interest among members of EPA review panels have weakened governmental safety standards on toxic chemicals in the environment and in everyday consumer...

BPA Coats Cash Register Receipts

EWG found BPA on two-fifths of the 36 thermal paper receipts tested. Samples were gathered from major retail outlets including McDonald's, CVS, KFC, Whole Foods, Walmart, Safeway and the U.S. Postal Service.