
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3289 - 3312 of 7439

Tips for a Healthy and Safe July Fourth Holiday

This July Fourth weekend, be responsible and respect local public health ordinances and social distancing guidelines. Whether you're planning to stay at home to grill in your backyard, or heading to...

EWG Analysis: Few States Have Job Safety Rules To Protect Farmworkers From COVID-19

Only eight states have wide-ranging mandatory protections for farmworkers from the coronavirus, an Environmental Working Group analysis of state regulations reveals. Some states have issued...

Avoiding Coronavirus the Clean Way

The spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 is prompting lots of concern and questions. Coronaviruses are not new: A majority of them are the cause of most cases of the common cold. But COVID-19 can...

Senate GOP’s COVID Relief Package: $20 Billion for Big Farmers, Zero for Farmworkers and Hungry Families

There's only one word to describe Senate Republicans' proposal to shower even more COVID-19 relief funding on the nation's largest farmers while providing none to protect farm workers or help hungry...

What if Lots of Food and Farm Workers Get Sick at the Same Time?

More than 20 million people grow, harvest, pack, process, transport, serve and sell our food. The food and farm industry rivals the energy and health care sectors in terms of number of jobs.

EWG News Roundup (8/6): National Pesticide Law Reform, Attacks on Children’s Health and More

EWG News Roundup (8/6): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

How Safe Is the Water in Your Kids’ School?

Whether your children's school plans to reopen in the next few weeks or in coming months, parents, teachers and staff already have their hands full preparing for the continuity of education and...

Study: Racial Disparities Affect How Sick Kids Get With COVID-19

Racial disparities, such as lifelong lack of access to health care and nutritious foods, or working at jobs where it's hard to practice social distancing, profoundly affect how likely people are to...

California Legislature Kills Bill to Protect Kids from Lead

The California State Senate Appropriations Committee defeated a bill that would reduce the amount of lead leached from faucets and fixtures to no more than 1 microgram of lead – five times less lead...

Nuclear Industry Politics: Bribes, Corruption and Lies

The U.S. nuclear industry knows it can't compete fairly on the open market with safe, clean, cost-effective renewable energy sources like solar, wind and storage batteries, so it's turning to illegal...

EWG Farm Bill Platform

This year's effort to renew America's food and farm policy through the farm bill creates an opportunity for Congress to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, encourage healthy...

Common Pesticides Associated With Lower Birth Weight, Shortened Pregnancy

A new study is reinforcing obstetricians' standard warning that pregnant women should avoid exposure to pesticides in foods and weed killers because the chemicals can harm the developing fetus.

FDA Keeps Toxic Plastic Chemical in Food, Infant Formula

Once again, the federal agency charged with protecting the public from tainted food has ignored a mountain of scientific research and decided to allow a toxic chemical to remain in food packaging. The...


Seizing a Watershed Moment

The Mississippi River flows more than 2,000 miles from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico and is the world's third-largest river basin. Millions of residents get their drinking water from the Mississippi. The River supports a vast array of economic, commercial, and recreational activities.

California Regulators Turn a Blind Eye to Fracking

State regulators have no idea how many oil and gas wells have been fracked in California despite having requested and received $3 million in new funding in 2010 to regulate the practice.

How Much Added Sugar is in Food? Eaters Have the Right to Know

If Americans knew exactly how much added sugar came with the food and beverages they and their families consume, many might make different choices.

Veteran Food and Farm Advocate Joins EWG

Washington, D.C. -- Scott Faber, a long-time food and farm policy advocate, has joined the Environmental Working Group as EWG's Vice President for Government Affairs. During his 20-year career as an...

President's Speech Misses Mark in Addressing Concerns Over Fracking

During last night's State of the Union address, President Obama appeared ready to throw the full support of his administration behind the expansion of natural gas drilling operations throughout the...

Gas Drilling Doublespeak

Gas drilling companies routinely warn their investors of a litany of possible disasters – such as leaks, spills, explosions, bodily injury and even death – but regularly fail to mention these risks...

Cleaners’ ingredients would finally be disclosed under new bill

A ground-breaking consumer right-to-know bill introduced today by Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) would close labeling requirement loopholes that have allowed manufacturers to hide untested and even...

Chemical Giants Bow to BPA Ban in Kids' Foodware

Yielding to pressure from parents, health advocates, and lawmakers, the chemical industry has conceded that the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol-A should not be used to make baby bottles and sippy...


CDC Scientists Find Rocket Fuel Chemical In Infant Formula

Researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported that 15 brands of powdered infant formula are contaminated with perchlorate, a rocket fuel component detected in drinking water in 28 states and territories.

Fracking Panel Ducks Substance, Focuses on Messaging

In a draft report on the increasingly controversial practice of shale gas drilling, the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board Subcommittee sidestepped the crucial question of whether hydraulic...

Despite Claims of Reform, Subsidy Band Marches On

As the Senate Agriculture Committee meets today to discuss accountability and spending on farm programs, new data washes away the gloss of reform used by the subsidy lobby and its champions in...