
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3409 - 3432 of 7439

California Tightens Smog Standards

The California Air Resources Board today adopted the nation's most stringent smog standards, which state scientists say could avert hundreds of premature deaths, thousands of hospital trips and more...

Gas Tax Spending Steers Commuters' Taxes Away from Congested Areas

A new investigation of spending patterns by state departments of transportation finds that commuters' federal gas taxes are being diverted to far-flung rural and exurban areas within their states...

EPA Tilts Risk Document on Teflon Chemical in DuPont's Favor

EWG today criticized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) draft risk assessment on the toxic Teflon chemical, PFOA, as a post-election tilt toward DuPont. The Agency ignored its own science panel...

Senate Disappoints on Keystone XL Vote

The U.S. Senate today advanced a Keystone XL pipeline bill that puts corporate oil interests before the health of the public and the environment, EWG said in a statement.

EWG Welcomes Bill to Cap Crop Insurance Premium Subsidies

Bipartisan legislation introduced in the Senate today would limit the amount of federal crop insurance premium subsidies a grower can receive, saving billions of dollars while affecting very few...

New Report Shows Iowans Could Have Cleaner Water With One Simple Rule

Requiring farmers to plant 50-foot wide grass strips, or buffers, between cropland and streams would jumpstart progress toward cleaning Iowa's dirty water while affecting only a handful of growers and...


Double Dippers

Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) computer investigation of federal crop and water subsidies to California's Central Valley Project (CVP).

EWG’s White Named Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness

EWG's Executive Director Heather White has been named one of the top 100 Women To Watch In Wellness by popular health and wellness website MindBodyGreen.

Breathe Safer Indoor Air With EWG’s Healthy Living: Home Guide

Americans spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors. That's why it's more important than ever to think about indoor air quality and health.

EWG, American Oversight Call for EPA IG Investigation Into No-Bid Contract with GOP Consulting Firm

Non-partisan watchdog group American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) today called for the Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General to immediately investigate the agency...

Brain Damaging Pesticide Scott Pruitt Left in Hands of Agribusiness Found in Hundreds of Food Samples

The federal Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, recently released test results that found the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos in more than 300 food samples.

Pruitt’s Superfund Czar Stiffs House Hearing on Cleanup Program’s Future

Albert “Kell” Kelly, the federally sanctioned ex-banker put in charge of the Superfund program despite having no environmental qualifications, has backed out of testifying before a key House hearing...

Scott Pruitt Just Hung Up a List of His Top ‘Environmental Achievements’ at EPA. EWG Suggests Alternate List.

New banners on display at the Environmental Protection Agency headquarters highlight five “environmental achievements” under Administrator Scott Pruitt's leadership. Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore...

EWG Applauds Bill to Warn of Asbestos in Cosmetics

Today EWG praised legislation introduced by Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., that would mandate warnings for cosmetics marketed to children that might contain asbestos.

Big Win for Public Health: Calif. Judge Blocks Pesticide Spraying by State Ag Department

In a major victory for public health, a judge has ordered the California Department of Food and Agriculture to stop spraying toxic pesticides – including on schools, parks and lawns and near organic...

Welcome Aboard Coach Class, Scott Pruitt. Here’s Your EWG-Approved Travel Kit

If you're used to first class or a private jet, flying coach can take some getting used to

EPA Hires Right-Wing Media Firm Linked to Oil Industry, Anti-Muslim Group

For its annual report, the Environmental Protection Agency has hired a right-wing digital media firm that has worked for the oil and gas industry and an anti-Muslim group.

Arrivederci, Taxpayer Money! Pruitt Spent $120,000 on Weeklong Trip to Italy

In June 2017, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and his entourage took a trip to Italy, which cost taxpayers $120,000. Photo courtesy of EPA

EPA Chief Scraps Scheduled Ban of Pesticide That Harms Kids’ Brains

In one of his first major decisions as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt sided with the pesticide lobby over scientists in an eleventh-hour decision to abort the agency's...

Trump Wants to Ax Programs To Protect Children From Lead Poisoning That Cost Taxpayers Less Than His Trips to Florida, Kids’ Business Travel

President Trump's plan to cut funding that helps states protect children from lead poisoning would save less money than the cost of his trips to Florida. It's a callous proposal that again shows the...

Report: Shell and Dow Hid Cancer-Causing 'Garbage' in Pesticide, Contaminating Drinking Water for Millions in California

For decades, Shell and Dow hid a highly potent cancer-causing chemical in two widely used pesticides, contaminating drinking water for millions of people in California and beyond, according to...

Here Are the 270,000 North Carolina Property Owners Whose Rights Are Threatened by Pork Industry Bill

A bill rushed through the North Carolina legislature and now on Gov. Roy Cooper's desk would severely restrict the traditional property rights of hundreds of thousands of property owners from the...

Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Contaminate Drinking Water for 15 Million Americans

New research from EWG and Northeastern University in Boston uncovered highly fluorinated toxic chemicals, known as PFCs or PFASs, in the drinking water of 15 million Americans in 27 states, and from...

More than 200 Scientists, Medical Professionals Urge Stricter Limits on Antibacterial Agents

Today EWG joined an international roster of more than 200 scientists and medical professionals to call for stricter limits on antibacterial chemicals that are added to thousands of consumer products...