
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3433 - 3456 of 7438

‘You Don't Do Those Things Lightly’: Why EPA Chief Didn't Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's defense for allowing the continued use of a dangerous pesticide starkly shows that he doesn't consider protecting children's health to be more...

Procter & Gamble Raises the Bar on Fragrance Ingredient Transparency

Procter & Gamble, the world's biggest maker of both household cleaning and personal care products, announced Wednesday the most sweeping fragrance ingredient transparency initiative to date, said EWG...

Hidden Carcinogen Taints Tap Water, Consumer Products Nationwide

An unregulated cancer-causing industrial solvent, which is also a hidden impurity in cosmetics and household cleaners, was found in samples from tap water supplies for nearly 90 million Americans in...

Attorney Who Exposed DuPont's Teflon Treachery Wins 'Alternative Nobel Prize'

Robert Bilott, the Ohio attorney who exposed DuPont's cover-up of the dangers of a cancer-causing Teflon chemical, is a 2017 laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the "alternative...

Over 240 California community organizations unite against proposed utility tax raising electricity bills for millions of working families

SACRAMENTO – Across California, more than 240 community organizations and leaders are joining together in the Stop the Big Utility Tax coalition to fight a proposal that would hike electricity bills...

Two Pennsylvania bills target toxic chemicals in food

On March 19, a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania lawmakers introduced two bills to ban a total of nine toxic chemicals, including color additives, from food made, distributed or sold in the state.

EWG Questions FDA Verdict on Plastic Chemical

FDA’s Flawed Assessment of Bisphenol A Safety Underscores the Need for State and Federal Legislation An Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis of FDA’s draft assessment of BPA revealed a number of...

Oversight Hearing on The Revised Environmental Impact Statement on Hydraulic Fracturing and New York City's Upstate Drinking Water Supply Infrastructure

Dusty Horwitt, EWG senior counsel, testifies before the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection about the health and financial risks of fracking, particularly potential danger to...

EWG to FDA: Sunscreen Regs Good Step, Not Enough

EWG comments on FDA's efforts to ensure the safety and effectiveness of sunscreens. The sunscreen rulemaking process began in 1978, but FDA's 2011 rules do not sufficiently protect the public from...

EWG Urges Chair of DOE Natural Gas Panel to Step Down

EWG calls for resignation of John Deutch, chairman of the Secretary of Energy's advisory board on natural gas extraction and hydraulic fracturing, because of financial ties to the oil and gas industry...


Up In Smoke

Electricity generation from old, heavily-polluting coal-fired power plants rose 15.8 percent nationwide between 1992 and 1998, an increase big enough to power all the industries, businesses and homes in the state of California for a year. This jump, which was spurred in large part by loopholes in the Clean Air Act and the deregulation of the wholesale electric power market, threatens to erode

New York: Explain Why Drillers Got Early Info

Thomas Cluderay, EWG assistant general counsel, testifies New York City before state lawmakers at a public forum on hydrofracking. He highlights EWG's report exposing behind-the-scenes communications...

Into the Mouths of Babes

n a little-noticed decision earlier this year, the EPA's top scientific committee on children's health declared that protections against the toxic weed killer atrazine in food and water should not be considered safe for infants and children. According to the Office of Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee:

EWG Asks FDA, NTP to Wind Up Study of Vitamin A In Sunscreen

EWG asks the FDA's National Center for Toxicological Research to complete its study of vitamin A ingredients, which according to agency tests speed the development of skin tumors and lesions on sun...

Comments to EPA on Chesapeake Bay Initiatives

EWG's letter warns of phosphorous pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.

Testing for pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the New York City drinking water supply

EWG's Olga Naidenko testifies before the New York City Counsel Committee on Environmental Protection in support of a proposed law to require testing for pharmaceuticals and personal care product...

FDA FOIA Re: Brazilian Blowout

FOIA request to FDA regarding reports from Oregon regarding the discovery of formaldehyde in test samples of Brazilian Blowout.


Above the Law

An Environmental Working Group analysis of recently released enforcement records from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) reveals a persistent pattern of “significant violations” of the Clean Air Act (CAA) in five major industries. Hundreds of large facilities in auto assembly, iron and steel, petroleum refining, pulp manufacturing, and metal smelting and refining are threatening

"Strengthen USDA Conservation Programs," Environmental Groups Tell Ag Committee Leaders

"As you renew food and farm policy, we urge you to strengthen USDA conservation programs in order to reward farmers and ranchers who take steps to protect our air, water and wildlife."

EWG Urges FDA Not to Remove Labeling From Artificially Sweetened Dairy Products

The Environmental Working Group this week (May 21, 2013) submitted comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging it to deny an industry petition to change the official definition of milk...

Regulation of New Chemicals, Protection of Confidential Business Information, and Innovation

Heather White testifies before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy on Regulation of New Chemicals, Protection of...

EWG and 11 Other Health,Consumer Groups Call for New Cell Phone Radiation Standards

Citing the soaring number of wireless devices in the hands of children, long-standing flaws in federal cell phone radiation standards and new science raising questions about cell phone safety, 12...


Ban Methyl Parathion Now

In January 1998, the Environmental Working Group called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban the insecticide methyl parathion in all foods consumed by children. We supported our recommendation with a detailed analysis of dietary risk of organophosphate exposure for children aged five and under. One year later, we again call on the agency to ban this highly toxic pesticide, based on

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective:

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective: Comments from Environmental Working Group on the Food and Drug Administration proposed data requirements for antibacterial soaps...