
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3457 - 3480 of 7438

Ken Cook Testifies Against Industry's Chemical Bill

Testimony of Kenneth Cook, President of the Environmental Working Group on S. 697 before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Testimony on S.543

EWG strongly opposes legislation designed to cripple the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to carry out its essential functions, including S. 543, the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of...

Chemical Reform Law Falls Short in Protecting Public Health, Environment

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement ahead of expected passage today by the House on H.R.3576, the TSCA Modernization Act of 2016.

EWG Comments on Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Renewal of Existing Collection

We respectfully submit this letter on behalf of the Environmental Working Group, in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to ask the Office of Management and Budget to renew...

Trump to Pull Out of Climate Accord as Early as Tomorrow, Adviser Says

President Trump will pull out of the historic Paris climate agreement as early as Tuesday, according to the adviser who led the Environmental Protection Agency transition. The Hill newspaper reports...

EWG Fires Back at White House’s Lies on Pruitt’s Record

Statement from Scott Faber, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs: Scott Pruitt, and now the White House, have repeatedly lied about phosphorus standards for the Illinois River. In response to...

Mineral Fusion’s EWG VERIFIED® Products Heading to CVS Shelves

Denver-based cosmetics and personal care brand Mineral Fusion will begin selling over 125 EWG VERIFIED® color cosmetics in more than 300 CVS stores in California, making its product line more...

FDA Refuses to Remove Rocket Fuel Chemical from Food Packaging

The Food and Drug Administration denied a petition today by public interest groups, including EWG, to ban the use in dry food packaging of perchlorate, a toxic chemical that is also an ingredient in...

Bipartisan Senate Bill Would Help Protect Consumers from Toxic Chemicals in Personal Care Products

WASHINGTON – A bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, would help the federal Food and Drug Administration ensure that cosmetics and other personal care...

Nation’s Pediatricians, EWG Urge EPA to Ban Pesticide that Harms Kids’ Brains

On June 27, 2017, the American Academy for Pediatrics and EWG sent the letter attached and below to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on the agency's recent decision to pull...


Same as it Ever Was

On June 25, 1993, the Clinton-Gore Administration made headlines when it announced a bold new national policy to cut pesticide use in agriculture and make the protection of children the paramount consideration in federal pesticide regulation.

EWG's Responses to Proposed Rule Questions Under Consideration for USDA's GMO Disclosure Standard

As part of its process for implementing the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed by Congress last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has published 30 questions under consideration for USDA’s...

Inspector General Launches Probe Into Pruitt's Frequent Trips Home to Oklahoma

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general is looking into Administrator Scott Pruitt's frequent trips home to Oklahoma – an investigation that could show he's neglecting his...

Trump, Pruitt Slash EPA Staff to 30-Year Lows as Drinking Water, Climate Change Crises Mount

WASHINGTON – By October of this year, the staff at the Environmental Protection Agency will be reduced to levels not seen since the Reagan administration, 30 years ago, according to a report by Brady...


Dumping Sewage Sludge On Organic Farms?

In December, 1997, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed draft national standards for organic agriculture. As part of this proposal, the department invited the public to comment on the idea of allowing application of municipal sewage sludge on land used to grow organic foods. The Environmental Protection Agency's top sludge regulator urged the department to allow “high quality

White House War on Transparency Continues with CDC Media Blackout

EWG: Another Sign of Trump's Contempt for Democratic Values WASHINGTON – The Trump administration's ongoing war on freedom of information has opened on a new front: barring employees of the nation's...

EWG: EPA’s Pruitt Moves to Block Funding Prosecution of Polluters

WASHINGTON – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt plans to stop funding federal prosecutors who hold corporations responsible for polluting communities across the country...

Statement of Jane Houlihan on Cosmetics Safety

Statement of Jane Houlihan on Cosmetics Safety on the discussion draft of the ‘Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act' Legislation: Device and Cosmetic Safety before the Subcommittee on Health...

Comments for Public Meeting on "International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulations (ICCR) Preparations"

Comments for the public meeting on "International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulations (ICCR) Preparations" by Jane Houlihan, Vice President for Research, Environmental Working Group; Washington, DC...

EWG: Stop Rodan + Fields’ Misleading Claims

EWG urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and California's attorney general today to stop Rodan + Fields from making misleading claims about benzophenone, a chemical that has been linked to...

EWG’s Letter to N.J. for Stronger PFC Restrictions for Water

EWG submits comments to New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection in support of the state’s proposal to lower the Maximum Contaminant Level for PFOS in drinking water. EWG also urges the...

Public Interest Organizations Call on HHS to Release PFAS Toxicological Profile

Attached is a letter submitted by more than 50 public interest organizations calling on the Department of Health and Human Services to release a recent toxicological profile by the Agency for Toxic...

Bill Would Block States from Warning Public About Cancer, Other Risks in Consumer Products

WASHINGTON – Legislation introduced in Congress seeks to preempt state laws that require products to carry labels informing consumers of potential health risks like cancer and developmental harm to...

EPA Proposes to Phase Out Fluoride Pesticide

EWG comments to the Environmental Protection Agency supporting a phaseout of sulfuryl fluoride, an insecticide and fumigant