
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 361 - 384 of 7442


Colorado’s Pristine Roan Plateau Threatened by Drilling Surge

As Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter prepares to take a stand on federal plans to allow thousands of oil and gas wells on Colorado's Roan Plateau and surrounding land, an investigation by Environmental Working Group has found that drilling permits in the area have already more than doubled since 2004. An analysis of drilling data on federal and private land by EWG found that the number of wells permitted

Will DeLay Allow 112 House Members With MTBE Tap Water Contamination A Vote To Protect Their Constituents?

House Republicans Are Expected To Block Amendments That Would Strip Their Polluter Immunity Provision From Energy Bill


Nurses' Health

Caring for patients during a typical workday, nurses handle dozens of chemicals, drugs, and other agents that are designed to prevent, diagnose, control, or cure diseases and other health conditions. These therapeutic agents can heal, but have side effects as well. For most patients, the benefits of tightly controlled doses usually outweigh the risks. But the same may not be true for nurses.

California Gov. Signs Bill to Make Sure Drinking Water is Safe for Kids

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed into law groundbreaking legislation, sponsored by EWG, to ensure that California's drinking water standards are strong enough to protect children.

GOP Energy Bill Presents Historic Threat to Environment

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.

List of towns, counties blocked from drinking water clean up by GOP Energy Bill Grows

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.

Congressional Plan to Shield Polluters From Cleanup Costs Will Benefit A Handful of Texas Oil Refiners

Millions of consumers and their water utilities in 25 states will be forced to pay billions of dollars to remove a toxic, foul-smelling gasoline additive from drinking water under a plan to prohibit...


In the first nationwide tests for chemical fire retardants in the breast milk of American mothers, Environmental Working Group (EWG) found unexpectedly high levels of these little-known thyroid toxins...

First-Ever U.S. Tests of Farmed Salmon Show High Levels of Cancer-Causing PCBs

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) today released results of the most extensive tests to date of cancer-causing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) levels in farmed salmon consumed in the United States...


Environmental Working Group (EWG) applauded Sen. Barbara Boxer's introduction today of a bill to set a national safety standard for rocket fuel waste in drinking water, and released exclusive up-to...

Children Overexposed to Rocket Fuel Chemical

As a House committee prepares to vote on a bill requiring the EPA to set a safety standard to protect children from the rocket fuel contaminant perchlorate in tap water, a new analysis by Environmental Working Group finds that 250,000 one-year-olds are exposed to perchlorate above the government's safe dose, from food sources alone. This is the equivalent of 1 in every 16 one-year-olds in the


Residents of predominantly non-Anglo or poorer neighborhoods in California are much more likely to breathe harmful levels of airborne soot and dust than residents of more affluent or white...

Lone Smog State

A new computer investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), using data generated by Texas and other state governments, shows Texas Gov. George Bush has the worst anti-smog record in the...

USDA sides with EWG on E. coli

The food poisoning test that ABC News Correspondent John Stossel used to allege that organic food "could kill you" cannot definitively prove any risk of food poisoning, according to a letter issued by...

Truth Wins Round One: ABC Confirms Stossel's Pesticide Results don't Exist

After six months of stone-walling, ABC News yesterday confirmed an Environmental Working Group (EWG) allegation that the network did not conduct pesticide tests for a special "20/20" investigation by...

Trouble Downstream

Due to lax standards and implementation problems, the conservation compliance program is missing cost-effective opportunities to make further, substantial reductions in soil erosion on U.S. cropland.

4 Contra Costa Plants Long Overdue

Half of major industrial water polluters in California are operating with expired pollution permits, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Friends of...

News Release

By cutting energy efficiency programs almost in half, electric utilities are sticking consumers with bigger electric bills and dirty air, concludes Unplugged, a new study by the Environmental Working...

Industry Wages Fight with Campaign Contributions

An analysis of campaign contributions and air pollution data released today by the Environmental Working Group concludes that too many politicians side with their contributors and against their...

EWG Air Monitoring Finds Hazardous Levels of Methyl Bromide

EWG Air Monitoring Finds Hazardous Levels of Methyl Bromide in Yards of Castroville Residents State's Tighter Restrictions Not Enough; Neighbors Call for Ban of Chemical

Scare Tactics, not Science

Rural areas are largely unaffected by toxic airborne particle pollution that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks to reduce in order to save thousands of lives in major urban areas...

Toxic Wastes 'Recycled' as Fertilizer Threaten U.S. Farms and Food Supply

Under the guise of 'recycling,' millions of pounds of toxic waste are shipped each year from polluting industries to fertilizer manufacturers and farmers, who used toxic waste laden with dioxin, lead...

Canada Moves Toward BPA Ban; Wal-Mart Will Pull All BPA-Laced Items

A day after the world's largest retailer announced plans to pull all products containing the toxic chemical BPA from store shelves, Canada began moving forward with a total ban of the toxic chemical.

DuPont to pay $8.3 Million

The DuPont company has agreed to pay $8.3 million to install water filters in nearly 5,000 southern New Jersey homes whose tap water is polluted with the toxic industrial chemical perfluorooctanoic...