
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3601 - 3624 of 7438

Conflicts of interest at the FDA...again

Last Tuesday, under fire from Congress and consumer groups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration promised to investigate ties between a key science advisor and business interests maneuvering to avert...

More heat, less water

a) No matter how much we disagree with it, global warming is happening. b) Now what do we do? After years of denial, now there is a sudden – and much needed – flurry of action, acknowledging the...

What's your personal body burden?

Most of us don't have the money to pay for a personal body burden analysis. And even if you do, you might be among those (like me) who would really rather not know. I do read about other peoples'...

Are Californians more flame retardant than the rest of us??

A study released today by Silent Spring Institute finds higher concentrations of toxic PBDEs in California residents, raising concerns about the unintended effects of furniture flammability laws on...

Heinz conference mobilizes women to fight environmental health threats

Jane Houlihan, the Environmental Working Group's vice president for research, and development associate Jocelyn Lyle joined more than 2,000 women at this week's Heinz Women's Health and the...

Consumers to FDA: Be there or be square

While the federal Food and Drug Administration dithers about whether to ban bisphenol A (BPA), a plastics chemical and synthetic estrogen, from U.S. food packaging, increasing numbers of Americans are...

Relax, it's baby safety month

Thanks to Nature's Child for reminding me that September is Baby Safety Month at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). I feel a little safer now, don't you? So it's no secret that I'm less...

Ask EWG: Rewind

As with all blogs, there's a wealth of information hidden from view, just waiting to be rediscovered. And Enviroblog is no different. Our series, Ask EWG, gets to the heart of readers' real, day-to...

Clean the sink and change the world

We believe that the small act of scouring the sink can be part of the giant act of changing the world. That's Shaklee Corp. CEO Roger Barnett's manifesto for how consumer products, from cleaners to...

Thank You for Spraying

When Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) spoke to the Organic Trade Association's Washington Policy Conference the other day, her talk had two parts: the part where she left the distinct impression that she...

USDA Needs To Deliver Tough Love To Ethanol Industry

Lobbyists for the corn-ethanol and the “advanced” biofuels industry had a meeting yesterday (March 21) organized by the United States Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development to “discuss...

Money Talks; Hunger Doesn’t

America is emerging from a financial calamity that claimed millions of jobs. Hundreds of thousands of families struggle every day just to feed their kids. The tenuous economy has increased pressure on...

What’s That You’re Putting in Your Tank?

The government's decision to allow sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol, so-called E15 gasoline, means that one of these days we'll likely be pulling into gas stations that could...

Big Ag to Food Stamp Recipients: Go On a Diet

Last week was a reminder – if I needed it – of just how out of touch the powerful farm lobby is with the rest of America.

Money Where Our Mouths Are

Food and agriculture policy always comes down to money: how federal dollars will be prioritized and spent.

Top Ten AgMag Stories for 2010

The 10 most important stories from EWG's AgMag blog in 2010.

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement

The Food Movement Must Fight a Secret Farm Bill

Industrial agriculture's allies are hijacking the farm bill process. The farm subsidy lobby and a handful of their powerful Congressional allies are working overtime to skirt normal democratic...

The Ag Lobby Goes for the Gold

Here in Washington, the so-called “Super Committee” on deficit reduction is continuing to scour the federal budget in search of $1.5 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years. The House and Senate...

Americans' Views of Industrial Agriculture By the Numbers

The popularity of Oscar-nominated “Food, Inc.” and writers Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman make it clear that consumer interest in food and farming issues is now deeply embedded in the cultural...

Breaking Land – Breaking Trust

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is moving to help out farmer in drought-striken areas by giving them the option to cut hay and graze livestock on land that had been taken out of production...

Protect the Public from Tainted Produce? Outrageous!

The produce industry, fresh off a failed attempt to get the federal government to fuzz up the results of its annual tests for pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, is at it again.

What Would Grover Norquist say?

The Western Farm Press, in a June 29 editorial by Harry Cline, its editor, labeled the Environmental Working Group “tax dodgers.” The headline, “Environmental Working Group dodges taxes on $90 million...

The Corn Ethanol Subsidy Wagon Loses a Wheel

Something remarkable happened in Washington last week. In a historic, game-changing vote, the Senate voted to put America's taxpayers and its soil and water ahead of special interests and the corn...