
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3649 - 3672 of 7438

Labor Group Disappointed as Asbestos Talks Fail

The AFL-CIO expressed its dissatisfaction with the end of negotiations seeking an agreement between asbestos companies, insurers and those sick or dying from the harmful material.

White House Undermined Chemical Tests

EWG has investigated scores of harmful industrial chemicals, the companies that produce them and the government policies that permit Americans to be exposed to them in their food, water and the air...

Increasing Pollution, Dwindling Options

The Food and Environmental Reporting Network released a striking report this week (Sept. 18) describing how industrial agriculture and climate change are fueling massive blooms of toxic algae: Blooms...

New Study Paints Corn Ethanol As Eco-Unfriendly

In May 2009, Steve Ruh, who was then chair of the National Corn Growers Association's Ethanol Committee, called corn ethanol the “most environmentally friendly fuel available today.”

The Guide: Good Food on a Tight Budget

Environmental Working Group's researchers have created Good Food on a Tight Budget, a science-based shopping guide of the top 100 foods that are healthy, cheap, clean and green. Here are the files for...

Food for Thought? Not With the Farm Bill

Sarah (not her real name), was usually one of the best students I met while teaching 8th grade math in a New Orleans public school. When I asked a question, her hand darted into the air as she...

An Earful: Corn Congress and the Cash Crop

“You learn something every day if you pay attention.” ~Ray LeBlond And that happened this morning, when in an online dialogue, a farming friend popped in, talking about his trip to DC for the “Corn...

See? You Do Make a Difference

Every time I fly I notice that just before we land, the attendant acknowledges over the loudspeaker that they know I had many choices when booking my flight, and they are glad I gave them my business...

This Summer Bites for Massachusetts Residents

Officials in Massachusetts have begun aerial fumigation of the Southestern part of the state with the pesticide Anvil. The enemy: mosquitos capable of carrying Eastern equine encephalitis, of which...

Air Fresheners Not Smelling So Fresh

New Research from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences suggests that the "fresh" smell of many air fresheners is a result of the ingredient1,4 dichlorobenzene (1,4 DCB) which has...

Hummer Pushing its "Light Cigarette"

Hummer will be launching a new ad campaign today to remind consumers that they sell TWO models the H2 and the smaller, cheaper H3. Hummer feels they've been too long associated with the behemoth H2...

GAO: We're Flying Blind

On August 2, an official from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) told the Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee that our nation's law governing industrial chemicals needs to be...

Organics in the News

The New York Times plugs EWG's Shopper's Guide: If you would like to make sure your organic dollars are delivering on their promise, you can keep an eye on the Environmental Working Group’s site at...

EnviroGroups on MySpace ?

What do Oceana, Oxfam America, and Greenpeace all have in common? Well-among other things-they are all nonprofits that have tapped into the social networking world of to attract new...

A Taste for Ag Policy Discussion

Keith Good, president and editor of the popular subscription daily,, is also the editor(or should I say "Chef") of Ag Policy Soup. Launched in March '06, the site publishes audio...

Contaminating science

Check out this editorial from the Toledo Blade on the role of the military and its contractors in watering down EPA regulations.

EWG to Congress: GET REAL about developing alternative energy options

Congress and the Bush Administration have done nothing to solve the USA's addiction to fossil fuels. Even worse, they are subsidizing Big Oil at a time of record profits.

NPR: DuPont Under Fire for Teflon Fumes

From NPR's Morning Edition: Teflon may make a great plate of scrambled eggs, but it also may make for a kitchen full of toxic fumes. That is the issue behind a class action lawsuit against the maker...

MTBE: Joke's on Big Oil

The Albany Times-Union has a great, in-depth piece on MTBE lawsuits this week. Transcripts of Shell Oil execs thinking up clever acronyms for the toxic gasoline additive that's now in drinking water...

Parents Take Precautions on Toxics

The New York Times has a great profile on parents who don't care how safe the chemical companies say their products are -- they want toxics-free kids, and they'll protect them as best they can by...

Enviro-Friendly Furniture

If you're looking for couches with wood from sustainable forests, fabric free of flame retardants and finished off with non-toxic dyes, stains and glues, Q Collection makes them not just green, but...

Minnesotans See Their Future And It Ain't Green

Talk about taking matters into your own hands! Seeing that there was no answer to the question, ‘How's our environment doing?', a nature-loving Gopher-stater took it upon himself to find out. His...

"Half the Size of His Fingernail"

The Associated Press reported that Dr. Philip Landrigan of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine testified in a court case over lead paint that swallowing a chip of lead paint just half the size of his...

New York Battles EPA for Household Chemical Records

New York state is suing the EPA for its refusal to release information on the smog-causing properties of some common household chemicals. Smog-heavy states like New York and California need the...