
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3673 - 3696 of 7438

EPA's Folk Theory of Clean Air Threatens Rural America

In a proposal that “drew praise from the mining industry”, the EPA recently suggested we all stop worrying about air quality in America's less populous areas, insisting that dust from those fruited...

Chemical Mixtures More Toxic Than Sum of Their Parts

A new study from the University of California Berkeley found that combinations of low doses of toxic chemicals can be more harmful than any of the chemicals alone, suggesting that the vacuum EPA and...

Congress Blocks Ideologues From Health Agencies

Maybe President Bush still had a New Year's hangover when he signed this particular appropriations bill into law on January 3rd. The bill funding the Health and Human Services Agency contained a tiny...

New Zealand's green farmer awards

In a step toward creating a peaceful union between farming and conservation, the Ballance Farm Environment Awards of New Zealand announced their acceptance of nominations for farmers who have done the...

In the news: November 3, 2006

Several news articles and their summaries within.

EWG intern makes USA Today front page

Today's USA Today profiles (on the front page no less) EWG intern Alex Wells. According to USAT Alex may be pretty typical of Generation Y. Research suggests she and other millennials — those in their...

In the news: October 24, 2006

Multiple recent articles from news websites to be found within.

In the news: October 13, 2006

Multiple articles from recent news.

Testing for arsenic in San Fran playgrounds

Community groups in San Francisco are testing the city's playgrounds for deadly arsenic, which can leach off of treated wood play structures onto the skin and clothing of children. The City has plans...

Dupont's 2015 Sustainability Goals

Dupont has announced its new sustainability initiative which includes, among other goals, a reduction of air carcinogen emissions and submission to independent third-party verification of...

EU proposes ban on toxic embalming fluid

The EU is considering banning embalming fluid which contains formaldehyde, a potent carcinogen. Proponents of the ban are concerned about the chemical's potential to leach into the ground. The Wall...

Green-conscious GE develops hybrid lightbulb

Faux news from The Onion.

Journalism 101: Who's a Source?

In response to the debate National Geographic magazine has recently sparked with its October 2006 article, "The Pollution Within," Environmental Working Group invites journalism students, working...

EPA ignoring its own experts on air quality standards

NPR reports uncovering internal documents suggesting that EPA administrator Steven Johnson ignored the advice of EPA scientific advisors when he rejected tougher air quality standards that could save...

On spinach and food safety regulation

A quick glance at today's editorials makes clear that spinach and the recent E. coli episode are still on peoples' minds--and with good reason. The New York Times and The Capital Times of Madison are...

Farmer to AJC on Farm Subsidies: "We're playing a game."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is running an investigative series that examines many aspects of farm subsidies. U.S. subsidies for cotton and selected other crops, born in the Great Depression to...

Religious groups in Canada declare war on bottled water

Water and the rights to it have fueled many debates in the past. Recently several churches in Canada have been advocating against consumption of bottled water, citing ethical, social, and theological...

Protests in Shanghai over toxic US-Japanese cosmetics

SHANGHAI (AFP) - Hundreds of angry Chinese women have taken to the streets of Shanghai demanding refunds for US-Japanese cosmetics after authorities detected banned chemicals in some of the products.

In the news: Quote of the Day

“It really shows how peer review has just turned into some form of pixie dust that is sprinkled over studies so that they can save companies money when they run into regulatory problems.”

White House and Science

True democracy can take place only when all people have access to all information. The Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy and Center for Science in the Public Interest for years have...

Alums have a bone to pick with Harvard

It looks like Environmental Working Group aren't the only ones that have a bone to pick with Harvard. At least 17 Harvard alumni, including several leading public health experts, have voiced serious...

In the news: September 7, 2006

Safety of Mercury in Fillings Debated: The FDA wants to know if a government report reasonably concludes that silver dental fillings aren't dangerous even though they expose patients to toxic mercury...

In the news: September 5, 2006

A new report suggests that childhood PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) exposure can make children's diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations less effective.

Harvard prof enlisting people of faith to save the planet

Pulitzer-prize winning biologist E.O. Wilson is working to unite religious Creationists and secular believers of evolution theory around a shared commitment to environmental conservation. "There are...