
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3697 - 3720 of 7438

NY Schools Going Greener to Protect Children

New legislation in New York State requires schools to use greener cleaning products. The new regulations, backed by the state School Boards Association and the largest NY teachers union, aim to...

Arkansas Activist Fights Fluoridation

The Lovely County Citizen reports on one woman's winning effort to prevent the state of Arkansas from mandating fluoride in drinking water statewide, and on how one state official publicly mocked her...

Energy Bill Ensures Dependence on Foreign Oil and Gas

As the Senate considers the energy bill, the major issue is energy independence. Industry and administration sources have long argued that the key to breaking our addiction to foreign oil and gas is...

Toxic Chemicals Found in British Celebrities' Bodies

In the latest study of toxic chemicals in people, the BBC reports that seven British TV personalities were tested for 104 industrial compounds in their blood. All were contaminated with toxins, and...

Limbaugh Falsely Claims Feds Spend As Much on Environment as on Defense and Homeland Security

In his April 22 broadcast, conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh claimed that the federal government spends as much on environmental protections as it does on defense and homeland security. Said Limbaugh...

'Wild' Salmon in Stores May Be Farmed

Fresh wild salmon is gaining popularity over its farmed cousins for its leaner, tastier, less chemically-laden qualities, but recent studies from the New York Times reveal that even if stores say it's...

Australian asbestos exporter lobbies Congress for "no fault" legislation before American victims can be compensated

In the wake of the W.R. Grace indictment for asbestos poisoning in Libby, Mont., Australian building products company James Hardie Industries is working hard to make sure it escapes responsibility for...

Floating Pharmacies

Prozac, antibiotics, health and beauty products, steroids, disinfectants, fire retardants, DEET, caffeine and more are increasingly being found in America's waterways.

No Safety Standard for Cosmetics

The New York Times gets it wrong in an otherwise nice article about organic labeling of health and beauty products. Synthetic ingredients used in cosmetics are generally considered safe. The Food and...

Fluoride Concerns Gain Momentum

Grassroots opposition to proposals to fluoridate water supplies across the country are gathering community and state-level attention and support, a new piece in TIME Magazine shows.

French Resistance: Underground Group Takes on Paris SUVs

The LA Times has a funny piece about a band of subversive Parisian jokers terrorizing the SUV-driving population with deflated tires and mud-smeared windows.

Are States Rebelling?

An October 6 investigation by the Christian Science Monitor finds that 27 states are taking the lead on environmental protection issues in cases where they feel the federal government is either acting...

Bush: Carpooling, Less Driving "Helpful"

The New York Times has the article, but since they buried the lead, head over to Washington Monthly for the real story on Bush's speech - lip service to conservation efforts while Congress puts its...

Big Ag = Big Pollution

If you've ever been curious about why an environmental group like EWG has such an interest in farm subsidies, yesterday's Washington Post has the answer.

Ga. City Suspends Pesticide Use on Athletic Fields

After a local 15-year-old was hospitalized due to what doctors speculated was a reaction to pesticides on her soccer field, Peachtree City, Ga., has temporarily stopped spraying fields and is looking...

Asbestos Bill's Fuzzy Math Draws More Condemnation

More and more groups are examining the Senate asbestos bill called FAIR and finding it doesn't keep its promises – to anyone. Environmental Working Group's research has shown that the Senate's answer...

Congress, Spare Food Stamps

As the New York Times editorialized on August 17, Congress will soon debate how to trim the nation's agricultural budget by $3 billion dollars. EWG agrees with the Times that Congress should not cut...

Stewardship Stories Document Benefits – For Taxpayers and Farmers

Every day, thousands of farmers take steps to reduce polluted runoff and restore wetlands and grasslands. Many more would help, but 40 percent of farmers have been turned away by the U.S. Department...

Crop Insurance Subsidies Could Provide Bumper Crop of Budget Savings

Reducing subsidies to large farm businesses, crop insurance companies and their agents, and trimming their windfall profits could generate enormous savings, EWG has found.

Congress Plays Hunger Games with Our Vets

If you fast-forward your TV during the celebrity segments on Real Time with Bill Maher, you probably missed an important conversation during the November 15th episode driven by actor Casey Affleck...

Staunch Advocate For Genetic Engineering Urges GMO Labeling for Food

Mark Lynas, maybe the most famous apologist for GMO foods ever, this week urged a gathering of food and biotech industry employees to stop battling the growing movement to label foods made with...

Friends and Foes of Organic Food

The Alliance for Food and Farming, which is run out of a P.O. box in Watsonville, Calif., claims to extol the health benefits of consuming both conventional and organic produce and maintains that its...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

Top Six Reasons EWG Opposes the Farm Bill

The farm bill that passed the House this week and will likely pass the Senate next week has some positive features, including new conservation requirements for farm businesses that collect crop...