
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3721 - 3744 of 7438

The Case For Organic Fruits and Veggies

Recently, some online musings have been bouncing around Twitter and Facebook claiming that there isn't much, if any, difference between organic and conventional foods. One article by Melinda Wenner...

Falling Crop Prices Mean Big Payouts

The bait-and-switch pulled off by the agriculture committees of Congress in the 2014 farm bill – using 80 percent of the savings from ending direct and countercyclical farm subsidies to gin up a suite...

A “Fiscal Conservative” Shows His True Colors

You might be surprised to learn that a Congressman who considers himself a fiscal conservative and says one of his missions is to provide prudent fiscal management supported a bill that will cost $1...

Obama Wants To Cut $14 Billion In Excess Crop Insurance Subsidies

President Obama and Environmental Working Group agree: to reduce wasteful spending, Congress should cut back on egregiously high crop insurance subsidies.


Tap Water for 500,000 Minnesotans Contaminated With Elevated Levels of Nitrate

Drinking water for an estimated half a million Minnesotans is drawn from groundwater contaminated with elevated levels of nitrate, a toxic pollutant that is linked to cancer and is especially dangerous for infants, according to an EWG analysis of federal and state test data.

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

New Research Explores How a Widely Used Fire Retardant Could Trigger Cancer

Earlier this year a disturbing study showed that the brominated fire retardant TBBPA, which is widely used in consumer products, triggers cancer in lab animals. Now a new study suggests that the...

A Senate Plan to Protect Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable form of cancer. It is almost always caused by inhaling tiny asbestos fibers, which pass through the lungs and become embedded in the mesothelium, a thin...

Chemical Industry to Pregnant Women: Don’t Worry your Pretty Little Heads

I had two challenging pregnancies filled with uncertainty and stress. Thankfully, the end result was two healthy kids. One thing was certain, though – I could handle the truth. I wanted all the facts...

Farming Isn’t a Requirement to Claim Farm Subsidies

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released Tuesday (Oct. 8) found that of the $1.5 billion in farm subsidies doled out in 2012 to people who were supposedly “actively engaged” in farming...

Happy Direct Payments Day?

Today, officials at the USDA will don their Santa Claus outfits a few months early and disburse almost $5 billion dollars in direct payment farm subsidies to landowners across the country.

Untapped: Farm Bill Conservation Programs Must Do More to Clean Up California's Water

Hundreds of millions of conservation dollars in the federal farm bill should be used more effectively to address widespread water pollution problems in California, concludes a new report by...

Belgium Boosts Cell Phone Radiation Safeguards

Belgium recently adopted new cell phone regulations that bar mobile phone models designed for, and marketed to children ages 7 and younger. Under Belgium's new rules, slated to take effect next March...

Millennial Momentum

I am a millennial – one of the roughly 50 million Americans born after 1980 and coming of age in the 21st Century. Generational theorists have called me lazy, narcissistic and entitled. But they've...

Amendment Votes Show the Way Forward for the Farm Bill

Almost as soon as the gavel came down last week on an historic defeat for the farm bill in the House of Representatives, people started asking: What happens now?

Reform is Path to Farm Bill Passage

Subsidy reform could provide the path to passage of the farm bill.

Real Reform is Hard to Find

The House of Representatives faced a clear choice on Thursday afternoon when it came time to vote on the farm bill – formally known as the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013...

Direct Payments Not Dead Yet – For Cotton Farmers like Fincher

The bill Rep. Fincher voted to support as a member of the House Agriculture Committee does indeed end direct payments – except for cotton farmers like… Fincher.

Worth Protecting

Today, on the eve of farm bill consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, EWG is launching an unprecedented campaign to remind Congress that our land, our food, our families, and our farms...

Farm Bill Reform Can Help Defeat Superbug Surge

EWG argues for reform of farm programs to reduce the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production after analysis of recent government tests reveal more and more supermarket meat harbors antibiotic...

The Questions That Won’t Be Asked

Tomorrow, the Senate Committee on Agriculture will hold a hearing titled “Drought, Fire and Freeze: The Economic Disasters for America's Agricultural Producers.”

Speaker Boehner Right to Reject Extravagant Farm Bill

House Speaker John Boehner made the right choice when he refused to include a trillion-dollar farm bill in legislation designed to avert the “fiscal cliff.”


Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Likely Discharged Near Schools in 18 States

Suspected industrial dischargers of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS are located less than a mile of 27 schools or childcare facilities that maintain their own water systems, an EWG analysis finds.

Hit farm bill reset button to cut deficit, protect land

Democrats in Iowa tried hard to turn Congress' failure to pass a federal farm bill into a political liability for their Republican opponents. It didn't work.